Great apps for Windows Phone 8 from Indie Developer Marbic Productions!


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Dec 14, 2011
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Hi all,

I'm an independent developer looking for some feedback on a couple of apps that I currently have in the marketplace. Both of them are Try / Buy.

Fotocale Phone 8:
Fotocale Phone 8 is the perfect app for your trips / vacations. You can take pictures or video of landmarks while on your trip / vacation and then go back and view that trip / vacation and see where those landmarks were by plotting them on the map. Fotocale Phone 8 also allows you to back up your trips into Skydrive. You can also import photos that are in your Camera Roll or Saved Pictures and it will plot those pictures on the map. There is a Windows Phone 7 version of this called Fotocale Phone 7 for those that don't have a WP8 device yet.

Fotocale Phone 8 | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)

Upcoming updates:
Lens support

WOD Warrior:
WOD Warrior is the perfect app for the cross fitter! It also works well for those who currently don't do Crossfit. WOD Warrior allows you to set up Sessions / WODs and track your progress. You can also set up custom workouts. WOD Warrior comes with an achievement engine, so while you progress and get stronger the achievement engine will notify you when you have reached a new goal on a workout or session / wod.

WOD Warrior | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)

Upcoming updates:
Tabata timer
Skydrive support

Let me know on the feedback. I would like to continue to improve these apps.
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Nov 16, 2012
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Just downloaded WOD Warrior. I like the look of the app. One suggestion would be to make the one rep maxes trackable. IE Have one achievement called deadlift and have it display your most recent max, but if you click on it, you see your history. Also, maybe add a button that calculates 50-55-60...% of your one rep max. Hope this helps.


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Dec 14, 2011
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Great suggestions! I'll look into it for the second update. The first update will come out this week that will include Skydrive support, video capture, sharing, and search. I'm looking at adding in data visualization (ie graphs).


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Dec 14, 2011
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I have an update coming out that will allow you to calculate weight based off of one rep max if you have entered a one rep max achievement for that workout you have selected on the Add Session / WOD page. Next update will include data visualization. Meaning seeing graphs of your progression for a workout or benchmark.


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Dec 14, 2011
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The update just came out. The % calculation functionality is awesome. Make sure to add your one rep maxes in the achievements, then you can select a workout when creating a session or WOD and do a % calculation for the weight.


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Oct 19, 2011
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I've downloaded Fotocale and tried it and it seems that the "import" button as described in the info/help is not there so I can't import a photo that is in the camera roll. Also, I created a trip and then for example I want to add more pics, I click on the trip to "edit/view" and select "view" on the popup option and then click on "edit" so I could add some new photos but I can't either.

I've sent you an email explaining this and included some screenshots. Maybe I didn't look at the right place but I think that some options are missing.

Please let me know ;)

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