1GB Ram is no longer enough for WP.


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Jun 20, 2011
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If you are right, then phones with 512mb ram are done. But Windows 10 will still support them, which means it will still be more optimized.
I wouldn't call them "done" but if you plan to use it as a gameboy, its not what it is designed to be. Its a phone and it does smart phone things and can take advantage of some games on the market. But don't expect to be able to do intense, memory intensive gaming on it. I think a lot of the 512 Posse assumed too much from phones on the low end. It was never the intent.


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Aug 26, 2014
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My sister-in-law has the Galaxy S4. Yes, I know it's an older phone, but still has respectable specs as far as CPU, RAM, display, etc. It certainly has respectable specs when you compare it to a Lumia budget phone. My Lumia 635 has a number of the same apps installed as her S4, and my Lumia runs every bit as smooth or even more so in many cases than the S4 that she paid so much more for. The memory isn't an issue, with me at 512MB and her at 2GB.

The only things I haven't been able to run smoothly are things I am unable to run at all, such as games geared toward 1GB devices that will not run on 512MB. I'm not a big game player, but I've played a number of games on it, including Hungry Shark Evolution, and it has never lagged on the games that I have played. RAM isn't the issue. It's not an Xbox Console. It's a smartphone. For teenagers who want their phone to replace their game console, sure, I recommend getting a high end phone. For everyone else, a Lumia 635, Lumia 640/XL are phones that are "good enough" for 90% or more of the population, in my opinion. If it isn't good enough for you, then you're one of the 10%. Congratulations and go spend your money. ;)


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Nov 3, 2011
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and soon, Android memory eater apps will soon, for worse, available to Windows Store and Windows Phone Store...

It's far too early to make that call! Many of the abilities that make Android a comparatively memory intensive OS won't be available to those apps when running on WP (background tasks being one example). As of yet we also have a very limited understanding of what the runtime environment will look like that these apps execute under. We also have no clue how different the executables will be after being processed by MS' project Astoria. I won't be surprised if you're right, but I don't think we can be sure right now.

Last but not least, I doubt we'll be getting many Android apps at all. Those that are ported to WP will almost all come to us from iOS.
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Mar 1, 2014
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Apparently, Tumbler limits the size of animated gifs to 2MB, but a 1GB device isn't enough to display that? Do the math...
1GB ram devices = 380MB ram usable for running app. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/jj681682(v=vs.105).aspx
Incase you don't know how tumblr work, when you using tumblr app, your phone will keep downloading image everytime you scrolling.
It just simple math, my internet speed is 3MB/s (25Mbps), so it only took 1 minute and 40 seconds to fill up all 300MB RAM available (80MB for the app) while I'm using the app, now CPU have to process and releasing RAM to make space for the newer data every 1'30" or less, while CPU processing all the image and UI to display => higher CPU usage.
Unless you have the phone with better CPU or more RAM, then too bad in this situation. (#likeme)

You mean like the low end iPhones, which to this day run anything a 4GB Android device runs?
Except every developers willing to developt app for iPhone and Android, and they're willing to optimized for the iPhone rather than Android. Are you sure that they will take their time to optimized for WP10 app? Remember pixelated Angry Bird Go, FNAF 1 & 2 for WP,...?
Apple made iPhone 6 still has 1GB ram are just force all their developers have to optimized their app and not abandoned their iphone 5/5s in long time.

The point is, I want 1GB should be smooth and enough for WP, and now MS are willing to go after Android which is need more RAM to be better perfomance.
Oh and I heard from somewhere, Windows 10 will have the VM to run the ported apps from Android, that's why 1GB ram minimum is required and 940 may have 3GB ram.
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Nov 3, 2011
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1GB ram devices = 380MB ram usable for running app. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/jj681682(v=vs.105).aspx
Incase you don't know how tumblr work, when you using tumblr app, your phone will keep downloading image everytime you scrolling.
It just simple math, my internet speed is 3MB/s (25Mbps), so it only took 1 minute and 40 seconds to fill up all 300MB RAM available (80MB for the app) while I'm using the app, now CPU have to process and releasing RAM to make space for the newer data every 1'30", while CPU processing all the image and UI to display => higher CPU usage.
Unless you have the phone with better CPU or more RAM, then too bad in this situation.
I'm aware that a 1GB WP device caps an app's memory usage to 380 MB. It doesn't matter. Even with half that amount, the idea that an app couldn't display a list of 2MB images makes no sense. I've done it myself. While the math you've presented isn't wrong, it's in no way an accurate representation of what WP (or any other OS for that matter) does under the hood, neither in terms of memory management nor in terms of how the CPU factors into all this. However, I don't want to argue over why none of that really makes sense. I'd rather just focus on what your tinder developer might do in this particular situation. Here's one approach (there are more):

a) monitor when the list with images is being scrolled very slowly (or not at all) and determine which low-resolution images are on screen at that time
b) load into memory the corresponding high-resolution equivalents
c) fade-in the high-resolution equivalents ontop of their low-resolution equivalents.
d) unload the high-resolution images as soon as they are scrolled off screen

If done right, the casual user won't notice what's going on. The user will just enjoy the higher quality images and eventually take it for granted. There'd be a lot more to say about what your tinder developer is likely doing and how this would all work, but it doesn't make sense to get into all the gritty technical details here.

If this still doesn't convince you, then consider that Android also caps the memory that is made available to an app. This cap can vary widely from one device to the next, and isn't directly connected to the device's RAM capacity like it is on WP. In affect, a 2GB Android device can (and in some situations will) limit an app to less than the 380MB that it would get on a 1GB WP device. My point is that devs deal with the exact same problem on Android. Adding more RAM to an Android device doesn't magically solve this problem any more than it does on a WP device. Both are affected by memory caps and both must deal with having less memory than is desirable without sacrificing quality. Maybe your tinder dev knows his way around Android but is a WP newbie? Certainly possible...

Except every developer willing to developt app for iPhone and Android, and they're willing to optimized for the iPhone rather than Android. Are you sure that they will take their time to optimized for WP10 app?
The differences you're noticing in memory usage has, in almost all cases, absolutely nothing to do with how iOS or Android developers do or don't optimize their apps. The differences in memory usage on iOS and Android are primarily a function of the OSes themselves. This revolves around runtime environments (Android has one, iOS doesn't), memory garbage collectors (Android uses one, iOS doesn't) and a few dozen other things that have nothing to do with developer's willingness to optimize.

The same applies to memory management on WP. Ignoring bugs and the occasional outliers, where some devs really can be exceptionally good or bad at their craft, most differences in memory usage will come down to differences between OSes, not developer "optimizations".

The point is, I want 1GB should be smooth and enough for WP, and now MS are willing to go after Android which is need more RAM to be better perfomance.
Oh and I heard from somewhere, Windows 10 will have the VM to run the ported apps from Android, that's why 1GB ram minimum is required and 940 may have 3GB ram.

All the FUD currently being spread on these forums in regard to how Android apps will run on WP (will it require a VM? Can devs upload their APK? etc) is exactly that. BS. I've yet to see a whitepaper detailing any of this. It's all premature speculation. And again... for the gazillionth time (in general on this forum, not directed at you)... stop worrying about Android apps on WP. Like I said, that's not what people will be porting to WP. 95% of the time it's the iOS apps that we'll be getting, so this stink about the overhead of Android apps on WP is somewhat pointless.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not against WP devices generally shipping with 1GB or more. I'm just pointing out that yours are not the best reasons for doing that.


Nov 12, 2012
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Here is some reason why I said that:
- Some of game and app may crash on my Lumia 830 if I'm using it in a long time.
- Ported apps from Android aren't be good enough on 1GB ram device : http://forums.windowscentral.com/of...tumblr-best-3rd-party-app-tumblr-wp-ever.html
- Lumia 940 will have 3GB ram, so the other upcoming devices (lumia 740, 840) in middle-line will have to have at least 1.5-2GB ram, and low-end devices will be the 1GB devices.
- Microsoft started to dump all 512MB ram devices in store.

So suddenly my Lumia 830 is no longer an "affortable flagship" and became a "low-end flagship". :(

Actually 1GB is enough. Ported apps are running WinRT

Microsoft is dumping 512MB for several reasons because keeping apps in memory is favorable. There is no reason 512MB devices would not be able to be supported with Microsoft's approach.

As Microsoft refines and updates their Runtime, Compiling tools, and WP OS you will see the difference!
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Mar 1, 2014
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95% of the time it's the iOS apps that we'll be getting, so this stink about the overhead of Android apps on WP is somewhat pointless.
So you believe that they will bring iOS app to Win10 instead of Android app. Then why're you so sure about that? There's nothing to point out that the flood of Android app won't happen, and same as your belief that 95% app will be from iOS, which is the good thing. Unleast there is or are something I haven't heard about...

I know we're too soon to speaking about this, but atleast we have to make MS known our concern about the flood of Android app!

Some personal thought for a5cent:
I don't know why you're trying so hard to prove me wrong... I seriously don't really care much about all the detail with this and just want to share my concern about this situation. Isn't that the point about this forum? Or is this forum you only allow to flattery MS and Windows? From all the text wall of your I have the feeling about this, I think you don't want any of us discuss any bad thing about this platform at all. I'm not sure why, but your "tinder developer" words kinda offended also, there's no point to sass around here. If It just me then I'm sorry for misunderstanding.


Nov 12, 2012
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So you believe that they will bring iOS app to Win10 instead of Android app. Then why're you so sure about that? There's nothing to point out that the flood of Android app won't happen, and same as your belief that 95% app will be from iOS, which is the good thing. Unleast there is or are something I haven't heard about...

I know we're too soon to speaking about this, but atleast we have to make MS known our concern about the flood of Android app!

Some personal thought for a5cent:
I don't know why you're trying so hard to prove me wrong... I seriously don't really care much about all the detail with this and just want to share my concern about this situation. Isn't that the point about this forum? Or is this forum you only allow to flattery MS and Windows? From all the text wall of your I have the feeling about this, I think you don't want any of us discuss any bad thing about this platform at all. I'm not sure why, but your "tinder developer" words kinda offended also, there's no point to sass around here. If It just me then I'm sorry for misunderstanding.

There is not a singleAndroid/iOS app on WP. The interfaces of Android/iOS/WP are similar, and Microsoft is providing tools to help apps to their platform using Android/iOS API.
Memory consumption will definitely be greater with WinRT apps, so that would be a slight concern for people with 512MB devices.

Worst case scenario IE will dump tabs in memory and will need to refresh them lol


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Nov 3, 2011
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So you believe that they will bring iOS app to Win10 instead of Android app. Then why're you so sure about that? There's nothing to point out that the flood of Android app won't happen, and same as your belief that 95% app will be from iOS, which is the good thing. Unleast there is or are something I haven't heard about...
I suspect you and many others are focused on Android apps because that's what we've been hearing about for quite some time now. Maybe it's also because other OSes like BB or sailfish can already run Android apps, and we just aren't accustomed to thinking that foreign apps might come to WP from somewhere else other than Android. I don't know.

Anyway, if both iOS and Android apps could be automatically ported to WP by the press of a button, and there was absolutely no difference between either approach, then we could safely assume we'd get both iOS and Android apps in equal amounts. Then you and I would both be wrong.

It's just not true that there will be no differences. For example, apps ported from iOS will not require the support of a security container at runtime (some form of emulation), nor will they require a runtime environment like ART or MS' CLR. Those are already two huge reasons to prefer the iOS apps as a starting point, simply because developers can expect better performance and won't have to spend as much time troubleshooting performance issues. Another issue that will have some affect are the conceptual differences between Android and iOS/WP. No porting tool, no matter how good, can make all of those differences inherent to Android disappear. That means all but the most trivial apps being ported from Android will require more manual adaptations. Add these issues together, and you get better runtime performance at a cheaper porting cost, when porting from iOS rather than Android. That already seals the deal for almost all developers.

Finally, at the build conference, the crowning W10 announcement that MS worked themselves towards, was the ability to recompile iOS apps for W10 (not the ability to port Android apps). The fact that MS already has their iOS porting tools out in the field and that the iOS Candy Crush port is already in the WP store, further hints at which approach MS deems more important. I already explained why above. I also recall an MS employee stating that they thought long and hard whether they need the ability to port Android apps at all, but they eventually decided to do it because iOS doesn't play a role in many of the low-end markets WP is trying to win over. It's only in those situations, when there is no iOS app to use, when MS will recommend using the Android porting tools.

Most of us in these forums live in western societies. There are likely few apps we'd want which exist only for Android but not for iOS. That's why most of the developers making the apps that we in these forums use, will have a choice between one of two starting points. That's why most of those will chose iOS as their starting point.

So yes, while I won't be surprised if ported Android apps require more memory than their WP or iOS counterparts, saying that 1GB devices are outdated because of this seems very premature to me. If we were talking about 512 MB devices being sold in developing markets where iOS has 0% market share, then I'd say you have a point. Maybe that's why MS has stopped producing 512MB devices. That's just not the topic of this thread.

Some personal thought for a5cent:
I don't know why you're trying so hard to prove me wrong... I seriously don't really care much about all the detail with this and just want to share my concern about this situation.
Because you are wrong, and because despite claiming that you don't care about the technical details of memory management, your entire argument rests on your incomplete understanding of precisely such details. I'm trying to convince you that while it's fine to want more RAM, you're not doing so for sensible reasons. I have nothing against you personally. I just want to help the WP community evolve a better understanding of what these devices do, how they work, and what's important and what isn't. In this case having more than 1GB of RAM isn't that important, at least not for the mentioned reasons.


Nov 12, 2012
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Porting from iOS to WinRT is the job of the developer. All this talk about memory consumption should be transparent to consumers. ;)

This is not an automagical process... At least not yet it is


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Jan 21, 2014
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That is simply not true. Apps don't run simoultaniously, unlike Android which still runs kinda good even on 1GB of RAM. Any decent non-game app will not use more than 300MB of memory. Did you forget to turn off background services on your phone from the Battery Saver app? Even the ones that are said to have a 0% usage slow your phone down. My Lumia 520 still runs smoothly.


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Apr 20, 2014
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My friends phone I galaxy s3 and have it over 2 years now. He can run WhatsApp, facebook, facebook messenger and a browser smoothly and fast, and yea, this android have only 1gb of ram.


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Aug 16, 2014
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I'm not sure if 1 gb devices are doomed just yet.Windows 10 will run fine regardless.Ram is only the amount of memory in use at any one time. A gig is enough for mobiles.The iphone 6 has the same.I would be more inclined to say that phones with snapdragon 400 series processors are no longer enough


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Oct 2, 2013
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Last but not least, I doubt we'll be getting many Android apps at all. Those that are ported to WP will almost all come to us from iOS.

At least not RAM eater app... and ios also has limited access to the OS too, same as Windows Phone. Seems logic to me


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Aug 26, 2014
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There is not a singleAndroid/iOS app on WP. The interfaces of Android/iOS/WP are similar, and Microsoft is providing tools to help apps to their platform using Android/iOS API.

Memory consumption will definitely be greater with WinRT apps, so that would be a slight concern for people with 512MB devices.

Candy Crush Saga was ported from iOS using Microsoft's new tool. How can you say there is not a single Android/iOS app on WP?
Candy Crush Saga also runs awesome on 512MB devices.


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Nov 12, 2012
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Candy Crush Saga was ported from iOS using Microsoft's new tool. How can you say there is not a single Android/iOS app on WP?
Candy Crush Saga also runs awesome on 512MB devices.

worth noting that I believe my sister plays it avidly on her iPhone 4 to this day.


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Jul 7, 2014
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Candy Crush Saga was ported from iOS using Microsoft's new tool. How can you say there is not a single Android/iOS app on WP?
Candy Crush Saga also runs awesome on 512MB devices.

You are kidding right ? Sir

If not then let me tell you it barely runs on 512MB RAM WP devices.
It run normally in her slow motion(animation) and not to mention if switch to other task or lock your screen while playing. This game will restart.
I apologize in advance if your comment was sarcasm.


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Aug 26, 2014
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You are kidding right ? Sir

If not then let me tell you it barely runs on 512MB RAM WP devices.
It run normally in her slow motion(animation) and not to mention if switch to other task or lock your screen while playing. This game will restart.
I apologize in advance if your comment was sarcasm.

Perhaps it doesn't run well on low processor powered devices, but Lumia 635 is fine. It's not the RAM a game needs as much as CPU/GPU.


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Jul 7, 2014
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Perhaps it doesn't run well on low processor powered devices, but Lumia 635 is fine. It's not the RAM a game needs as much as CPU/GPU.

Ok that may may be the case.
It look like my prehistoric Lumia 620 doesn't have enough power to run CCS.
I apologize again.

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