Pics and Videos taken with your Lumia 930!

A couple of quick shots (all settings to auto):

A little flowerpot outside my building:

Stopped for 5 seconds and took a picture up the main street in Oslo (Karl Johans Gate):

A Link-figure I have at home. Left is the 5MP JPEG and on the right is the unedited RAW-file (except for cropping that is):

So far I'm quite happy with the camera. Was happy with my Lumia 920, but this is just so much better.
I was going to comment on the graininess of the RAW picture, but then I remembered that this is actually how he RAW files look on my DSLR, too. Duh.

So I thought it might be good to mention for non-photo buffs that the big images are expecting to get post-processing, whereas the JPGs are going to be smoothed and otherwise processed by the camera software's presets.

Vaya con huevos, my darling.
I took some pictures with Living Images today. Uploaded a little video of some of them for those who are interested:

I have heard the focus and speed of taking photos is still quite slow, say compared to an iPhone 5s or Samsung this still the case for the 930?
Am i right when i say that colours look more true to life on 930?
I have a feeling the 1020 is tuned more towards the "real photographers" who keep lecturing everyone about what colors they should like. :)

Seriously, though, the colors are still a bit too cool for my taste, it looks like everything has a light blue tint to it. Or maybe it's just my laptop screen.
Anyone want to record a picture taking just so we can get an idea of how slow the picture taking is?
Im starting to think its because it takes 2x pictures (one jpeg, one raw) at the same time and/or does some video recording for the living images?
Anyone want to record a picture taking just so we can get an idea of how slow the picture taking is?
Im starting to think its because it takes 2x pictures (one jpeg, one raw) at the same time and/or does some video recording for the living images?
Well, picture-to-picture speed of the 1020 was the main issue I originally wanted to wait to the 1030, but I doubt that's an issue with the 930. It has one of the fastest 4 core ARM processors available today, and has 1/2 of the pixel count of the 1020 to process.
Am i right when i say that colours look more true to life on 930?
Yes,The L930 has better/true life colours. I also think the Pictures on a big screen is better on the 930.
If I compare the phone directly with the built-in screen, then the 1020 is better.
Maybe just the 5MP is better from the 1020 because of the downsampling?!

iPhone 5s vs 930 comparisons?
I don't have a iPhone 5s. Just a 4s. But also the iPhone 4s (and also the other ones) has the fastest shoot-speeds. Its just instant and can shoot the next one without a wait time..

Well, picture-to-picture speed of the 1020 was the main issue I originally wanted to wait to the 1030, but I doubt that's an issue with the 930. It has one of the fastest 4 core ARM processors available today, and has 1/2 of the pixel count of the 1020 to process.
I cant imagine, that the 1030 will so much faster. The signal processing is awesome.
1. The sensor wont be much faster than the one in the 1020 (I think they will be still the same?!). So the readout of the sensor with the massive amount of pixel would take the same time!!
2. Then comes the downsampling and post-processing. Here will be the 1030 much faster.
3.And last: Saving the images. I think they will be still the same. 2Mb + 12Mb picture = 14 Mb -> around 1-2 seconds for saving. depends on the latency and writespeeds. With RAW it will take little bit more time.
and a nice (low light) comparison between Lumia 930 (first) and iPhone 5 (second):

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and a nice comparison between Lumia 930 (first) and iPhone 5 (second):

iPhone 5 much nosier and its not sharp. This is why I hate my 4s for taking photos.
Just little bit low-light or not really good sunlight and the photos are not sharp and have so much noise -.-
Pictures with 5s would be good. Heard the 5s is much better in low light.
I don't know if it is me, but for me shot from 5S looks like your hands were shaking.
Might be good to put phones on something flat, put timer on, and let the phones take picture.
That would be awesome to see results.
sorry for the bad quality of the iPhone 5 picture - that's indeed not representative for this device... will repeat this asap...
...and no, it's not taken with an iPhone 5s, it's an iPhone 5...

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