Its been a while ...........How is your experience with your 820 ?

Sanjay Chandra

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Mar 2, 2013
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My experience has improved dramatically , First it was bad because I was tied to Apple Eco system and no more syncing from iTunes made it worse.Slowly I started looking at the device and explored things.I encountered other storage issue but it became better after I reset device and put skydrive off.I also sorted out ways to get better battery while not disturbing my work flow.

As of Now , I would give the experience 8/10 and if MS fixes bugs/other storage and fix camera focus algorithms (Pics are coming great but focusing is pain) , I would rate this device 9/10.

Waiting for Amber Update.


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Jan 7, 2013
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Generally I agree with you, although I came from Symbian. I think it's a great phone. Two issues in my mind. The OS needs to mature, and soon will hopefully, but that's not the phone's fault. I wish the battery life was just a little better. I'm actually using the Mugen 1800mAh at the moment and that's seemed to have improved standby time. As an aside, I had the Mugen measured at work where we can do this stuff and they reckoned it was only 1650mAh, oddly. I've got the EZO 1750mAh but haven't used it yet. So I've got plenty of backup power and that's a great feature of this phone. A selling point to me was that you could replace the battery, unlike most other phones. Doesn't matter if the battery life isn't stunning if you've got a spare at hand. It would take something awesome to come along for me to ditch my 820 in the next few months to be honest.


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Apr 10, 2013
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^ Consider the L720 if you want stunning battery life. It's easier to work with a single device instead of losing your current phone memory(and time) in replacing the battery. Plus the 720 has a lower clock S4 processor which should be consuming fewer battery than the 1.5Ghz one on the 820/920.

Cam on the 720 is said to be better than the 820 too.. Your pick :) . Nokia is currently advertising the 720 in a Man of Steel ad.


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Oct 30, 2012
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IMO 820 looks better than 920. That is why I was glad when they shifted that to the 925. My gripes are with WP as well.


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Apr 5, 2013
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I like my L820. Especially I love the display quality and I like the minimalist design of the phone. But I do not understand why the front frame housing is not made of polycarbonate. It is too easy to scratch. The back cover, glass and buttons are without scratches, hard to scratch. But the frame around the glass is really easy to scratch.

Sanjay Chandra

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Mar 2, 2013
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^ Consider the L720 if you want stunning battery life. It's easier to work with a single device instead of losing your current phone memory(and time) in replacing the battery. Plus the 720 has a lower clock S4 processor which should be consuming fewer battery than the 1.5Ghz one on the 820/920.

Cam on the 720 is said to be better than the 820 too.. Your pick :) . Nokia is currently advertising the 720 in a Man of Steel ad.

512 MB RAM and its slow at resuming apps , not future proof and It doesn't have AMOLED display (Personally , I prefer LCD for iOS , AMOLED for WP)


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Feb 3, 2013
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I came to lumia 820 from a trusted N8 (via iphone4s for a few weeks) as you all say there are still lots of bugs music transfer being one of them, but there are also lots of work arounds, my music is now synced exactly how i want it via the drag and drop method & i only had to edit a few mp3 tags to do it and the temp data hogging thing has gone thanks to the update.

Ms facebook beta app seams to be behaving itself & we all wait patently for Amber to arrive.

i have 2 wireless chargers and 3 charging shells my biggest wish for windows phone would be for more people to get the handsets here in wellington NZ i am the only one i know with a nokia wp8


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Feb 20, 2013
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There have been test showing that the 720's IPS display is superior to AMOLED. They are both great though. The iPhone also uses IPS.
512 MB RAM and its slow at resuming apps , not future proof and It doesn't have AMOLED display (Personally , I prefer LCD for iOS , AMOLED for WP)


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Jun 24, 2013
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I just bought a Lumia 820 last weekend. It's been a few days, so I cannot say if it's been a good decision, but I knew exactly well what I was getting into.
Smartphones have been my bread and butter for much of my working life, and I had sworn never to buy a Windows Phone in a rant back in 2011. Moreover, Nokia's decision to switch to Windows phone cost me (and many of my colleagues) my job, making me a staunch opponent of the Windows Phone platform/ecosystem.

So why did I buy a Windows Phone?

My last Nokia phone was the Symbian-running N8, and I loved the phone. After Nokia CEO announced that Symbian is really-really bad, I thought of seeing what the competition looks like. I bought a iPhone 3GS. I used the iPhone until last week, and my summary experience is - "It's a great, great entertainment device, with a wonderful - exceeding my expectations - under interface. But it's an average communication device. And, the camera sucks. And... the battery runs out before the day is over."

Of late, I had been getting bored of the iPhone. I'm sure this happens to most smartphone users, irrespective of platform/OS/brand (we use the damn things all our waking hours!!). So I thought of Android, and was pretty close to getting a Galaxy Grand. But.... I find the Android UI quite ugly & unrefined. Now, there is no good way of expressing this...when I use and Android phone, the different screens, apps and widgets look like they have been collected from many different sources and stitched/patched together like a multi-patterned tablecloth. There is no unity in the different screens. That's when I started looking at the products of my ex-employer. Nokia's phones - whatever the OS running - look lovely, and solidly built. The camera has always been great in Nokia, and after the crappy iPhone camera, the 820 camera seems even better. Battery also lasts a full 24 hours of use, which is not as good as Symbian, but way better than the iPhone and most Android devices.

Besides that, I find the OS UI is very (for want of a better word) beautiful. The fonts, the screens, the bing wallpaper... all looks sophisticated, clean & refreshing. I know the apps are a sore point with WP. Yes, I do miss quite a few from the iPhone - Citibank, Movescount (Suunto's app for tracking sports), a good reminders/To Do app, and free Angry Birds (only the "space" and "star wars" ones are paid in iOS). I also miss the ease of using iTunes for everything - music, apps, books. It will take a long, long time for Nokia/Ovi Suite to match it (I'm an ex-employee, I know :-D)! But, I am happy with the phone. I know the positives & negatives, and I made a conscious choice.


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Dec 2, 2012
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Like everyone has already said I love my 820 too but I have always used Nokia so don't really know what other OS' have that's better/worse altho I played with a friends iPhone today n there were a few apps I could really use being a fitness fanatic, their Runtastic app has more functions n that's the main app I use 4 running but like peepz have said u can usually find work-arounds. From what I've heard from others about the 925 I don't think I'll b abandoning my 820 until maybe "Eos"


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Dec 26, 2012
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Like other said but i don't know is it because i'm using wp 8.1 update 1 developer preview or not but here is my complain or a thing that make me want to switch to android or ios phone
1. Opening apps is slow, most of app showing "Resuming...." and it get worse for messaging apps like wechat, and bbm(very slow)
2. Sometimes i just can't open any apps, showing "Resuming..." and force close and to fix it by restart phone (oh and sometimes the phone restart by itself)

well i hope it's only because i'm using developer preview and hoping when demin is out it will be all fixed

And the last is Battery life... don't know what to say, it's already bad form the first i use windows phone... only get half day for heavy use (no game, just internet on celular/3G)

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