Is there going to be a final update WP8.1 or is MS just letting it bleeding to death......

SSgt Bruskowiz

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Jan 23, 2014
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Is there going to be a final update WP8.1 or is MS just letting it bleeding to death......
Just wondering because there are stil older Lumia's and other devices that don't getting the Win 10 Update.
Not now and maybe never........
Just like WP7.x in the old day's ( but that was because of a kernelisue ),
but nevertheless they didnt get the update.
Instead of a update towards 8, MS developed a more visual update for the WP7 users.
A last sendoff for WP7.x
Now the same thing is going about to happen to some WP8x devices and now i am wondering.
Is MS going to abandon WP8.x and leave it like that,
or is there something in the works to give it a propper sendof just like WP7x and give them a final/last update so they
can also have the same looks and feels of the Win 10 startscreen ( including the Applauncher ).
That would be nice gesture toward the WP8.x users who doesnt getting the update to Win 10

Just a stupid thought of my sick and twisted mind........

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