hello from 1020 dev

Mac Morrison

New member
Jan 30, 2013
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I was registered with some other username but now using my microsoft account as its seems 'appropiate'

I'm work in london making designing and concepting 'digital things'

I took part in the nokia 'future capture' hackathon last year which kick started me on wp8 development.
Nokia Imaging Hackathon delivers winning apps for Nokia Lumia 1020 - Nokia Conversations
i didn't win!! but got a 1020 on O2 when they launched a few weeks later.

I've 3 apps at the moment in the store
5 a day - a ampient nagging app - which is bascially a live tile to track your eating.
Panna Paint - the app i made in the hackathon - so its quite basic - but works - it tracks objects and makes pretty pictures.
PENKU - a minimal little falling block puzzle game that went live yesterday. no relation to anything candy like!!


Mac Morrison

New member
Jan 30, 2013
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well just go for it is my tip.

download the tools and start messing - most important thing is have goal - ie know what you want to build - then you will find out how to bit by bit
start small - make something really simple - like my 5 a day app, its very basic - but it meant I could get it out quickly and didn't have to learn too much.

if you're doing a game - look at the framework - theres lots of choice, monogame, unity, corona (will support wp8 very soon) marmalade etc.
be warned theres costs involved in many of these esp to publish cross platform.

I've made a game in monogame - as xna makes sence to me.
PENKU | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United Kingdom)
but it costs $540 to get the license for xamarin to publish iOS/android versions
I got the android one working in half a day but paying that much to publish a free game is out of my needs.

corona is much cheaper - $16 a month - with a useable free option.

I guess it depends on how you are with the actual coding
all these vary In approach
corona is very high level
unity is very plug and play - more like flash - but you still need to script / manage data
monogame is medium difficultly
native c++/direct x being the hardest.

more over have fun

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