Pics and Videos taken with your Lumia 930!

Do you guys have any tips with taking good photos with the 930??

So far i am underwhelmed big time!

they are mostly grainy, out of focus or not as amazing as i thought considering it has a 20mp sensor.

What am i doing wrong?

Eg when shooting low-light or even fast moving object (cat as an example)
Do you guys have any tips with taking good photos with the 930??

So far i am underwhelmed big time!

they are mostly grainy, out of focus or not as amazing as i thought considering it has a 20mp sensor.

What am i doing wrong?

Eg when shooting low-light or even fast moving object (cat as an example)

Keep it steady! That's important with any camera.

Remember that daylight is the easiest to photograph in. Low-light almost needs a tripod, but if you keep it really steady you'll get some great photos.
If you're talking about a moving cat in low-light, that's tricky for every phone, especially without flash.

The photos I take looks great, and far better than my 920. I don't take so much low-light photos, but when I do they always have some grain compared to daylight photos, but that's normal. You can try your own setting within Nokia Camera, that's a great way to start doing manual photos.

Post some of your photos and let us's easier to see what you are talking about.
Is it low-light? It looks like you didn't focus on the cat, am I right? Do you use Nokia Camera or the built in one from Microsoft?

It's indoors and using the Nokia camera app. I believed I had focused on it but maybe not... Kinda confusing using the app
It's indoors and using the Nokia camera app. I believed I had focused on it but maybe not... Kinda confusing using the app

You might be a little bit to close and missed the focus. You can either "tap to focus" or halfpress the camerabutton, make it focus and then press it down to take the photo. The phone itself will measure the light where you "tap to focus".

I just took this one on my office desk right now, automatic settings and I used the button to focus.
It's indoors and using the Nokia camera app. I believed I had focused on it but maybe not... Kinda confusing using the app

Checking the EXIF, the image was taken at shutter speed of 1/16s and ISO 800. This suggests that the lighting condition is not very good, particularly since the light source is behind the cat (meaning the cat is in a shadow). High ISO (I'd consider more than 200 to be high...) means that your image will have more noise. And the relatively slow shutter speed means that hand shake, or movements by the subject, could result in motion blur. You may get better result by using flash - the camera can use lower ISO and faster shutter.

Focusing in lowlight can also be quite tricky - if possible, avoid focusing on low-contrast areas (e.g. the black fur) but maybe go for the eyes or whiskers. This kind of shot is not very straightforward, and would have been difficult for any other cameraphones.
There is severe back lighting and focus is not on cat. Lighting conditions like that you just need to use flash or photos end up bleached looking like in your sample.

Indoor situations it is always good idea to use flash and focus light. Try again and post your photo :smile:
Do you guys have any tips with taking good photos with the 930??

So far i am underwhelmed big time!

they are mostly grainy, out of focus or not as amazing as i thought considering it has a 20mp sensor.

What am i doing wrong?

Eg when shooting low-light or even fast moving object (cat as an example)

Consider this:

HIGH ISO: high (but artificial) light sensitivity, most photographers wouldn't go higher than 1600 (so keep it below ISO 800)
LOW ISO: low light sensitivity. It will always be better to have a low ISO, high ISO are needed only on when you need to capture a fast moment under poor lighting conditions ( like in a party ).

FAST SHUTTER SPEED: Use a fast shutter speed when you're on optimal light conditions (direct sunlight), this in addition to a low ISO will give you grain-free pictures.

SLOW SHUTTER SPEED: This setting goes from every preset from 1/100 (in my personal opinion) seconds to the max of 4 seconds and it is used often when you are under not ideal lighting conditions, OIS of the 930 helps in this one but it won't make miracles is you select speeds of 1/15 of a second or slower but since the 930 is flat on one side (unlike the 920) you can rest the phone on a table and then take the picture. If you are into very dark photography you should consider a tripod since it will make possible 1 to 4 seconds pictures possible (I hope Microsoft can increase this in the future).

IMPORTANT: Most of the time it is better to play with shutter speed instead of the ISO (unless you need an action shot) because the ISO can ruin the photos. Remember that, the faster the sensor closes to take a picture, the less light it captures.

WHITE BALANCE: Learn the meaning of each icon here, most of the time this works well but the 1020 gained a fame of automatically selecting the wrong white balance. This affects the colors of your photos BIG TIME.

MANUAL FOCUS: Learn how to use this as well since auto does not always work as you wanted.

Last but not least, DON'T USE THE FLASH! unless strictly necessary, this will give a very artificial look to your photos.

OH and capture on RAW!, easily correct colors and stuff using photoshop or GIMP!
Can someone tell me what settings I should use in that scenario.. It's not as sharp to me
Sent from my RM-1045_1036 using Tapatalk
Can someone tell me what settings I should use in that scenario.. It's not as sharp to me
Sent from my RM-1045_1036 using Tapatalk

Perhaps you shouldn't be shooting in RAW then. Shooting in RAW requires you to know what you're doing and the photo needs to be processed on a PC after.
Try shooting in jpeg and use the auto-mode. No one can tell you what the manual settings should be since it would require the person to be next to you to see the ambience you're shooting in, etc.
I'll give that a go thanks.. Thought I was meant to shoot in raw
Sent from my RM-1045_1036 using Tapatalk
Still not impressed with the camera.. Here is another example indoors with natural light
Sent from my RM-1045_1036 using Tapatalk

Focus is too much behind cats face, more like in left ear level and forward. Which focus method you used? Camera button, tapping to screen? Photo is most definitely miss focused.

It is also ISO 200 1/25s shot which indigates light level isn't very good. You can also manually overdrive ISO 100 value for more details. Just make sure to hold camera still since shot time is going to be somewhere 1/10s levels. And use manual focus to get focus just a way you want it. On such near macro shot distances there is big probability, that camera miss focuses. Therefore i advice you to use manual focus for sharpest possible result, since subjects seems to enjoy just chilling :smile:

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