My Lumia 950 XL on order since 05/11/15


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Nov 10, 2015
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I read that UK pre-order for Lumia 950 and 950 XL was accidentally available recently but will not be again till next week. Much to my surprise, having previously signed up to be informed when available, I received a phone call from Microsoft on 05/11/15. I placed the order by phone. It's now in my basket on my Microsoft account marked pre-order and despatch date estimated to be 27/11/15. On the phone he said could be 24th so I would have it on 27th. I also received the order confirmation as below. (I've removed most of my personal details of course). This appears to contradict various availability reports!

Dear Martin Campbell,

Thank you for ordering from Microsoft on 05/11/2015. The following email is a summary of your order. Please use this as your proof of purchase. If you paid by credit card, please look for MSFT*MICROSOFTSTORE on your credit card billing statement.

If you have purchased a pre-order product, you will receive an additional email when your product becomes available. You will not be charged for pre-ordered products until the product is available.

Note: If your order contains download products, you can complete the download by looking up your order using the information and link below. When the order summary appears, click on the Download link next to the product name. If your order contains physical products, you will receive a separate email notification when your products have shipped.

To look up your order, please visit your account page and use your Microsoft account information for access.

Your Order and Billing Information:
Order Number: 16119******
Order Date: 05/11/2015

Martin Campbell

Shipping address:
Martin Campbell


Product SKU: MD5-00011
Product Name: Microsoft Lumia 950 XL - Unlocked (Black) (Pre-Ordered)
Anticipated Released Date: Ships by November 27
Unit Price: ? 699.00
Qty Ordered: 1
Amount: ? 699.00

Subtotal: ? 568.29
Tax: ? 130.71

Total: ? 699.00


Well-known member
May 28, 2013
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I say BS. I called MS and asked to change the delivery address for order 16119****** and they said there was no such order and that order numbers never have asterisks in them.

But seriously, that's great that its getting this close!


New member
Nov 10, 2015
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I received my Lumia 950 XL yesterday 30/11/12. The transition from my old Lumia 920 with Windows 8.1 was smooth and quick but not quite 100%. The main thing I had to do manually were to enter the passwords for each of my email accounts. Then all emails synced quickly. That was yesterday. Today everything is fine with all email accounts syncing except one, my main one. naturally. It's fully synced up to late yesterday. I've checked all settings but can't seem to fix it. It's an Exchange account as part of my Office 365 Business Premium subscription. But my other 2 Exchange email accounts are synced right up to now. They all have the same settings. Any suggestions please?

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