More Xbox one frame rate fail over the PS4....Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition


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Nov 11, 2013
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It's no secret that the ps4 has a stronger gpu. It's a consequence of microsoft selecting ddr3 memory instead of more expensive gddr5. But in general, they are very similar machines, more similar than any two game machines ever.


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Nov 28, 2012
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Lmao at calling me a troll. Its a fact that the PS4 is stronger. And I'll be buying my Xbox One if Titanfall is good. Otherwise I'll wait until Destiny.

I have no reason to buy a PS4 right now.


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The specs of both are very, very close in terms of raw power so it's software that will determine which machine comes out on top this time around. Personally I'll be getting an Xbox One simply because it fits with the ecosystem I'm in already.


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The specs of both are very, very close in terms of raw power so it's software that will determine which machine comes out on top this time around. Personally I'll be getting an Xbox One simply because it fits with the ecosystem I'm in already.

It really isn't close though.


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May 11, 2012
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It really isn't close though.

Well, it is quite close if you take some distance. PCs are starting to bring 4k within year or two and neither console is not capable for that. So even when PS4 has more power, you really can't tell the difference when playing the games (unless you play side by side and freeze the picture). If PS4 would have so much more power that it could bring 4K, then the difference would be so big that so it would became a strong selling point being future proofed.

But of course would be nice if all games would be 1080p in xbox one, can't argue that. Just saying, it really doesn't matter too much.


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Feb 21, 2013
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I can't believe people are claiming superiority of one console vs. another based upon:
(a) performance of ported games designed for the previous generation and in no way code optimized for the new generation, and
(b) metrics derived from the last generation that in no way consider how games will be designed and powered in the next generation.

Good thing I have eyes and can see the difference between Ryse and Killzone, Quantum Break and Infamous. Is it that X1 has much better artists and developers? Maybe, but at the same time PS4 just isn't significantly more powerful than X1 when we move into games actually designed for the new generation. All I really care about is the games, and X1 has made me very happy so far.


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The PS4 version was done by Nixxes Software who have been developing / porting since 1999 and has done 15 games, at least 6 of them ported to Xbox 360.

The Xbox One version was done by United Front Games who have been developing / porting since 2007 and has done 3 games only 1 of which was on Xbox 360

Now tell me how developer experience does not have anything to do with it. Seeing that Forza 5 runs 60FPS on XB1


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May 15, 2011
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The PS4 version was done by Nixxes Software who have been developing / porting since 1999 and has done 15 games, at least 6 of them ported to Xbox 360.

The Xbox One version was done by United Front Games who have been developing / porting since 2007 and has done 3 games only 1 of which was on Xbox 360

Now tell me how developer experience does not have anything to do with it. Seeing that Forza 5 runs 60FPS on XB1

Little surprised the same studio didn't handle both now that I think about it.

The problem with ports is we really don't know what was done between the two studios. I'm personally the kind of person who is perfectly happy to take 30fps, or even something genuinely low depending on the gameplay type, if I can get a few more shinies out of my video card. So what were these individual studios thinking or prioritizing, knowing that the expected minimum was 30fps? We really don't know. But what I do know is sometimes the slightest of changes can mean the difference between 12 and 60fps, and also that one person's "crisp" is another person's lack of depth of field effects.

And the thing is, most of the videos and screenies I've seen so far are Xbox One... and they look fantastic. I'm supposed to complain about something that looks fantastic? Nah.


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Apparently the framerate on the Xbox One edition is capped if the article is to be believed. That would indicate the framerate was set to 30 on purpose.

It's not something I ever thought about before, but people on Kotaku actually started discussing how they preferred a steady framerate over a fluctuating one.


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Oct 2, 2012
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Indeed, I would guess it would run at 40-50 fps if uncapped, since it doesnt dip much below that 30. I dont think its a bad decision as consistency often looks better in a game like this than a higher but wildly fluctuating one


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May 15, 2011
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I'm not a console owner, but this may interest you in regards to performance and what not:

Rumor: Xbox One Might Be Getting Graphics Performance Patch - Forbes

While it's good to hear that they're trying, I'm almost kinda saddened to be honest. I like the fact that if I'm playing a game and someone walks into the room that the Xbox says "hi". I'm hoping they find a good compromise on that.

If they want to "patch" it somehow, they need to find a way to make that ESRAM easier to use.


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Feb 18, 2011
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As I agree, most people wont notice the difference between the 30FPS and 60FPS, it's just the point of it why I called it a FAIL. These are BRAND new consoles that are said that should last 5-8 years at least before the next replacement. This is the start of the life of these consoles, to see systems that are overall very close in specs getting a lot higher frame rate on NEW games is showing possible failure down the line.

These are issues that should of been IRONED out MONTHS before release. This should not be happening on ANY NEXT GEN CONSOLE.

I could care less about this title because I already played the hell out of it on the 360, the point of this post is not for this title but, what is going to happen in 6 months ? How about 2 years when the devs are trying to PUSH the system, then we see failure points where the consoles drop to 15-20 frames a second...and that would be a TOTAL failure.

To see titles that are on BOTH systems have a difference of 30fps (average, if your a gamer, you will know this will go up and down based on content) this is showing a possible weakness in the Xbox one....

Everyone is going to have a different standpoint here, no question but, this is something that NEEDS to be addressed now before we get into titles that we all really want...

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