Anyone else tempted by the iPhone 6 5.5"?


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Jun 17, 2014
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No, the relationship with Apple lasted until 3GS, have not looked back since then, never will. Nice apps but will never get stuck with their restrictive and closed approach...There are more than adequate options with Android & Windows


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Jul 31, 2013
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I'm definitely tempted.

WP doesn't have apps I want that ios does;

Now TV

Reliable Snapchat

A good music player

BBC iPlayer Radio app

4OD Download feature

Halifax / UK banking apps

O2 priority

Better Microsoft apps on ios, possibility of cortana on ios

Loads of games, ios has xcom!

The novelty of live tiles is wearing off now, and it doesn't help that the notification centre has made them redundant and app developers are increasingly making their tile colours the same as the theme colour which means you either have a screen of identically colour tiles or go transparent, looking at you xbox music and video.

And my htc 8x is really unreliable, I don't receive coms or notifications a lot of the time.

My next phone will definitely be bigger than 5" and I was hoping for the 1520, but since that is getting a bit old now, and Msoft/nokia is taking their sweet time releasing anything new, I'm very tempted by a phablet iPhone, if only so I can reliably receive coms.

I think things are being held up while WP 8.1 is in development. Having said that the Lumia 63x series are coming out and some new handset developers have entered the fray. The Lumia range isn't the only game in town.


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Dec 19, 2012
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I'm as frustrated as anyone hate waiting forever for the new 8.1 update, and new models, I want the 930 (US, at&t).
But honestly, I'm not even curious about this new iphone. What's different, just a bigger phablet size?


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Dec 6, 2012
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So a 128GB IPhone 6 5.5 is not tempting to you guys?

To be honest no. The unnecessary storage space will make the phone a lot pricier than it's worth, having the option of a MicroSD card is a lot more useful. It would also mean that I have to use iTunes, which is quite horrible when most of my devices are Windows/Androids.

In terms of personal preference, the one button for all design of iOS devices is by far the least intuitive and lease flexible to use among the platforms (Android, WP, Blackberry).

Pierre Blackwell

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Nov 26, 2012
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What medical apps are you trying to use on WP? There were some medical apps on Andriod that I couldn't find, but once I started searching the WP store for applicable medical apps I found some really good ones. WP finally got a WebMD app. Ehow is a good app with good medical information, and Bing Health and Fitness is one of the best one stop shop apps I've come across. Mumble, Zello, Skype of course, Viber are just a few of the apps that provide Teamspeak functionality. Playing downloaded music isn't a problem on Xbox Music, but streaming is another issue. It has gotten better with the updates but I've also heard it's been buggy on both iOS and Andriod. I think the biggest hurdle for me is going from a lively, activity intensive start screen, to a stale iOS start menu that hasn't really changed since the first iPhone. I like being able to respond from the notifications screen, but I'm sure there will be some limitations. Cortana integration even in beta is better in many regards then Siri and you'd assume they will have an iPhone 6 and 6S. Nothing else I own is Apple so it wouldn't be benefitting me at all.


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Dec 5, 2013
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Nope...... I really don't care for Apple besides 5.5" screen is smaller than my 1520. I want to go bigger not smaller. I think I would max out on a 7" screen.


Madam ImAdam

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Jan 1, 2014
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I would like to get the iPhone 6 Plus. I appreciate that they thought about the fact that the phone is bigger, and can be used differently than the smaller older ones, with landscape mode featured in messaging, mail, etc... And this is especially thoughtful - one-handed use of the device has not been overlooked or ignored, as it is on my Lumia 1520, but will actually be quite developed.


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Oct 25, 2011
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Surprisingly I still prefer the iPhone 1~4's smaller screen.

I would have got a Lumia 520 rather than 720 if not for the other specs

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