820 battery mod


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Jul 12, 2014
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The intro. If you own a Lumia 820 you most definitely know how **** the battery life is. On the average day I use my phone quite a bit, maybe make a couple of call (apparently I have made 230 hours of call in 18 months or about 45mins of calls a day), use the interweb, listen to some tunes and so on, you get the gist.

Anyway what I?m getting at is my phone never last a full day without charging. I wanted to rectify this, sadly there aren?t many options out there; carry around a power bank, buy a new phone, you can get a couple of extend replacement batteries but they tend to only add a couple hundred mah to the already small 1650mah and then there is the Mugen power 3600mah battery which sound great and all but it does cost a fair bit about ?55 all in here in the uk. In all fairness I would have paid that a year ago but as the old girl is coming to the end of her life I thought feck it lets p*ss about and see if I could make my own extend battery.

The plan. After all of maybe 30 seconds if that of thinking I had a plan, I would buy a cheap replacement battery then wire onto that in parallel a larger battery to give me the combined Power of Gray Skulls.

The gear. One aftermarket Lumia 820 battery (sold as 1650mah but after taking it apart it was clearly printed on the metal as 1800mah) , one black shell (Bought a second hand non QI but got sent one with QI) and one aftermarket Samsung galaxy note 2 battery (3100mah). I chose the note battery because it is the same voltage and it kind of fits!!

The Job. Much like your mother at work it?s time to get stripping, it?s all got to come off!

Time to get a cutting out that case to fit the fat note battery, I used a hot wire rig I have for speed that why the cuts look a bit rough much like your mother.

Glue and solder the batteries together. I call this new mega battery oBEASTity!

Put it all together.

I keep my phone in a dirt cheap flip case, sadly it was too tight to accommodate the new massive girth. Luckily it was cheap much like your mother so I abused it much like I do to your mother.

Put it all together and you would never know I have an 820 with a 4900mah battery.

Anyway as you can tell I?m not finished, when I find some time I will make a new back to better protect oBEASTity.


Ambassador Team Leader
Nov 4, 2013
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Excellent first post!
820 users and the community as a whole appreciates help guides such as this one.

Great effort and welcome to Mobile Nations WPC ursusvir!!


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Apr 9, 2013
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Nice job, the 820 was my first Windows Phone one of the main reasons I switched to the 920 was the battery life. This is a great way to keep the old girl chugging along.


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Jul 12, 2014
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Thanks, I've been lurking on this site for a couple of weeks now and felt it was about time I set up an account and participated.


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Jul 12, 2014
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Thanks michaelkriss, many times I've thought of switching but I don't think I could do without the SD slot. Hopefully the new tech later this year will bring a phone I will happily upgrade to.

Connor Price

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Jan 1, 2014
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That's a pretty great mod. I'd probably end up blowing the thing up (much like your mother) :winktongue:, so I think i'll stick with the pathetic 1650mah battery. In all fairness, it's not too bad. It's just inconsistent for me.


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Jun 20, 2014
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That's some serious McGuyver efforts right there!! Nice work... I'm impressed...

Personally, I have the 3400mah Mugen power one, it gets the job done albeit its fat (much like your mother :-D ) But I don't mind still fits fine in my pocket!


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Jul 12, 2014
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Thanks Conner, its pretty hard to blow up (unlike my mother), there are only two wires you need to connect.
Your right the original battery isn't too bad, the phone does seem to have a similar battery life to most phones in its range


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Jul 12, 2014
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MacGyver is a personal role model of mine, could you guess?
I thought the mugen power was 3600mah, isn't just two 1800mah bolted together? She has put on a bit of weight lately and so has my phone, it almost feels like the case is made from lead!


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Jul 12, 2014
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I'm glad you like it. Hope people haven't found it rude, immature and somewhat reminiscent of a 14 year olds idea of humour.
It all work perfectly, no real complaints. I will give a better review once its had a few more charges and the battery is settled in.


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Oct 2, 2013
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the same thing goes for lumia 520,525,620,625,630,635,638,720.... (and more replaceable battery lumia)
or you could just buy a new battery same as your phone, make a line connected to the external of the phone, cut a hole on your shell (you can buy one of those), connect it to the battery, put it beside the shell
note: why do you talk about our mother? are you fall in love with them?


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Jul 12, 2014
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Yep you are right, you can do this with any device that uses a battery. I would love to see someone do it with a 920.

I'm liking your idea, you should give it a go. If you do please post it on here, would be nice to see.

Yes I have truly fallen in love with all of your mothers. I couldn't help myself they are just so lovely.

Shawn Magm

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Jun 2, 2013
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Sweet. I'm a novice with electronics and soldering, but how did you connect the batteries in parallel? Did both batteries have a black/red wire when you stripped off the covering? Please describe where the wires went when you soldered them.


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Jul 16, 2014
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Magyver forgot to tell us, that, when You connect together batteries, either serial or parallel, they SHOULD be as similar as possible.

#1 Don't connect one old to other new, for example. Or half old to old or new.

#2 And don't connect two or more batteries serial or parallel, if they are different brands, because they hardly are matched together (enough similar).

#3 Last but not least. Don't connect two or more batteries serial or parallel, if their capabilities (mAh, Ah, etc) differs each others. (#1 and #2)

Batteries, You connect together, should have same, or equal, internal resistance and .capability (mAh, etc). Someone could add little bit more or deeper warnings at will.

Court's Yours ;-]

Ps Re: kubiaxk, check other battery thread.
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Jul 12, 2014
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Harriag, first and foremost MacGyver and I recommend that you read an electrical engineering book or maybe use Wikipedia or google or just not talk!

?#1 don?t connect one old to other new, for example. Or half old too old or new.?
To start I was connecting two new cells together, also connecting two Li-ion cells of different age is no issue as long as when you connect the cells together they are in the same state of charge e.g. both fully charge or both fully discharge. Interesting fact Li-ion batteries don?t have a memory much like women after they meet you and your Georgia home boy.

?#2 and don't connect two or more batteries serial or parallel, if they are different brands, because they hardly are matched together (enough similar).?
Ok so I?m not 100% sure what you are trying to get at here ?(enough similar)???? But as I said before I connected two cells of the same voltage together. Being that most modern phone batteries are made from LiCoO2, pretty much every LiCoO2 cell (it doesn't matter who made it) runs at 3.7v. Interesting fact lead acid cells run at 2v and your mums vibrator runs at well it doesn?t matter now she has me in her life.

?#3 Last but not least. Don't connect two or more batteries serial or parallel, if their capabilities (mAh, Ah, etc) differs each other?s. (#1 and #2)?
As the cells are connected in parallel, voltage potential throughout discharge is the same for all cells in the parallel circuit, mah difference of the cells makes no difference.

I?m not going to go into this anymore with you as it will probably fall on deaf ears.

Ps never speak ill of MacGyver


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Jul 20, 2014
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I really &joy McGyver, but dude... You should get some EE basics (OK, this is bit more advanced). Li batteries are _dangerous_. So much, that each battery have thermocouple added to monitor temperature and adjust charging current (hence the 3rd terminal on batteries). Now with this latest and greatest upgrade what happened is that
1) Charging controller still thinks that it is charging old battery
2) Charging controller will not adjust charging current correctly
3) Charging controller will not stop charging when battery reaches critical temperature.

Now if you want to find more info (or see photos of houses burned down after Li batteries catch fire) go to:
Complete Guide to Lithium Polymer Batteries and LiPo Failure Reports - RC Groups
Using Li-ion cells in LED flashlights safely
How dangerous are 18650 battery packs? (also how dangerous are ebay ones from China?)


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Jul 12, 2014
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Why can people never spell MacGyver on here, it has an A people.

As you may know the charging controller works by charging the battery at full power until about 97% (as indicated by voltage) then goes to occasional topping charge. As this battery doesn't have a massive capacity there won’t be any problems with delta-v and over charge. Phone batteries are not smart like laptop batteries that is why there are only three terminals not four or more.

The thermocouple on phone batteries is only there as a safety measure and is not used for standard charging. Phone batteries are nothing like rc batteries because of different style of use. Rc stuff drains fast and charges fast that’s why they have c ratings. I have not taken out the thermo readings as the two batteries are in parallel they will get the same use and as they are physically touching they will be the same temp.

Your first link is to do with lipo rc batteries not li-ion phone batteries, like I said rc batteries and a chargers are very different from phone batteries and chargers.

Your second link well I’m not going to read as it’s about LED flashlighs.

Your third link is yet again nothing really to do with phones batteries and I’m not going to read it.
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Jul 16, 2014
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IlDear macgyver, You have some difficulties to handle Your feelings in average and modest conversation. Try to make cool appearance, it doesn't make You sound moron.

Quote: "...and your mums vibrator runs at well it doesn’t matter now she has me in her life."
You could be a perfect date for my 3 years ago died mother.:wink:

Ps I wonder, what "MacGyver" thinks about this kind of conversation. When two idiots are messing around using His name as a piece of conversation this kind of idiotic
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