Fallout 76 is a hot mess that I can't stop playing

Windows Central

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Dec 17, 2013
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Fallout 76 is a mess, so why can't I stop playing it?
Bethesda is notorious for its bugs and engine anomalies. Its dynamic, modular Creation Engine used for Skyrim, Fallout 4, and other titles allows the company to fairly rapidly build huge open worlds, full of detail and reasons to explore. The company has repurposed the systems and assets used for Fallout 4 to build Fallout 76, the core team's first attempt at an asynchronous multiplayer game.
Bethesda conceded that Fallout 76's beta would see "spectacular" bugs and issues, and there's truly no other way to describe it. The beta test left a sour impression on many users, despite Bethesda's emphasis that it was a true beta test, and not a marketing demonstration, as often seems to be the case with modern "beta tests" for AAA games. The full game launched this week, so is it any better? Very, very barely.
A few hours in is more than enough to confirm that Fallout 76 is a hot mess. Staggering frame rate issues I haven't seen from a AAA dev since Ubisoft's ill-fated Assassin's Creed Unity. Warped models, poor textures, stuck level-of-detail pop-in, stuttering, and server problems. So, why can't I stop playing?

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