eBook/ePub Reader Quality Disappointment

Jim Chapman

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Jan 12, 2011
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I think I'd better offer an update on the development roadmap for the next few months, as it has changed somewhat - firstly because my day job (telling an investment bank what technology to spend its money on) has been busy these last few weeks, and secondly because I had a lot of users asking for the 'highlight text' feature in W8.

So, across WP8 and W8, the development roadmap looks roughly like:

Next week: W8 version 3.4, adding selection/highlighting of blocks of text, a 'copy' button and improved handling of CODE/PRE blocks (book text that must be shown in a fixed-width font).
Within the next few weeks or so: W8 version 3.5, adding all remaining WP features to the W8 program (backup/restore, dictionary lookup, define presets ... ). Also I will spend more time on improving the range of 'text sharpness' options.
Some time in April probably: W8 version back-ported to WP8, which will bring both versions onto the same code-line (and, crucially, the same underlying database, SQLite). At this point, the WP8 version will be a real native WP8 app (so it will support all screen resolutions properly, and will allow you to register Freda as the app for opening EPUB and FB2 file types).
Not very long after that: Features for selectively synching across all devices you're using, covering: settings/presets, bookshelf (including last read location), book source details. It will be based on using special SkyDrive files and folders.
Longer term: Features for sharing book lists, annotations etc. ('book club' use cases) - using an Azure cloud solution, if I can figure out a way to pay for it.
As and when I can: Fixing assorted bugs and formatting concerns (line spacing and margin issues, broken image path logic, clean management of the choice between 'block' and 'indent' paragraph layout ... )

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