My friend deleted some pictures from her Lumia 640 and would like to recover them... how?


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Oct 4, 2015
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Hi. My friend texted me asking if Windows Phone has a Recycling Bin. Apparently she deleted a picture or pictures she would like back. I'm sure its a long shot but is there an app for WP 8.1 that can recover deleted files.

I know there are programs that can do it on a PC but I wanted to get a recommendation for a good freeware one like the old days without ads or ask toolbars and such. Is there one that could work if she plugged in her Phone as USB Storage. Its been a long time since my brother used something to recover some stuff after a system wipe when I was 12. I'm honestly not even informed enough to know how well they work with solid state media.

Normally I would research all this myself but I'm trying not to fall too deep into the rabbit hole and spend a bunch of time learning all the ins and outs of file recovery and which program can do what I need. If any of you guys with knowledge or experience with this stuff can help me out it would be greatly appreciated. Bonus points if the program is easy enough that my friend can download it and use it herself.

Also she may be using an SD card but I'm not sure. She just switched from a sprint Galaxy S6 a couple weeks ago to the 640 on ATT GoPhone to cut down on her costs.
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Dec 23, 2013
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Hi, do you know / can you check if your friend is signed into onedrive?
Pictures back up to onedrive if you allowed it when the phone was first setup.

Although there maybe be programs to recover deleted files, I'm not aware of any.


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Dec 27, 2014
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I recently used a program called ZAR to recover pics from a corrupt sd card that had pics I hadn't have a chance to backup. This may work if her pics were on a sd card. Not sure if it will work if it's saved to internaml memory.


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Oct 4, 2015
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That seems perfect for this situation. I'll forward the recommendation to her and hopefully the pictures are still recoverable. Thanks again. I miss the days when I could just go to download-com for a good trustworthy recommendation and clean download. I hope I'm not the only one who thinks the internet as a whole seems to have gotten a lot less cool in the past 15 years.

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