Hey Cortana disabled (sort of)


New member
Feb 18, 2011

Just got Denim installed, but "Hey Cortana" was disabled. It says that my region and speech language must match the display language (my region's set to Canada).

So I played around with the region/language settings until everything is English (United States). Naturally that did the trick and Hey Cortana is enabled and I could set it up. The down-side is the region is US so I would get temperatures in Fahrenheit and things like that.

So then I changed the region back to Canada, and to my surprise Hey Cortana still work, even though in settings it shows as disabled! Guess I can live with that small-ish bug but I'm wondering if anyone has found a way to properly enable the feature for Canada, or other non-US regions?
Does Canada have Cortana Beta or Alpha? Because as far as I know Hey Cortana is only available for those regions who're in beta state. Germany for example is only on alpha, which means we don't get Hey Cortana with Denim.
Naturally that did the trick and Hey Cortana is enabled and I could set it up. The down-side is the region is US so I would get temperatures in Fahrenheit and things like that.

So then I changed the region back to Canada, and to my surprise Hey Cortana still work, even though in settings it shows as disabled! Guess I can live with that small-ish bug but I'm wondering if anyone has found a way to properly enable the feature for Canada, or other non-US regions?

Which weather app are you using? In the stock Weather app you can change, in settings, if you want Celsius or Fahrenheit. And also other weather apps have I think this setting.
Which weather app are you using? In the stock Weather app you can change, in settings, if you want Celsius or Fahrenheit. And also other weather apps have I think this setting.

He's not referring to any weather apps, but to Cortana. Because of his region switch the the US (including regional format I assume), Cortana is displaying weather information in Fahrenheit now, rather than Celsius.
Canada's Cortana is in Alpha. Oh I didn't know Hey Cortana is supposed to be for Beta regions only. In that case I hope they don't fix this "bug" where it still works after flipping the region back to Canada :)

And yes I was referring to the temperatures Cortana gives back.
It's also possible to ask Cortana to give the temp in Celsius. The results of how "good" this works are devided. Did you try it or are you now "happy" as is.
A trick to get around that - Simply say "What's the temperature outside in celsius?". Does the trick for me.
Yeah I realized I can ask her for temperatures in Celsius, but I'm lazy and don't have to have to say that every time.

I'm happy now that Hey Cortana's working with my region set to Canada. The only problem is if I ever wanted to turn off the feature, even temporarily, I'd have to change my region/language back to US and go through a couple of restarts to enable Hey Cortana in settings so I can uncheck the box.
Thanks for the uk suggestion, now I have temperatures in Celsius and hey cortana properly enabled. That's the best workaround so far. Plus the British accent is kinda awesome :)
Sent from my Lumia 930 using Tapatalk
Here are the settings I used to get it working

Language: English (UK)
Region: UK (Regional format: English (Canada))
Speech: English (UK)
Hey Cortana: On
Thing is, in the UK we measure weather temperature in Celsius when it's cold, and in Fahrenheit when it's hot. When Cortana can cope with that kind of reality I'll be impressed. Currently she can't even tell me the time when I ask (would be handy when wearing my headphones). So, Cortana has some way to go before reaching even the minimum expectations. Let's hope 'beta' still has a lot of dev time to go.
Indeed it is. Blame Thatcher, she was the education minister at the time the shift to metric was messed up.
Hey skinnypig, I've been holding onto Canada alpha Cortana in hopes that it helps push it to beta faster but now getting tired. Are we missing a ton of stuff now that you've switched? Like was it the same for you? I never hear cortana speak about anything. Just shows stuff on the screen.

There's voice prompting over bluetooth for stuff but I can't remember if it was the same before/after cortana.

Thing is, in the UK we measure weather temperature in Celsius when it's cold, and in Fahrenheit when it's hot.

Wow, that is not odd at all :D And I thought we Canadians had an identity crisis doing weights in pounds, heights in inches, distance in KMs. Or maybe that's just me. :D
Hey skinnypig, I've been holding onto Canada alpha Cortana in hopes that it helps push it to beta faster but now getting tired. Are we missing a ton of stuff now that you've switched? Like was it the same for you? I never hear cortana speak about anything. Just shows stuff on the screen.

There's voice prompting over bluetooth for stuff but I can't remember if it was the same before/after cortana.


I'd say it's about the same. I mostly use Cortana for weather, but have notice the other stuff like setting alarm or reminder or the occasional tell me a joke all have speech in Canadian alpha.

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