15 year old vs mom and the iphone 5

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Jan 9, 2013
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insecure thread, i buy sony tv's because i like how they look compared to other brands, i like how apple computers look but buy PC and windows products because i find them more useful, same reason i buy the iphone over other devices, it simply has more things to offer for me rightnow. I dont belong to any team, gang, company, i dont hate any brand as i dont work or represent any, i just use whatever i like and makes my life easier. Hating everything apple makes makes people look as childish as any apple ''******''. I also wouldnt really care what is cool for teenagers now of days, im a grown man that can buy my own stuff, taking pride on owning something just because teenagers like it now of days is kinda sad.
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Apr 4, 2012
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You must be on crack if you don't think iPhone users are smug. I've had multiple encounters where people wouldn't even consider the Lumia 900 because it wasn't an iPhone. Come on now I'm all for being realistic but lets not sugar coat stuff. Ok not all lemme rephrase but there are some real smug assholes with iPhones.
Sent from my Lumia 920 using Board Express

There are smug people who own all types of phones. Can we please stop pretending that phenomenon is exclusive to iPhone users? Personally my experience is that the Android nut huggers I know are 1000 times more condescending about any non-Android device than any Apple fan I have seen in a long time. When the iPhone was new I saw more... But the point is who cares? Its a phone. Both sides need to get over it. The people with chips on their shoulders and the allegedly smug.


Apr 4, 2012
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People buy Apple because of the brand name.You can take any crap around and put an Apple logo and tell some people that is the new Apple whatever and they buy it with blind eyes.I've been on the train with my tablet and people have told their kids when they asked, that's an Ipad.They just think everything is Apple. Apple consumers are so blind they don't look around to see what's new or better. And yes there still people around that buy Apple products because they think is a sign of status and they brag about it. Remember the main post is about kids and kids like to brag. Even adults like to brag. I fix computers on the side and I don't deal with Apple computers and when people ask why and tell me Apple is the best I just tell them to go to the Apple store to get support where they bought the product.Since they are the best they could fix it better($$$$$$$).

Some people probably do. You will find people who are brand loyal to a fault with any product. Apple makes good products. You don't earn brand loyalty like that by building crap. Does Apple have clever trendy marketing? Absolutely. But to dismiss EVERYONE who buys an Apple product as an ignorant victim of marketing who could have bought a $389 Dell that's "just as good" is asinine. Apple's stuff is expensive and its not always best in class in terms of specs alone, that's why I don't buy Apple everything myself. But you do get more than an Apple logo when you buy their products. Some people, myself included, prefer Mac OS X to Windows. Others like the hardware. There are plenty of legitimate reasons to buy Apple's stuff. Another is being able to go to an Apple store and get top notch service instead of going to Geek Squad to get ripped off or to some random freelance guy like you with unverifiable credentials and no accountability.

Maybe we should try not to get so upset about the purchase decisions other people make or make assumptions about them.

I own an Apple MacBook Air, a Lenovo Think pad, an Asus Android tablet and a Nokia Windows phone. I chose them all for different reasons and I don't think I'm better than anyone else because of any of them and I don't know anyone else who feels that way about their electronics either.

The bottom line is hating a brand and labeling all the people who use it as smug trendwhores makes you just as much of an ass as the people you're complaining about. The truth is most people, Apple consumers included, just buy what they like and don't give it much thought beyond that.

Most Apple customers are normal people, not elitist hipsters, just like most PC customers are normal people, not socially maladjusted nerds like the swingline stapler guy in Office Space.

Let it go. High school is over.


Apr 4, 2012
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I hate Apple as a company, maybe hates too strong a word. How about a fervent dislike of anything Apple (dont even like the fruit - although thats for different reasons)
Its not entirely about the products they produce as ive owned an iphone 2, ipod touch and an ipad and they were all good at what they did. Its the inherent bullsh*t thats synonymous with the Apple brand, the obsessive skuemorphism that pervades everything they did and still do. The tax dodging, the inflated markups an all products, the self cannibalism in the range of devices they produce, the almost cult like following (go back 3 years and you cant argue with it), horror stories from manufacturing plants. I could go on but hopefully you get my point.

No, I don't get your point. Buy what you like. Everything else is made in the same kinds of Chinese factories that Apples stuff is. Do you think your Windows Phone or PC was made by an American union worker making $80,000 a year with 6 weeks of paid vacation a year? Do you think Dell doesn't dodge taxes like every other big corporation. If you're going to buy your electronics based on moral grounds, well good luck finding a fair trade, organic, free range nonprofit computer and phone manufacturer. Let us know when you do.


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Mar 3, 2012
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I hear this kind of crap all the time, yet in the real world I have NEVER seen a person who was "smug" about their iPhone. You can get an iPhone for $99 now and everyone has one. NO ONE THINKS THE IPHONE IS A STATUS SYMBOL ANYMORE. They haven't for a LONG TIME GUYS.
Pitches personal anecdote as the holy grail, and uses it as justification to toss around ad hominems. Good one.


Apr 4, 2012
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I am an avid 'hater' of Apple. I simply do not subscribe to the mind warping group think that is Apple fan boyishness. They make very nice devices that perform well and are aesthetically pleasing. That being said I LOVE the fact that there are plenty of other devices and products out there that allow tremendous customization, productivity & individuality that people can afford and that more than suits their needs. I like being different. I love WP8 and really enjoy my Lumia 920. Screw Apple. I'm hanging with the cool kids who love something refreshingly DIFFERENT.

Funny how using a Microsoft product is now the refreshingly different option.

My Lumia 920 and my MacBook Air are both great. I get a lot of enjoyment out of them.


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Nov 10, 2012
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I'm failing to see the point of this argument. This was a post in a WINDOWS PHONE forum that would make those who like WINDOWS PHONE have a bit of a chuckle. If you have that much of a boner for apple and the need to quip about it on the internet, you may need to re-think your life.


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Oct 18, 2011
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I'm failing to see the point of this argument. This was a post in a WINDOWS PHONE forum that would make those who like WINDOWS PHONE have a bit of a chuckle. If you have that much of a boner for apple and the need to quip about it on the internet, you may need to re-think your life.
take it easy the story was about the youth noticing WP as something cool and refreshing it just happened to be a funny story about apple as well


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Oct 18, 2011
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There are smug people who own all types of phones. Can we please stop pretending that phenomenon is exclusive to iPhone users? Personally my experience is that the Android nut huggers I know are 1000 times more condescending about any non-Android device than any Apple fan I have seen in a long time. When the iPhone was new I saw more... But the point is who cares? Its a phone. Both sides need to get over it. The people with chips on their shoulders and the allegedly smug.
why do people insist putting words in my mouth. I never said apple heads are the only ones I was merely agreeing that some iPhone users are very smug so are android users. But I live in Boston that is a iPhone city so I will obviously encounter them more.


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Oct 18, 2011
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I wanna personally put it out there that I do not hate apple or apple products. I've owned ipods iPhones apple tv and etc I was merely agreeing that alot of iPhone users are smug that goes for anyone with a diehard brand loyalty mentality. I am open to all tech and am not biased when there is clearly a better product. Just wanna put that out there.


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Sep 23, 2011
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I'm allowed to put down apple because I used to be the biggest iSheep. Had the iPhone 4, MacBook Pro, Apple TV, Apple internet, iPod nano (4th), and more. Then I saw the opening of the iSheep pit, and I left it. The only apple products I have now is apple internet, a 2010 MacBook pro (replacing it with a vizio ca27t-a5), and an iPad 3 (the school I attend gave it to us high schools).


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Dec 4, 2010
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I'm allowed to put down apple because I used to be the biggest iSheep. Had the iPhone 4, MacBook Pro, Apple TV, Apple internet, iPod nano (4th), and more. Then I saw the opening of the iSheep pit, and I left it. The only apple products I have now is apple internet, a 2010 MacBook pro (replacing it with a vizio ca27t-a5), and an iPad 3 (the school I attend gave it to us high schools).
What is Apple Internet? Also, your high school GAVE you an iPad 3??? Wow!


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Jan 3, 2013
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Is it possible, just maybe, that you imagined the part where the mom was being "smug"?

I hear this kind of crap all the time, yet in the real world I have NEVER seen a person who was "smug" about their iPhone. You can get an iPhone for $99 now and everyone has one. NO ONE THINKS THE IPHONE IS A STATUS SYMBOL ANYMORE. They haven't for a LONG TIME GUYS.

Whenever I hear a story like this, it's painfully obvious to me that the authors own sense of insecurity or blind hatred of the iPhone is coloring the narrative.

Get over it people. If you want to hate something, hate Android. Apple is not the one eating Windows Phone's lunch, it is ANDROID you should be worried about.

No one is smug about their damn iPhone. Let it go already. The Apple hate is so damn ridiculous.

ARE. YOU. KIDDING. ME? My whole school thinks the iphone is a status symbol! i get made fun of because you are not "cool" if you dont have an iphone. I am in no way exagerating. its the popular kids with Iphones. Its like you need an Iphone to be popular..im thinking its a rich/poor thing. IPhone=Rich Other=poor

Michael Shaw

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Jan 20, 2013
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I have a friend, one of my best friends, but he is VERY smug about his iPhone, and it's not imagined. Recently it's become very difficult to talk to him because if I pull out my phone just to check a text the first thing out of his mouth is "Oh, ha, look at that crappy phone, you should get an iPhone, they're so much better." I used to argue with him, but I've just stopped caring and started trying to avoid him because he never lets it go, and he's not the first iPhone user I've met like this, he's just the most recent one of many. iPhone is definitely still a status symbol, just a very common one.
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