My silly thinking about continuum on lower priced devices..

Alfa Kapa

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Sep 29, 2014
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From the first phone I ever had, I was never interested to own the bleeding edge of tech (aka costing an arm and a leg).
I always bought devices which were reasonably priced/ bang for the buck, partly because I knew that phones become obsolete like nothing else (well maybe e-cigs hold the crown of obsolete-ness) but also cause I'm not what you would call "a rich guy".

Someone from Microsoft said a couple of weeks back that they are planning to bring continuum to lower priced devices eventually, and I can't help but think: won't Intel atom SOCs be great for this specific job?
My reasoning behind this thought is that you see many CHEAP tablets with this SOCs (x5, x7, z3745, etc.) and they can pull 2 displays at the same time reasonably well!
Also the power consumption is almost the same with, give or take, similarly powered ARM chips.

From what I've seen till now, SD808 is barely able to give the smooth experience which we are accustomed all this years while using a pc (which continuum try to mimic), so this unfortunately shows that lower powered ARM chips don't have any chance to bring continuum to the masses.

At the end of the day I just don't know.!
But I think that now is the time for x86 phones to pop-up on the W10m market.
Let alone the ability to install x86 programs from the store (in the future) :))

Has anyone shine light on this x86/arm debate to tell us what he/she thinks?
How could continuum come to us, the average joes? :p


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Feb 21, 2013
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It could also be os optimization slowing down the continuum experience. My impression is there are still a lot of areas slowing down the os.

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