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Apr 17, 2012
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I had a 900 and 920 before switching over to vzw. I have been through a few Android phones in that time . Currently, I have the DNA but miss WP. I have been seriously considering returning the DNA for an 8x or 822. I can't decide if the screen on the 8x out weighs the advantages of the 822. The last day of my return period is May 9th. Wish I knew if the 928 was going to land before then!


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Mar 4, 2013
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I had a 900 and 920 before switching over to vzw. I have been through a few Android phones in that time . Currently, I have the DNA but miss WP. I have been seriously considering returning the DNA for an 8x or 822. I can't decide if the screen on the 8x out weighs the advantages of the 822. The last day of my return period is May 9th. Wish I knew if the 928 was going to land before then!

8X has the better camera, but hang on as long as you can then pull the trigger on May 8th?


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Apr 18, 2013
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928 is like the biggest vaporware, everyone knows everything about the phone but Nokia and Microsoft did not even acknowledge its existence.


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Oct 29, 2012
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928 is like the biggest vaporware, everyone knows everything about the phone but Nokia and Microsoft did not even acknowledge its existence.

And why is this a problem? You know how Verizon operates, they don't announce usually until a week before the product comes out. Plus, we may have legal issues with AT&T and their contract with the 920 that ends May 9th.


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May 24, 2011
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In all of the leaked pictures that are confirmed accurate the speaker appears to be on the rear of the phone, not on the bottom like previous Lumias. Unless there is more than 1 driver?


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Apr 27, 2011
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In all of the leaked pictures that are confirmed accurate the speaker appears to be on the rear of the phone, not on the bottom like previous Lumias. Unless there is more than 1 driver?

When I said bottom, I meant "bottom half" not literally the bottom of the phone. Yes, you are correct. It's on back of the phone, towards the bottom.


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Oct 5, 2012
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Correct, speaker is on the bottom, but it's supposed to provide great sound. No micro hdmi.

I love a loud speaker but I really wish the usb was on the bottom. Its going to make everything so messy when I put it in the windshield mount. :/

Candide yams

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Aug 17, 2011
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Well the wait is over. For me anyway. Bought a Nexus & switched to T-Mobile. I was pretty much a tailor-made customer MS should dream about: wanting to be different than the Apple/Google fanboys, disappointed w/ first smartphone/Android experience, even going so far as to lurk here for months pining for an update. And Verizon blew it. Between their CIA-like secrecy, overpriced plans, hideous bloatware..good riddance. T-Mo in addition to having great plans, seems totally fine for coverage at least where I am (I realize your mileage may vary there).
Best of luck to you guys (and Nokia - competition is always a good thing!); maybe our paths will cross again in a couple years.

Sounds like you didn't really want the phone anyway. It's an unannounced phone that's only in the rumor mill as far as anyone's concerned. I'd rather them be secret and announce a phone when it's ready than get an announcement and have to wait 3-6 months due to delays and whatnot.


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Apr 27, 2011
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Well the wait is over. For me anyway. Bought a Nexus & switched to T-Mobile. I was pretty much a tailor-made customer MS should dream about: wanting to be different than the Apple/Google fanboys, disappointed w/ first smartphone/Android experience, even going so far as to lurk here for months pining for an update. And Verizon blew it. Between their CIA-like secrecy, overpriced plans, hideous bloatware..good riddance. T-Mo in addition to having great plans, seems totally fine for coverage at least where I am (I realize your mileage may vary there).
Best of luck to you guys (and Nokia - competition is always a good thing!); maybe our paths will cross again in a couple years.

The bolded text is all I need to see to know that you're acting on unchecked emotion and not actual knowledge. Uninstalling "bloatware" (which on my 822 only consists of the My Verizon app) is as simple as tap/hold and Delete, and it's all gone, without a trace. Have fun over on the Android forums, and with the spyware that comes on the most prolific virus in the world: Android. We'll miss you over here.

On second thought.........


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Oct 14, 2010
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I love a loud speaker but I really wish the usb was on the bottom. Its going to make everything so messy when I put it in the windshield mount. :/

Hopefully with the launch of this phone we will also get that Nokia wireless charging car mount that they showed off earlier this year but failed to release, as of yet.


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Apr 30, 2013
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The bolded text is all I need to see to know that you're acting on unchecked emotion and not actual knowledge. Uninstalling "bloatware" (which on my 822 only consists of the My Verizon app) is as simple as tap/hold and Delete, and it's all gone, without a trace. Have fun over on the Android forums, and with the spyware that comes on the most prolific virus in the world: Android. We'll miss you over here.

On second thought.........

Cute little dig at the end. What are you, 11?
You are correct about the lack of Windows bloatware, which is in fact why I gave them such consideration in the first place (which most people don't)...I just got into a general Verizon rant :)
As for being emotional/impulsive/impatient, ha, I can see everyone that knows me finding that hilarious, me being an Econ major & Accountant with the same girlfriend, car insurance, & cell provider since basically forever (until now). Interesting how the guys who earlier itt said they were going to AT&T for the 920 weren't denigrated like that (and they're not even saving any $), I wonder much for only Apple/Google having a monopoly on the fanboys!


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May 24, 2011
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Cute little dig at the end. What are you, 11?
You are correct about the lack of Windows bloatware, which is in fact why I gave them such consideration in the first place (which most people don't)...I just got into a general Verizon rant :)
As for being emotional/impulsive/impatient, ha, I can see everyone that knows me finding that hilarious, me being an Econ major & Accountant with the same girlfriend, car insurance, & cell provider since basically forever (until now). Interesting how the guys who earlier itt said they were going to AT&T for the 920 weren't denigrated like that (and they're not even saving any $), I wonder much for only Apple/Google having a monopoly on the fanboys!

Honestly it is kind of ironic though that you talk about bloatware and then buy an Android, whose phones traditionally have 10x the bloatware of Windows Phones, as well as tons of viruses and spyware.

That is not to denigrate your preference, just a bit of irony in the wording of it.

Beast of Haeven

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Sep 21, 2012
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Honestly it is kind of ironic though that you talk about bloatware and then buy an Android, whose phones traditionally have 10x the bloatware of Windows Phones, as well as tons of viruses and spyware.

That is not to denigrate your preference, just a bit of irony in the wording of it.

I constantly see people claiming android has viruses but I have yet to see an android device with a virus besides articles posted on the verge or phonearena. I'm not saying it's impossible but it's not like the damn things ship with viruses.

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