Build 14328 - best WIndows Hello experience so far on 950xl


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Sep 21, 2012
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If you are like me, you disabled windows hello after the last update since it wasn't working properly and draining a ton of battery. I just went through re-enabling it on my 950xl, and found that not only is the setup MUCH faster, but it seems to work much better than ever. The biggest improvement: was not told once to "move closer" during setup or any of the times I have unlocked the phone since setting it up. No stutters during recognition either.

Good work MS!

Jason De Castro

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Aug 4, 2012
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Im so happy to hear this. I sold my beloved 950xl a month ago to fund something else and regretted it since. I've just ordered a new one so ill be eager to try out the latest build. My 640 is great but hasn't been the same.


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Feb 4, 2016
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Wow, the new Windows Hello Beta sign in is very good. I used to have to lift up my glasses so the iris scanner can recognize me. Now I can have my glasses on and press the power button and the light will flash and let me onto my phone. Good job Microsoft! It's very fast now, things are starting to shape up very well with the OS. Even the games like Tombraider Lara Croft Relic Run is running a lot smoother with less stutter. They have really optimized the OS a lot.


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Sep 2, 2014
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Mine is doing awesome as well. However, I still went through a lot of recognition improvement setups. I like to do it in all angles and different lighting conditions so that it can be zippy. I don't even have to hold it at a straight angle and can do it from a pretty decent distance.

When I do recognition improvement I will do it as far as possible and if the yellow line shows up I move it closer but very slowly till the green lights up again and then let it do its thing. I'll just look at the actual video to see if my eyes are showing properly and position the camera to let it see it better. I think if the camera was as good as the rear camera this would be even better.

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