How will the competition counter the EOS?


Sep 16, 2012
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The EOS is so far ahead of the competition that they may just concede the phone feature to Nokia. The 808 is about a 1.5 years old and no one has shown anything to counter it. Where Nokia is really ahead is in the software. Just watch reviewers will dismiss the phone as an extreme niche device or some other foolishness or they will say it is a camera-phone and shouldn't be compared head to head.

I really can't wait to see what kind of spin some people try to put on it. You know people will say 41 Mp's are there to just trump everyone in the numbers game and then try to ignore the results.


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Oct 30, 2012
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It will be a crowd puller for sure. The reviewers will say the camera is awesome BUTTTTT it's windows phone and start all their ranting yet again. But rest assured it will make Windows Phone more visible and will receive awesome ratings. I think this will be rated as the phone of the year, since last year it was Lumia 920 in Engadget, Gizmodo and ofc WPCentral.

A small rant of my own below
I dislike that Taylor Martin from PocketNow, he really seems to be getting on my nerves recently. I also observe that he pisses off others in podcasts too.I wish he never review windows phone.


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Sep 5, 2012
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It will be a crowd puller for sure. The reviewers will say the camera is awesome BUTTTTT it's windows phone and start all their ranting yet again. But rest assured it will make Windows Phone more visible and will receive awesome ratings. I think this will be rated as the phone of the year, since last year it was Lumia 920 in Engadget, Gizmodo and ofc WPCentral.

A small rant of my own below
I dislike that Taylor Martin from PocketNow, he really seems to be getting on my nerves recently. I also observe that he pisses off others in podcasts too.I wish he never review windows phone.

Lol yeah, it will go to Anton or Michael Fisher for sure.


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Mar 1, 2012
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I think Samsung is slowly working toward a phone with optical zoom where the lens doesn't pop out but is atleast semi flush with the back until you zoom. First was the Galaxy camera. Now the Galaxy Zoom (or whatever it is called). Next will be one that looks even less like a camera.


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Oct 9, 2012
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Sony is the only OEM who can do anything about this, but the Phase 1 system is so far ahead in terms of flexibility that I think it will take them a while to even match it in all possible scenarios.


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Jan 9, 2013
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OEMs won't care unless this type of phone actually sells. Reviewers can praise all they want but until these type of devices start making financial noise, it's just a tiny niche product.


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May 4, 2013
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OEMs won't care unless this type of phone actually sells. Reviewers can praise all they want but until these type of devices start making financial noise, it's just a tiny niche product.

I think when the social media apps/sites start getting inundated with high quality photos tagged with "Taken with my Nokia 909/1020 Pureview", the winds may start to shift more than they already are.


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May 4, 2013
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How's that #2instawithlove campaign paying off?

Well I would imagine. You can search that hash tag and get an instant volume of sample photos taken with Nokia products.

I'm assuming you mean as far as getting Instagram on board though. I would say that isn't as big of a deal anymore as Instance is a full Instagram client and there are at least one or two more full clients. Word of mouth is the best way to sell a product and now that users of Nokia phones have the ability to "tell" their friends via the large social media networks, they can help sell the product.


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Jan 9, 2013
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Well I would imagine. You can search that hash tag and get an instant volume of sample photos taken with Nokia products.

I'm assuming you mean as far as getting Instagram on board though. I would say that isn't as big of a deal anymore as Instance is a full Instagram client and there are at least one or two more full clients. Word of mouth is the best way to sell a product and now that users of Nokia phones have the ability to "tell" their friends via the large social media networks, they can help sell the product.

I was referring to the minuscule amount of hash tags used.

The cameras hasn't exactly sparked a revolution.

I have a third party banking app for you to use if you catch my drift.

Back on topic, this will be just another niche device that a few will surely rave about. Won't be a company saver or huge money maker.

Don't get me wrong. I'm a supporter.


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Dec 19, 2012
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Hmmm I think cameras will continue to be KEY in MODERN Smartphones, the fact that this phone could be a Niche device could be true , but it doesn't mean it wouldn't sell , 808 sold well with no campaign/dead os/ bad social networking experience/ bad apps for editing or otherwise

WP isn't lacking on all of those fronts and in fact its ahead in few too ...

Niche devices can change everything , Iphone was a niche device "until it wasn't".


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Nov 8, 2012
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The problem with social media photo sharing sites is that it is really hard to see much differences in photo quality of modern smartphones used. The photos are usually down converted and people are more interested in what is in the picture then how good the picture is.

Keith Wallace

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Nov 8, 2012
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If the EOS runs the same SoC as the 920/925/928, then there is nothing to counter. It will likely continue to be a battery hog (especially with the massive camera, while capturing media), and the MSM8960's GPU is rather underpowered, especially If you're hoping for quality 3D gaming. This thing has, at the BARE MINIMUM, pack the MSM8960T from the 920T in China, which has the GPU upgrade (from the Adreno 225 to the 320).

At the end of the day, specs DO sell. If they put up a SoC that's a year older than the quad-core chips in the competition (S4 and One both carry the 600 series Snapdragon), then this phone will honestly be a disappointment. It'll sell to photography enthusiasts, but if it has the same battery life woes of the 9xx series Lumias before it, and its internals are the same year-old tech that the S III was packing, I don't see many people wanting to switch to Windows Phone for an abnormally-shaped and bulky device that really only sells itself on the camera.

Don't get me wrong, I'm semi-excited for this device, despite JUST getting a Lumia 920 in November. However, it's got to offer something beyond the camera to become a big deal to many. Lagging behind in CPU and GPU power, while also rocking terrible battery life would be too much for people to take, but that's just my opinion. Get its battery life 50-75% higher than the Lumia 920, and try to give it the Snapdragon 600.

Beast of Haeven

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Sep 21, 2012
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If the EOS runs the same SoC as the 920/925/928, then there is nothing to counter. It will likely continue to be a battery hog (especially with the massive camera, while capturing media), and the MSM8960's GPU is rather underpowered, especially If you're hoping for quality 3D gaming. This thing has, at the BARE MINIMUM, pack the MSM8960T from the 920T in China, which has the GPU upgrade (from the Adreno 225 to the 320).

At the end of the day, specs DO sell. If they put up a SoC that's a year older than the quad-core chips in the competition (S4 and One both carry the 600 series Snapdragon), then this phone will honestly be a disappointment. It'll sell to photography enthusiasts, but if it has the same battery life woes of the 9xx series Lumias before it, and its internals are the same year-old tech that the S III was packing, I don't see many people wanting to switch to Windows Phone for an abnormally-shaped and bulky device that really only sells itself on the camera.

Don't get me wrong, I'm semi-excited for this device, despite JUST getting a Lumia 920 in November. However, it's got to offer something beyond the camera to become a big deal to many. Lagging behind in CPU and GPU power, while also rocking terrible battery life would be too much for people to take, but that's just my opinion. Get its battery life 50-75% higher than the Lumia 920, and try to give it the Snapdragon 600.

I highly doubt the EOS is supposed to compete with high-end devices. It is just like the 808, a niche device for photo buffs. I doubt nokia planned on selling loads of 808s and i doubt they plan on getting a tone of money form the EOS. Specs really don't matter! This device is all about the camera as far as we know and that's it.


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Sep 20, 2007
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It will be a crowd puller for sure. The reviewers will say the camera is awesome BUTTTTT it's windows phone and start all their ranting yet again. But rest assured it will make Windows Phone more visible and will receive awesome ratings. I think this will be rated as the phone of the year, since last year it was Lumia 920 in Engadget, Gizmodo and ofc WPCentral.

A small rant of my own below
I dislike that Taylor Martin from PocketNow, he really seems to be getting on my nerves recently. I also observe that he pisses off others in podcasts too.I wish he never review windows phone.

I know...Taylor Martin definitely has the "most" fanboyism towards (android of course) on that site. The last podcast with Taylor, Michael, and I could tell that Michael was getting pissed as he wanted to give WP and the EOS it's fair share of time on the podcast, but NOOOO! Taylor had to just screw it up! lol. --- He is only 24 years old too, so I assume his level of maturity when writing tech articles have not leveled out just yet. I hope he realizes this and improves his writing skills by obstructive criticism in his article comments -which he usually gets when he writes about WP.

I really think Phonedog fired him when he was working with them. I have seen some of his past PDog articles and man, they are really critical -almost to the point where its blatantly a one-sided argument showing his ******-ism. It was a shame Pocketnow hired him. I had thought Jaime was the most annoying when it came down to anything MS, but Taylor surpasses him by 2-fold!

But yes, I do agree with your EOS assertion. This will garner a lot of attention and will probably receive some positive reviews.


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Oct 26, 2011
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You wont see new SoC before GDR3 from anybody. Promise.

lumia 909 will gather a lot of attention and that alone should be a win for WP. More attention than a typical Galaxy Note copy. It's also about time Nokia brings the PureView brand to a device that deserve that moniker, previous Lumias didn't. That is if Nokia doesn't brand the high MP sensors as Zoom like rumored.


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Sep 20, 2007
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I think it's possible we could see a dual core S400 before GDR3....the S400 family will probably benefit Windows Phone the most compared to the S600/800 as it doesn't need the extra power.

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