Help needed to connect lumia 720 to internet via laptop wifi


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Jul 2, 2013
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My laptop is connected to internet through a proxy server. It has a proxy address like hproxy.abcd.xx and a port no-3128. It also has an authentication procedure. I've to type my username and password for connecting. Now I've a lumia 720 with me and I want to browse internet on my phone using laptop as a wifi hotspot or something like that. My friend is able to do this using his android phone. But he says he has done rooting and some other softwares. If you have any idea how to do this please tell me. I don't want to use internet through my phone connection(airtel) since it's too costly. I just got this phone today so I have no idea about this. by the way my my laptop runs windows 7 home professional genuine.
Thanks for reading


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Jul 2, 2013
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Thanks for the reply.
Still I'm having problems. Here's what I did. I downloaded the virtualrouter software and installed it. created a wifi hotspot selecting LAN as the internet I want to share( I'm getting internet through LAN connection with proxy and authentication). Then connected to this from phone. Now in phone by clicking the connected wifi connection I turned on proxy and set it according to my LAN. After these steps I opened internet explorer and it asked me the authentication details which I typed then and I was able to browse. Now I thought I will download apps from store and opened it but it's not detecting my connection. As soon as I click apps from nokia or apps or games it says cannot connect. I am stuck in this situation for hours. Please tell me what to do


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Apr 3, 2013
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Thanks for the reply.
Still I'm having problems. Here's what I did. I downloaded the virtualrouter software and installed it. created a wifi hotspot selecting LAN as the internet I want to share( I'm getting internet through LAN connection with proxy and authentication). Then connected to this from phone. Now in phone by clicking the connected wifi connection I turned on proxy and set it according to my LAN. After these steps I opened internet explorer and it asked me the authentication details which I typed then and I was able to browse. Now I thought I will download apps from store and opened it but it's not detecting my connection. As soon as I click apps from nokia or apps or games it says cannot connect. I am stuck in this situation for hours. Please tell me what to do

Since you're running W7 have you looked into this?

Virtual Wifi Hotspot for Windows 7 & 8 - Home


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Jan 31, 2013
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you just have to download a software with which you can create a virtual wifi hotspot converting your laptop internet connection to a wifi connection.

then just search for the wifi SSID name which you will give while setting up the hotspot in the phone and connect.
you can the full version of good ones in torrents

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