Battery went from 100% to 42% in 6 hours with light usage. Normal?


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Nov 1, 2012
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Place your screen brightness on low then on automatic. You battery should improve dramatically
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Nov 12, 2012
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Mine has 81% left after 15 hours off the charger using Portico (RM-821 CV DE...Germany...059Q9L9) flashed it yesterday.
Background Tasks:
Battery Level for WP8- allowed
Weather - allowed
WP Central - allowed
Made some calls today, checked some mails and used the camera for some photos..


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Apr 3, 2012
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For me 35 minutes of Whatsapp changed my battery from 83% to 19%. Figure that.

Background tasks: Weather (MSFT one) and London Travel.


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Jul 9, 2009
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not sure bout other people...but I have noticed that if I open an app that either needs to use the GPS or games, is when I get the big battery drain. If I use the phone normal email, web browsing, etc. I get excellent battery life.

My suspicion is that even though the app looks closed visually something in it doesn't close properly and continues to run in the background till the memory that it is in has been cleared.

To test this I used crimson dragon for a short period of time (GPS used in game), closed it the phone stays warm long after I closed the application...did a restart and phone goes back to normal temp. So something is still running in the background.

End result we need a task manager or a way to force programs closed.


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Mar 30, 2012
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I found that Whatsapp was causing battery drain on my 920. If I reset the phone and did not use Whatsapp it was fine, but as soon as I received a message the battery would start to drain ar a much faster rate. I switched to using Skype and uninstalled Whatsapp and I am no longer seeing the increased drain. The other thing I noticed is that the cell signal has a pretty big impact on battery life. When I am in an area with a weaker signal battery life is not as good.


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Feb 3, 2012
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whatsapp is a battery killer.

But going down to 42% in 6 hours is not normal. Unless you are a power user and got a ton of stuff running and you are using it nonstop especially surfing internet.

But i am usually at 40% after 13-15 hours with 3 apps running in background, 100 text, very little calls and an hour or more internet surfing.


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Dec 16, 2010
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For me, the biggest battery hog is LTE at the moment.

I'm on vacation at my parents where LTE is available. Since getting into the LTE area, my battery life has been decimated. While back in Michigan I was getting almost17- 20 hours... being in this LTE network area in South Carolina has halved that. I'm getting between 8-10 hours of 'normal' usage. Ugh...


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Oct 2, 2012
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This is what I find ****ing offensive when I come over to a message board and read about what appears to be rapid battery drain. By default your wireless device is a phone, and chief among those lauded features is the ability to make or receive a call while within your coverage area. It's an odd concept for sure, but there really are people out there that prefer to pick up the phone and call someone rather than hit up their social networks and cut a few tweets, poke their girlfriends on Facebook or pin something on Pintrest.

Lumia 920 - computer
Nexus 4 - computer
iPhone 5 - computer

Jitterbug - phone

Laptops usually last how long before you need to charge them? Then you add cellular radios and data connectivity to it. You play games on it and watch movies on it. You make phone calls and receive text messages. So it only lasts for 12 hours? Really? That's terrible!

While you are right, but people don't buy these things for them to be computers. They are mobile phones first and foremost. I have no interest in getting a device unless it can last a day with mediocre use. If the device can't do that for whatever reason, it needs to cut down from the "smart" part to make sure it's meets the "phone" part of it. I'm pretty sure this is the same for most people.

Regardless of the points you make, what OP is going through is not normal for the 920. It is capable of far better battery life. Even then, I dont think what you said is at this time even relevant in smartphones. Just about any smartphone currently sold can easily get through the day. With heavy use maybe not, but you can make anything run out of battery with heavy use. I don't think this will change in the design philosophy of smartphones either. Nobody is gonna buy a smartphone with 8 hour battery life :p

Anyways, I havnt had problems with Whatsapp as a battery drainer either. That said, I dont use it very extensively.


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Sep 10, 2012
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I'll try and keep this short. I have been very disappointed with battery life until last couple of days. (You can check some of my posts and I may have to eat my words later)Portico did not fix any of my battery issues. Well, I haven't had any random battery drains after update. I assume there were some processes hanging causing those. But I Still had 7-9% loss an hour with very little to no use. I gave Portico a week with no improvement and then I performed factory reset. Phone never got off cogs after 10 hrs so I went in and performed manual flash with latest version. Reloaded all my apps that wouldn't reload. Got phone back to same state it was in before reset. Since then, I am down to 3-4% an hour with same setup and background tasks. It's only been 4 days since I did it, but I have noticed major improvement. Now this is with the charger that came with it, I haven't switched back to wireless yet. I have deleted the battery hog apps. Drive, Gmail account and anything else that has been listed in forums as a problem child. I'm going to give it another couple of weeks before I can be satisfied, but factory reset is only thing that has made a difference on my 920.


Retired Ambassador
Dec 4, 2012
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I've factory reset my 920 like 5 times. LOL. Battery drain is still horrible. It just dies. Even when I'm not using it. I even flashed it manually.

Please don't ask me about running apps/background tasks/if I have nfc on etc. I've been through it all.

Pretty close to returning this bad boy.


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Sep 10, 2012
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I've factory reset my 920 like 5 times. LOL. Battery drain is still horrible. It just dies. Even when I'm not using it. I even flashed it manually.

Please don't ask me about running apps/background tasks/if I have nfc on etc. I've been through it all.

Pretty close to returning this bad boy.

I wwouldn't blame you if you did. I think Nokia quality control is crap at this point. I'll never buy another Nokia without a whole lotta raving reviews beforehand. I'm hoping my 920 can make it till May and I'll be getting a Surface phone. I hope. I'd even take a Samsung at this point. This phone has been a beating. Bring on the Surface phone!!!!!

Venugopal Jakhotiya

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Nov 19, 2012
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been facing the same problem... thinking about getting the phone replaced...
Not sure if apps like metrotube(bg disabled), accuweather,photostream etc are the culprits..
gonna do a hard reset once or twice before contacting Amazon/ATT


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Dec 4, 2012
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I haven't used whatapp since WP7 and it was a huge battery drain then. I have used kik recently and it crushes the battery, so I would suspect that whatsapp is also a contributor
Sent from my RM-820_nam_att_100 using Board Express


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Dec 16, 2012
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I don't have any apps installed but, after signing up for facebook through the phones accounts, my battery took a huge hit.


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Nov 11, 2012
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Mines is at 68% into 12 hours.

I've made a habit of making sure to back out of every single app rather than pressing the windows.

- Wifi: Off
- Location: On
- Data Connection: LTE
- NFC: On
- Bluetooth: Off

- Airplane Mode: Off
- Brightness: Low(Auto: Off)
- Touch Sensitivity: High
- Battery Saver: On

Background Tasks:
- Amazing Weather HD (allowed)
- My Stock Portfolio (allowed)
- Weave Reader (allowed)


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Oct 29, 2012
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i think the size of the battery comes into play also. for comparison, i have both the lumia 920 and samsung gs3. tonight before i went to bowling league i took my gs3 off the charger at 100%. went to bowling league at 6pm and used the phone while at bowling league. i emailed, (cant make a call inside there), text msg'ed, played alot of music and watched some videos. the gs3 has 2100mah battery while the 920 has 2000mah. when i got home from bowling at 10pm my gs3 was at 58% battery power. that's 4 hours of use that used up 42% of the battery. on a normal day i have to charge my gs3 atleast once during the day to get through the day. basically what i'm saying is i dont think they are putting big enough batteries in most phones. maybe it's to keep the price of the phone down, dont know. but with how bulky the lumia 920 is you'd think there was enough room to put in a bigger battery. be nice if it had a removable battery then you could just buy a bigger battery.


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Dec 26, 2012
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From my understanding, Location, Whatsapp are really battery killers, even Nokia and Microsoft admits it. Someone from HK contacted the developer of Whatsapp, and they promised there will be a new version that runs fast (like 6x faster) and fixed on WP8 very soon. But right now, no news yet. Besides some heavy games (like Angry Birds and the new Guns 4 Life), I also found that the status of cellular signal and cellular network has something to do with the battery drain. In some areas with low signal, the battery heats up and dies very quickly.

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