HTC 8X vs Lumia 822 (Nokia Drive)?


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Nov 3, 2012
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I'm in sort of a unique spot here. I'm currently on VZW but my contract ends in a couple of weeks, just in time for the new round of Windows phones coming out. I'm currently an Android user with a Droid Pro, but I'm so tired of the thing that I'm ready to jump ship. I'm actually debating going "full tilt" and switching gmail to live mail, but that's a different story.

At any rate, the two options from VZ are the HTC 8X and the Lumia 822, for what I need either phone will do perfectly fine (though I'm disappointed that yellow isn't an option for either....) but the one thing missing from the 8X is Nokia Drive. I travel quite frequently and end up using my phone's GPS/Google Maps quite often. I've been reading that Nokia Drive will be made available to other OEMs 'soon' -- does anyone have a feeling for how soon? Anyone thinking VZW will offer it up for release day on the 8X?

I guess I could go with the Lumia -- but I'm not a huge fan of what VZW did to the bezel and like the looks of the HTC better... thoughts?


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Sep 17, 2012
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I'll start by going to your off topic point.

A couple of years ago, I decided to house everything to Google, mainly because that was one of the only options available for free without a dedicated server. I used Google Apps on my own personal domain and a few other business (freelance) domains as well. I started with Android phones (the Droid "Milestone [A855]") then to the iPhone when my contract was up. About three months ago, I switched from pretty much a 100% iOS environment (iPad, iPhone, 27" iMac) and went to a triple monitor Windows 8 desktop, Surface, and, most importantly, HTC Trophy WP7 Device. I also switched all my services to Microsoft's Outlook and I absolutely love it. No regrets at all; I love how seamless everything is now. Contacts, Mail, and all are extremely easy to use and sync, regardless of platform. So, if you're holding back because of anything technical, it is worth it. Very simplified and works wonders with WP7 and W8.

Anyhow... I, personally, along with one other person (it seems) are considering the Nokia 822. I though I read that Nokia Drive will be available at launch of WP8, but I'm not entirely certain at this point. I'll leave this to people who have the device or "honest" in the forums. Check this post:


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Oct 11, 2012
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I think that if the only reason that you would want the Lumia over the 8x is for Nokia drive you should think about whether or not you need the offline navigation or not otherwise you could just purchase a GPS navigation app from the store. I have a trophy on Verizon and as slow as their 3g network is there is always a signal so I just got an online GPS app for $5 and I just use that and that's what im gonna do when I get my 8x as well.


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I dont care about offline maps. But isnt Nokia drive the voice guided turn-by-turn thing? I need the phone to read the directions to me as I go.... I also need maps for Australia as I end up down under for travel frequently.

EDIT: So, I don't know why I didn't think about looking in the market before... but I'm glad I did. There appear to be enough apps that will give me voice guided directions, and all are reasonably prices (< $10). Unfortunately none call out Windows Phone 8 support, but most have been updated recently, so it's probably safe to assume they'll continue to be updated... So looks like I can stick with the HTC! Thanks!
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Oct 11, 2012
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First off <90% of WP7.5 Apps will work out of the box on WP8 devices, second I'm not sure about the out of country navigation, i know that a smart phone GPS looks to cell towers first to get your location to save battery, so if you try using a non offline solution it might start using data and cause some extremely expensive international charges. With offline maps you can shut off data services and it would automatically use the GPS chip. I'm not sure of this but if it's something you may want to really look into if you do need to use it outside of the US, I really don't want you to recommend a device that isn't what you really need. That said they're are also full offline mapping solutions available in the WP Store they are just significantly more expensive ($30-$50)


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Well... MS says WP7 apps will work on WP8, so hopefully it'll work at launch or shortly thereafter.

Second, the only thing I need that the HTC doesnt have is drive, seems silly to buy a lower end phone for 1 feature that may eventually come to HTC and should at least be fixable by a 3rd party app.

Finally, the phone is global with a SIM. VZW's roaming charges down under are $20/MB. No way I'm paying that. I'll just have VZ unlock it (they will if you're a customer for > 4mons) and put in a foreign carrier's sim
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Sep 13, 2012
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I have a Lumia 900 and I honestly don't use any of the exclusive apps except for Counter and Fantasy Football so those aren't a big draw to me.


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But all with a 800*480 screen - which is a pretty important difference.
Well, coming from a Droid Pro with 320x480, 480x800 will feel enormous! But yeah, the screen resolution between the 8X and the 822 is a key difference...

If only VZW had the 920... I suppose I could cough up $800 for one of those Pentaband ones and go to TMobile... but that seems like a lot of trouble (and money).


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I think that it is important to distinguish between maps and driving directions. Because all WP8 devices have improved maps with offline support (based on Nokia maps data) - but not all have Nokia Drive and voice-enabled driving directions.

Personally I don't give a **** about driving directions (I live in central London, I'd be insane to drive here) so 8X is the best phone for me. Also after using iPhone 4S I swore never to use non-retina phones ever again - so 720p it is then.


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Dec 23, 2011
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I think that if the only reason that you would want the Lumia over the 8x is for Nokia drive you should think about whether or not you need the offline navigation or not otherwise you could just purchase a GPS navigation app from the store. I have a trophy on Verizon and as slow as their 3g network is there is always a signal so I just got an online GPS app for $5 and I just use that and that's what im gonna do when I get my 8x as well.
I think I saw somewhere that Nokia maps will be available in the marketplace for all .


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Apr 20, 2011
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That depends on what your priorities are. Personally, I would accept that screen resolution so long as I can reap all the other benefits a phone has to offer.



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Aug 1, 2011
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I though Nokia Drive was going to be out for download but Nokia Drive+ will be exclusive.

This is what I've heard. All WP8 will have Nokia Drive, but the Lumias will have Nokia Drive +.

In regards to the screens in no way will I get a 480x800 resolution screen. I have an HTC Rezound with a 4.3" screen and the same resolution as the Trophy. Watching video on the two isn't even in the same ballpark and I would think the difference with the 8X would be even greater due to newer screen technology.

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