Being Left Behind...Where's the Mainstream Media Coverage??


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Apr 15, 2013
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Yep, MS are in full marketing mode right now. You can tell by the tumbleweeds. For God's sake Nadella, can't you find the number of a decent marketing company? You've fired everyone else, why do you keep using that useless MS marketing team of yours?


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Jun 3, 2013
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I too was hoping for some more marketing on this. One thing that worries me though, and probably Microsoft too, is the masses might not understand that they most likely need to upgrade to a pricy new PC to use it. Mass marketing in that case might lead to a lot of returned units. That said, the target audience of gamers, developers, and enthusiasts get their news through a number of mostly exclusive channels that Microsoft can take advantage of here. Sadly, all I hear are crickets.


Nov 3, 2012
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Yep, MS are in full marketing mode right now. You can tell by the tumbleweeds. For God's sake Nadella, can't you find the number of a decent marketing company? You've fired everyone else, why do you keep using that useless MS marketing team of yours?

Just hear their marketing chief talking and you would why they are so pathetic in consumer marketing, the definition of marketing for MS is holding meetings and conferences with CIOs and IT dept heads. for rest(consumer space) they expect OEMs to own the marketing.

Keith Wallace

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Nov 8, 2012
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Can't say I'm surprised. The PC upgrade factor means almost nothing, as it's a 100% requirement on the Vive and Rift as well (the high-end gaming requirements for the WMR devices are the same as what is required for the HTC and Oculus ones).

Marketing now wouldn't be very smart, though. They HAVE to get SteamVR running properly before they can market. IF they came out today and talked up WMR, they'd doom themselves. If someone went and got one, thinking it to be better than the rest, and ended up having to fight with beta tools or missing out on content, it would be mobile all over again. The masses would be embittered by the inability to (easily) use Steam, if not missing out on games entirely (nothing you can do about the Rift marketplace, though the Vive managed to get it going, apparently).

I think Microsoft should shut up for a bit. They've already messed up enough with terrible software support for mobile, Kinect, and even the recent dry spell of XB1 games. They should market this hard when they've got mainstream software support to go with a mainstream product. Until then, let the Microsoft fans do the dirty work of trying things out and let the masses stay ignorant.


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Aug 15, 2012
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Maybe they are quiet on purpose. I would hazard a guess that they don't have any intention of selling anything VR consumer related. They are working on the technology for industrial purposes and whatever "cloud" infrastructure that powers the VR backend like Azure.

Maybe there is no marketing cause they never want to sell to consumers...

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