Do WP8 Devices get WP9 ? (I think No)

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Nov 3, 2011
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^ lol

I was in the exact opposite position. Already in 2011 I was telling people that WP7 hardware wasn't going to get WP8. :wink:

All I'm saying now is that I am 100% unsure if all WP8 hardware will get WP9 (which is still a long long long ways off). IMHO it doesn't matter either way.


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I cannot see how a total redesign can make Wp8 obsolete. It's not like the Kernel is getting upgraded which I doubt very much.

That the kernel had anything to do with that issue is a popular idea, but it is also complete BS. Microsoft never stated any such thing, but I'm sure leaving that rumour undisputed was easier than offering a real explanation.

If hackers could get WP8 to run on WP7 hardware, then so could Microsoft. Technical problems are solvable. What held Microsoft back from doing so were (amongst other things that had nothing to do with the kernel) certainly also economic concerns.


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Apr 27, 2012
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Okay...... Here is where I do my civic duty for WPC and WP users.

At the apex of WP7 (the Nokia 900, Titan 2 LTE releases worldwide), I was beating the drum HARD that with the stupid exception of not including dual core processors, there was no way MS would not support WP7 devices and not update them. Seriously, how could they possibly spend 2 years rebranding their mobile line and not support them? I even went as far as promising to drive to St. Louis and buy another poster on "Phone Arena" a beer if they didn't.

I believed, I was sure, I was confident.

I was also completely wrong. Oops, my bad, fellow WP7 users.

So, from here on out, when one of these threads show up, I will put the "Snowmutt jinx" on this by insisting we WON'T get WP9 on WP8 devices. Therefore, we will be sure it will happen.

No need to thank me..... I owe everyone this after last time. :angel:

Odd, I knew from day one it wouldn't be upgraded. WP7 was built on a core that was outdated literally a couple months after WP7 was released.


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Mar 21, 2011
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When windows phone 9 even comes out we will most likely be o to bigger and better phones than the current crop, so I say who cares of current phones don't get some future update that is so far away........if you thought this way , advice would be to never buy anything.........besides we get 36 months of support and updates now........the generational change was made with wp8 and its only just beginning.

Sanjay Chandra

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Mar 2, 2013
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This whole thread is stupid because it's based on the OP's "Metro has failed" remark.

Really? Then why are Apple and Google doing exactly the same? iOS is practically a ******* child of Android and WP.
Metro is commercially a failure.

There is difference between failing commercially and a failure due to flaws.

Metro is not flawed but somehow majority of population doesnt like it.

Reason ? Failed to understand people's mindset.

It failed in enterprise market.

Flat design is not equal to metro but metro is equal to flat design.

iOS and Android went to flat design ( I am sure that MS or Apple didnt invent squares or rectangles) but not necessarily metro.


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Jul 13, 2013
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Lot of rumors are going around web that , due to failure of Metro , to capture commercial success , WP9 may be built from scratch in terms of "design".

Unlikely. With a brand new product you of course start from scratch but once you've decided on a path it's usually a good idea to stick with it and incrementally improve it rather than throwing the whole lot away every couple of years.

Microsoft are clearly hedging their bets on Metro. They're using it in the phones, the desktop OS, the surface tablets and increasingly in the xbox. I think anyone expecting a "new" design in any "WP9" OS are in for a disappointment.

I don't think it's a bad way to go either. As more people begin using it (as they upgrade off Windows 7 or buy the new xbox when it arrives) it'll become "more mainstream". Metro is clean, simple and generally pretty smooth and intuitive. It gets out of the way. I've used Android in the past and for me Metro is far superior to interact with. Earlier this evening my wife asked me to take a few photos on my phone and email them to her. I commented to her how quick and easy it was to open mail, choose which account I wanted, type in 2 characters from her address, quickly attach and send. Took literally 10 seconds start to finish. I expect it's identical on all other WP8 devices. That's what people want - quick and simple. With Android you're at the mercy of the phone manufacturer - they all put their own stamp on it (besides the nexus phones which are "pure") and the process can be drastically different.

We all know iOS is ridiculous with it's faux leather and gradients all over the place. They're trying to fix it with iOS7 but made a mess of it in beta...what an awful looking OS that is.
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Aug 30, 2011
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Failed? Bb10 FAILED, HP touchpad FAILED, Sega CD FAILED, Playbook has CONTINUOUSLY FAILED....

Wp8....not so much


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May 15, 2013
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WP8 uses the NT kernel, it will be most likely that future major updates will be made under the NT kernel.

John Balacano

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May 2, 2013
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Probably (this is just my opinion) well we will see MSFT just releasing for example windows 8.1 and then let say windows 8.2 and so on until after a few years will release windows 9 and then will repeat again on windows 9.1 just similar to iOS. And probably Microsoft should also fix their upgrade policies similar to what apple did on the devices you will got 4 years of guaranteed software updates directly from them not on the hands of carriers. (which takes forever to test and all other things). I mean that's 4 years if you bought the phone unlocked the value of your money is worth it on buying that phone. :)


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Apr 3, 2013
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What I find most amusing in this thread, regardless of the other arguments going on, is that fact that there's this innate fear of not being able to upgrade at some 'unknown' time frame in the future.

Let's put things in perspective shall we?

Mobile computing is a very fast moving market. It reminds me a touch of early computer development, it will eventually plateau but that seems a bit far in the future still. It also comes down to what people expect out of their mobiles.

So lets start at a simple question. How old should something be before it's no longer upgradeable? 1 year? 2 years? 3 years? Most mobile plans on contract are 2 years, so lets start with that. Just for arguments sake.

Second, let's say your phone, if bought out right, was $600, so in essence you paid less than $1/day in that two year period for your phone. I spend more on coffee in a year than that.

Third, since in the case of WP the kernel is not likely to change it's highly likely that all WP8 apps will be compatible with any new version of the OS with maybe a slight update (which devs should be doing anyway)

So my question is this. Do you see an issue with value? Does it really matter that you can't upgrade to WP9? Do you plan to keep your phone for more than 2 years? Where exactly are the issues?

At this point the only issue I could see that would prevent an upgrade would be that the OS requires better hardware to run smoothly. This is a possibility but there is nothing we can use as a marker to state one way or the other.

Speaking from a personal point of view, I think it would be slightly silly of MS to not allow WP8 phones to upgrade to WP9. That's of course if WP9 comes out in the next year or so. As long as MS is willing to support WP8 and bring out some updates to make the experience better, that's all we can really hope for at this stage.

Anything else is simply speculation. We simply don't know what the plans are.
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Mar 16, 2013
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That's of course if WP9 comes out in the next year or so. As long as MS is willing to support WP8 and bring out some updates to make the experience better, that's all we can really hope for at this.

Anything else is simply speculation. We simply don't know what the plans are.

well, MS increased WP8 support from 18 months to 36 even if there was a WP9 next year and lets say my device can't upgrade, i wouldn't need to worry right away!

but WP 8.1 isn't even out yet (and not until early 2014 i guess) actually, barely GDR2 started to roll out and people already worry about a supposed next WP version we're not even sure it will come next year lol

lets just enjoy WP shall we? and stop worrying about WP9 at least until next year!


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Apr 27, 2011
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Metro is commercially a failure.

There is difference between failing commercially and a failure due to flaws.

Metro is not flawed but somehow majority of population doesnt like it.

Reason ? Failed to understand people's mindset.

It failed in enterprise market.

Flat design is not equal to metro but metro is equal to flat design.

iOS and Android went to flat design ( I am sure that MS or Apple didnt invent squares or rectangles) but not necessarily metro.

If you keep repeating yourself, you are bound to start believing what you say. The rest of us.... Not so much.


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Jul 4, 2011
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Absolutely love posts #54 & #55!!

I will say this: MS has this opportunity to put itself into the same level as Apple in Apple's 2 strongest areas: Ecosystem, which they are building well and incorporating all it's hardware, and support.

Just think: If every user of the 8X, 8S, 92X series or even the lower end 52X series gets upgrades, firmware updates, and new features for three years??? So in 2016, only hardware requirements prevent goodies from coming? Contrast that with Android, where due to UI skins and carrier bloat I am guessing less then 10% of devices get upgraded. How much would that build OS loyalty?

MS will have to prove it. As shown by this and of course the next 25 threads like it, Windows Mobile and WP7 users are skeptics for good reason.

But, I say no. WP 8 devices will not be supported. (REVERSE JINX) :grin:


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Apr 15, 2013
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That's exactly the point. Win8 requires less, so it runs better on the same hardware.

And if I was talking about Win8 you would have a point, but if you read my statement it is responding to your point by comparing Win7 to Win Vista. Both operating systems have one major feature in common. Neither is Win8.

My point being, though Win7 may have higher min hardware requirements than Vista so long as those requirements are met Win7 runs faster and better on the same hardware that I bought to run Vista.


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Jul 8, 2013
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i think WP8 devices will get WP9.....

main reason that WP7 can't get WP8 was NT Kernel which require higher hardware spec. but no reason to drop WP8 right now.

when ms make wp7, nt kernel isn't fit to mobile devices so wp7 use ce 6.0 instead of nt kernel


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Jul 4, 2013
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I think you misunderstood me.

Did I say WP8 is not upgradeable ? No , I said WP8 will be upgraded to newer 8.x versions like Blue in future which will be big update but I am assuming WP9 will not be coming to WP8 devices.

hahaha just thanked you for trolling before you judge lets wait for wp9 then we will see :)
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