Lumia 1020 Hype


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Sep 8, 2013
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Another feedback on the Nokia Camera update, apparently it no longer modifies your image when you preview it (apparently it previously made the image softer and with different color when you view it). Anyone else observing the same?

Yup . Huge improvement for me. Nice job Nokia. Can't wait for raw


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Sep 8, 2013
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Ok here are some samples from today with the new Nokia cam app. After looking at today's shots I hold some reservations on my above comment. Shot at 100 iso. 2 crops 100%, and 66% compared to one 100% crop of the 808.
Both photos is similar conditions. I have a lot more examples. I'm not making this up. I'm just surprised given the praise for this camera only to see this when editing.
Ya the 1020 is much noisier and I see it even in bright shots. :(

See for yourself:
Lumia 1020 100%
Lumia 1020 66%

Nokia 808 100% crop


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Nov 20, 2012
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Ok here are some samples from today with the new Nokia cam app. After looking at today's shots I hold some reservations on my above comment. Shot at 100 iso. 2 crops 100%, and 66% compared to one 100% crop of the 808.
Both photos is similar conditions. I have a lot more examples. I'm not making this up. I'm just surprised given the praise for this camera only to see this when editing.
Ya the 1020 is much noisier and I see it even in bright shots. :(

The said 1020 images seem to be very heavily pixelated... you sure you're comparing at the right resolution?


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Mar 5, 2013
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808 images are cleaner then the 1020s so far ........ ive had both ...... the 1020 is a brilliant camera but the 808 is just immensely clean and pure even at 100% ...... the new update doesnt have the new jpeg processing that was talked about though and what is present in black and the 1520 , noise has been improved so they say in that update so i expect the 1020 images to get a lot cleaner , lets not forget this though too windows jpeg processing is fairly new compared to how long nokia spent with it in symbian , it will get better but due to sensor size and different hardware it may never match it fully

like i say though the 1020 is still a great camera


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Oct 9, 2012
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The 808 images, the oversampled ones, have always been cleaner.. it I think that it will remain so. The Nokia Black update should get the 1020 closer tho..

From GSMarena

Nokia going back to natural colors for its PureView cameras - GSMArena Blog

"The oversampling algorithm in the Lumia 1020 was altered compared to the 808 PureView phone resulting in oversaturated colors and noisier images. Well, Nokia is bringing back the old algorithms with the Nokia Black update."

Spot on GSMarena.

"RAW support is also on the way."

They will be using DNG for RAW which will results in files size of around 40mb. I am hoping that they would give a choice of just saving that, without the 5Mpix thing, because considering how slow the shot to shot time on the 1020 is right now, this would slow it down even further.
Despite that, writing 40 mb to memory will take some time.. my guess would be 7-8 seconds, which is fine.. I mean if you are shooting RAW you are probably set up and have the time. It just won't be ideal for quick snaps.
They should add a 8-9Mpix mode... 5 is a bit too low.

Since they'll offer the option to shoot in RAW, I certainly hope they'll also allow us more freedom with presets. Finger crossed!

They also need to add the 8Mpix mode from the 808.. 5 is a bit too low


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Oct 9, 2012
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DPreview did a 808 vs 1020 studio comp.. full size files, the difference would be even greater if they were using the oversampling mode on both phones. It doesn't get more professional than that, does it ?

A closer look at Pureview: Nokia's 808 and 1020 compared in our studio test scene: Connect

here you can see some pixel bleeding.. BSI has that issue. The FSI has much cleaner definition between the lines.



More here:
DPReview Publishes 808 vs. 1020 Studio Comparison! My Remarks: Mobile Photography Talk Forum: Digital Photography Review


edge sharpness, of course, no contest


more noise at base ISO


Again, the difference will be greater if they use the oversampling mode on both phones. This IQ only.. the fact that the right side of the frame on that 1020 is blurred is just standard I guess

And it seems like you can use lower ISO on the 808 to achieve the same amount of brightness, with less noise.

The 1020 is messier overall. I've been generous in my comps by setting both phones at the same ISO, where in fact I can always set the 808 on lower ISO and achieve the same results with less noise.

And even at base ISO, the 1020 is noisier in some particular colors, which is pointed out here by Menneisyys

4, chroma noise-wise, at base ISO, the 808 is cleaner in all colors. As you can expect, the blue channel is significantly noisier in the 1020. This is pretty normal – after all, not even APS-C cameras can render blue skies without noise at base ISO – they can't beat the laws of physics. (At least not most of them.) Interestingly, which was pretty much hard-to-anticipate, the red channel, particularly with orange colors, is also significantly(!) more noisy in the 1020. A crop showing this


And yes, they did set the 808 to 95% jpeg compression.


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I guess DP Review has settled this debate :)

GSMarena had a studio comp ready a while ago but it didn't get any "street rep" because they are not a reputable photo site.. but it was pretty obvious then as well :) For me personally it was clear from the very first 1020 shots a saw, but.. I have to admit that I am a bit obsessed with pixels.

Someone in the comments pointed out that the difference in fine detail reproduction in the pencil picture area is quite big..


Clear lines from the 808.. where the 1020 kind of blends the white and the grey together.


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K Raghu

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Jan 18, 2013
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Hi All,
I have tried Video on 1020 I think the video on 1020 and the audio recording are not as great as N8. I have tried shooting indoors a couple of times under lowlight and sunlight low light performance has not been that great.

Also while shooting the video there is not way to pause and resume is there a trick there? otherwise I have multiple videos of the same occasion.


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