Icon Had Cyan/8.1 But Lost It With Developer Preview

Joshua Jackson

New member
Nov 20, 2012
I didn't see anyone else post similar information, so I wanted to ask about it.

I purchased an Icon on Craigslist, over the weekend.
When I went through the setup, it asked me if I wanted to use Cortana.
I was surprised, because I thought the Icon had 8.0.
After setting everything up, I looked through Settings and it said Lumia Cyan on Extras+Info.
I thought that was very strange, as I had read about the Under Development thing just hours before.
Well, I started doing the Developer Preview updates and it reverted back to Lumia Black.

So, my big questions are...
How did it get Cyan/8.1?
If I do a factory restore, will it come back?

I'm not sure if I'll miss any of the new options that Developer Preview brings, given that it already had 8.1.
I would like to have some of the Cyan options, though.
It might be the Extras+info bug that shows the Firmware name but has none of the features of the update (as Verizon has not pushed out the update), The Lumia Icon might of had 8.1 developer preview on the device before you bought it, installing DP on the unit will bring it up-to-date with the current OS and you will not lose functionality of the current firmware, DP only gives OS updates not Firmware.

As i said before i doubt that you have the newest firmware, unless you purchased a field test unit from a Verizon Radio Technician then you don't have Cyan.
It never had Cyan. There was a bit of bug with the DP that showed Cyan in Extras and Info but it was just that...a bug.
Well, I hadn't heard anything and figured it couldn't be any worse.
I did a factory reset and I have Windows Phone 8.1 Update and Lumia Black.
OS version: 8.10.14203.306
Firmware revision number: 1028.3566.1417.0047
I would really like to get Cyan back.
The lumia Icon does not have Cyan yet. This was a bug in the Extras+Info setting, Verizon hasn't released Cyan yet.
Ok, so it looks like the hard reset keeps the same version of the OS that was just on it.
I thought it might have some internal "factory" image.
I guess it's not really a "factory reset".
If you really want Cyan, I would do some research about changing the ROM to a Lumia 930 possibly a South American/Latin American ROM & getting the cyan update that way. That is what w did to get cyan on the Lumia 925 for T-Mobile when they took forever to update it.
I didn't see anyone else post similar information, so I wanted to ask about it.

I purchased an Icon on Craigslist, over the weekend.
When I went through the setup, it asked me if I wanted to use Cortana.
I was surprised, because I thought the Icon had 8.0.
After setting everything up, I looked through Settings and it said Lumia Cyan on Extras+Info.
I thought that was very strange, as I had read about the Under Development thing just hours before.
Well, I started doing the Developer Preview updates and it reverted back to Lumia Black.

So, my big questions are...
How did it get Cyan/8.1?
If I do a factory restore, will it come back?

I'm not sure if I'll miss any of the new options that Developer Preview brings, given that it already had 8.1.
I would like to have some of the Cyan options, though.

Yeah, if I switch off dp, mine has denim. Lol.
If you really want Cyan, I would do some research about changing the ROM to a Lumia 930 possibly a South American/Latin American ROM & getting the cyan update that way. That is what w did to get cyan on the Lumia 925 for T-Mobile when they took forever to update it.

Do NOT flash the 930 ROM with the ICON. The Icon has CDMA while the 930 does not, the Icon requires CDMA keys which make it function on the Verizon Network. Flashing ROMs only work on Global Varents of Devices, the Icon is no such device.

Even if you try to flash it, the 930 and Icon have diffrent signatures on the hardware level preventing this from occuring.
Do NOT flash the 930 ROM with the ICON. The Icon has CDMA while the 930 does not, the Icon requires CDMA keys which make it function on the Verizon Network. Flashing ROMs only work on Global Varents of Devices, the Icon is no such device.

Even if you try to flash it, the 930 and Icon have diffrent signatures on the hardware level preventing this from occuring.

Thanks for that I didn't know you couldn't flash ROMS on Verizon phones. I forgot that they had CDMA; I've been GSM since 2007.
Do NOT flash the 930 ROM with the ICON. The Icon has CDMA while the 930 does not, the Icon requires CDMA keys which make it function on the Verizon Network. Flashing ROMs only work on Global Varents of Devices, the Icon is no such device.

Even if you try to flash it, the 930 and Icon have diffrent signatures on the hardware level preventing this from occuring.

is it possible theoretically? and with a different radio file(from wp8 for icon)
its possible in android and bb10 i think
and jailbroken ios
is it possible theoretically? and with a different radio file(from wp8 for icon)
its possible in android and bb10 i think
and jailbroken ios
As we are speaking theoretically... if you have a big enough security hole to bypass the digital signatures on the firmware files and still get them to install somehow, sure.

In other words no.

AT&T L1020 has the same issue with other RM-877 ROMs. I'm patiently awaiting someone to figure that one out.
As we are speaking theoretically... if you have a big enough security hole to bypass the digital signatures on the firmware files and still get them to install somehow, sure.

In other words no.

AT&T L1020 has the same issue with other RM-877 ROMs. I'm patiently awaiting someone to figure that one out.

yeah i hope someone figures this out once and for all
itll end CDMA users not getting updates from carriers etc
They could easily disable your CDMA address from joining their network if they could detect that you did. Don't know how much they know about the phone when it connects to their network.
They could easily disable your CDMA address from joining their network if they could detect that you did. Don't know how much they know about the phone when it connects to their network.

i dont think so
android and Blackberry users have done such things for years with no such issues
windows phone just needs to be figured out for this
They could easily disable your CDMA address from joining their network if they could detect that you did. Don't know how much they know about the phone when it connects to their network.

It has nothing to do with disabling a "CDMA address." It is because CDMA requires a carrier specific key that is baked into the firmware. Without that key you are unable to join that carrier's CDMA network. So, beyond the signatures needed to install a 930 ROM on an Icon, you NEED that CDMA key, which Verizon provides to the OEMs for inclusion.

As far as how the carriers enable/disable devices, they rely on IMEI...CDMA adds an extra layer of security to the process. That is why GSM is so popular, you don't need a special key, just an activated SIM from that carrier. This simplifies things for both the consumer and the carrier. It also makes the network less secure, but the trade-off is a more flexible network and easier to upgrade in the future.

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