No official YouTube app. And there never will be.

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Karthik Naik

Jan 17, 2014
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The average consumer doesn't care because the top apps are made by US developers.

not really
there are more Indian apps in the app stores lately
even the US apps you speak of are actually made by companies with Indians at the exec board and coding stuff-adobe ,microsoft,apple and even google
even hotmail is of indian origin
the average consumer doesnt know its not about dont care

Karthik Naik

Jan 17, 2014
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The majority of people don't like bing, merging platforms won't fix any of the problems which are limiting WP's market share. We need google not for us but for people who want to switch to WP. Google apps are deal breakers nowadays.

google apps doesnt prove anything
we have full MS office preloaded which beats ANY other third party app on android and ios
i can show ppts etc ,the exact way it would look on a pc,with full animations


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Oct 13, 2013
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yuck google + and hangouts?seriously?
firefox is better
one note and evernote is better
here maps is better
onedrive is better

Stop being so selfish and ignorant. People have different opinions than you. Providing Google apps means people have a choice. Microsoft are trying to grow their market share not cater the OS to you

Karthik Naik

Jan 17, 2014
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someone was told not to discuss India only in the other thread because its an international forum
now people can freely discuss US as though its the largest market or something(not true ofcourse,US ranks no7 ,china and india are at the top of the marketshare chart)
doesnt seem right

Karthik Naik

Jan 17, 2014
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Stop being so selfish and ignorant. People have different opinions than you. Providing Google apps means people have a choice. Microsoft are trying to grow their market share not cater the OS to you

says the guy who acted as though US is the only market and maker of technology
im not selfish and ignorant
google apps are massively limited
why use subpar things like google docs,google drive,google + when you can use MS office,onedrive,facebook/twitter


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Oct 13, 2013
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google apps doesnt prove anything
we have full MS office preloaded which beats ANY other third party app on android and ios
i can show ppts etc ,the exact way it would look on a pc,with full animations
Lol Microsoft's services are actually better on other platforms than WP. Especially the android versions of their app. It gets updates regularly giving it way more features than the WP version.cand it's free for android and iPhones. FREE! they advertise office on WP when it's better on other platforms.


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Oct 13, 2013
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says the guy who acted as though US is the only market and maker of technology
im not selfish and ignorant
google apps are massively limited
why use subpar things like google docs,google drive,google + when you can use MS office,onedrive,facebook/twitter
Just let people have a choice. You don't have to use it if you don't want to.

Karthik Naik

Jan 17, 2014
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Lol Microsoft's services are actually better on other platforms than WP. Especially the android versions of their app. It gets updates regularly giving it way more features than the WP version.cand it's free for android and iPhones. FREE! they advertise office on WP when it's better on other platforms.

that only applies to skype
wait this also contradicts your statement about how supreme and powerful google apps are compared to ms,now suddenly ms is superior
man you cannot even make your point right
did you even read your own link
the reviews are all one stars because it doesnt work properly

Karthik Naik

Jan 17, 2014
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Are you serious? just let people have a choice, you don't have to use them but some people have to for work or they actually like it. It's not a deal breaker for us but it is for them.

i never said a choice shouldnt be there
i was proving that most microsoft services are actually superior to google


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Jun 27, 2014
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Not if you preload some of the videos you intend on watching before you leave the house, or even while on public Wifi. But even if not, I prefer to have the best quality video available.

Okay. That is irrelevant with the topic. We are talking about YOUTUBE and HD STREAMING. And nobody owns non-HD videos these days. So, if you are going to load HD videos on your phone. By all means.


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Jan 18, 2013
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No official youtube app? Good. Long live myTube and MetroTube.

Also if I remember right, Europe (or was it the US) is looking into an anti-trust lawsuit against Google due to the lack of extra options for search functions. Also I'd say google is slipping. Apple has been slowly changing over to Bing for their search functions and Siri.


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Oct 13, 2013
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i never said a choice shouldnt be there
i was proving that most microsoft services are actually superior to google
So you are saying Google is better than bing? Hangouts is better than Skype? Socl is better than google plus? All I am saying is that there is no 'superior' service suite. People use a company's services for their own specific needs.but the think about WP is that there aren't any options. Sometimes I wish the search button opened the Google app and holding the search button started Google now voice search. Sometimes I wish I could use google maps as a default map. And sometimes I wish I could use official YouTube (even though the third party apps are waaasaay you better)

Nitesh Tilwani

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Feb 21, 2014
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So you are saying Google is better than bing? Hangouts is better than Skype? Socl is better than google plus? All I am saying is that there is no 'superior' service suite. People use a company's services for their own specific needs.but the think about WP is that there aren't any options. Sometimes I wish the search button opened the Google app and holding the search button started Google now voice search. Sometimes I wish I could use google maps as a default map. And sometimes I wish I could use official YouTube (even though the third party apps are waaasaay you better)

Dude, if you actually love and miss Google's services so much then move to Android... Simple... If you buy Galaxy S5 and expect Siri to work on it you'll be called a fool... These are proprietary services... There is no cross linking... I mean one cant buy a S5 and wish to backup everything on iCloud... As though wanting to use Facetime on Android... Sine services are proprietary and if you bought a phone without being aware of these things you'll obviously be laughed at... You want GSearch and GNow on Search button, Youtube app, Hangouts instead of Skype, then dude i guess you looking for an Android experience without Lags that's it.... You are at the wrong place sir...

Nerdy Woman

Jun 19, 2013
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I don't think Google will license both types of licenses to the same OEM anyway. It's one or the other. That's probably why Samsung is messing around with Tizen and not a forked version of Android. Maybe Google will turn even more evil and only license Android to OEMs who will use it exclusively. Then they would really have regulatory problems.
I think Samsung wants to offer something different than the full Google experience (for example use HERE Maps instead of Google Maps) but at the same time, they don't want to risk losing customers if what they offer would result in missing apps. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

Google doesn't license the open source version at all. The open source version cannot be called Android (which is why there is Amazon Fire). (You read the Wiki article, yes?)

While Samsung does have a Tizen phone (Samsung Z), it's the Galaxy w Android OS that is being advertised and pushed on the market. The Tizen OS is used for cameras, wearables, and other devices, and that makes sense because these devices do not require a supporting app store. I seriously doubt Samsung will divide marketing dollars between Android and Tizen OS phones, except in countries where Google services are not available (e.g., China).

Nerdy Woman

Jun 19, 2013
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I'm fully willing to admit that Google won't make or help Microsoft in making an official YouTube app, they've had their conflicts in the past.

But I don't understand what you have against Google promoting it's own services, I've been using Android devices for the past few years and they are extremely open to using Bing services.

I can still change my default search engine, in *GOOGLE* Chrome to Bing or the other options, but Microsoft is removing to option to change this in their newer Lumia devices.

Moving on you refer to many of the Google services as "crApps" but please talk to me when Internet Explorer, Bing, Bing Maps, Translate, Google Earth, YouTube have better alternatives from Microsoft.

Me and a lot of other people don't mind at all if Google promotes it's amazing services by putting them on your Android phone's homescreen or if they give you advertisements every now and then.

Google and Google's own mobile OS is still way more friendly to Microsoft services, compared to how friendly Microsoft is to Google services on Windows Phone.

I do wish you had read the article to which I provided a link in the OP...

"This year, the signed agreement said there must be a Google search ?widget? on the ?default home screen? of the device, along with an icon for the Google Play app store. It said an icon on the device home screen labeled as ?Google,? when clicked, must provide access to a ?collection? of 13 Google apps (Google Chrome, Google Maps, Google Drive, YouTube, Gmail, Google+, Google Play Music, Google Play Movies, Google Play Books, Google Play Newsstand, Google Play Games, Google+ Photos and Google+ Hangouts). The newer agreement also specified the order in which this collection of apps must be listed, from left to right and top to bottom within the Google icon. Several other Google apps, including Google Street View, Google Voice Search and Google Calendar, must be placed ?no more than one level below the Home Screen,? the agreement says. (Device owners can manually change the location of icons on their own.)"

As for Google offering "amazing services"? Read their privacy policy.

Now read their company philosophy:
Just in case you don't bother to actually read the material to which I've provided links, let me help you...

From Philosophy, #6:

"Google is a business. The revenue we generate is derived from offering search technology to companies and from the sale of advertising displayed on our site and on other sites across the web." That "revenue" amounted to $55 BILLION USD last year.

BTW, the Android OS isn't friendly to MS services because of efforts by Google, but because of efforts by MS. Understand that difference. Microsoft has put forth effort to make their apps friendly on a foreign OS (Android). Google has not made any effort to make their apps friendly on a foreign OS (WP).


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Oct 13, 2013
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Dude, if you actually love and miss Google's services so much then move to Android... Simple... If you buy Galaxy S5 and expect Siri to work on it you'll be called a fool... These are proprietary services... There is no cross linking... I mean one cant buy a S5 and wish to backup everything on iCloud... As though wanting to use Facetime on Android... Sine services are proprietary and if you bought a phone without being aware of these things you'll obviously be laughed at... You want GSearch and GNow on Search button, Youtube app, Hangouts instead of Skype, then dude i guess you looking for an Android experience without Lags that's it.... You are at the wrong place sir...
Then why can I use google now on my iPad. With the option to use Siri. Hangouts and FaceTime. You can already have the best of both worls in iOS, why not do the same with windows phone

Nerdy Woman

Jun 19, 2013
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This won't affect the average customer, Google services and search works well. You aren't forced to the Google apps. I don't understand how this makes Google evil. However what is evil is that they made a YouTube app for Wii U but don't even make an app for windows phone. Something tells me market share is not an issue...

You're right. People who buy Google phones will use Google services and be happy with them. And my point was not to say that Google is evil for doing so. If you read the article to which I provided a link, then you'd understand my point: Google is playing hardball with their manufacturing partners. By requiring manufacturers to ship "Android" phones with approximately 20 Google apps and a Google search icon on the home screen, manufacturers would have to be crazy to use additional storage space for competing apps. If you buy a Google phone, expect to get Google services. Plan to use Google services. Embrace the Google universe.

With the new agreements, Google is repositioning themselves as an OS developer and signaling the tech world that "Android" (a name Google bought and which will only be licensed to Google-compliant manufacturers) is theirs and theirs alone. We won't see an official YouTube app because they will not do anything that would cause consumers to consider a competing OS (namely WP).

Nerdy Woman

Jun 19, 2013
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I don't understand the issues here.

You said - "Google is forcing Android device makers to make and sell Google phones. Android users won't have the option of replacing Google with Bing for web searches. "

Isn't this case also applied with WP.
Can any manufacturer and user change search button to Google?
I don't think so. MS also forcing to use MS services.
I will ask you same thing
Why is MS so adamant about WP users using MS services?

Why Google do it because it's their bread and butter. If they don't do it in this cut throat competition they will be gone

And reason that YouTube apps isn't available because of same reason that MS Office isn't available for Linux.
Isn't this also make MS management small minded.

I'm not disagreeing with you. The point (which apparently you missed) is that if you want Google services (including YouTube), buy a Google phone. Don't expect Google, a direct competitor of Microsoft in many areas, to supply an official YouTube app for Windows Phone.

The app is the client, the OS is the host. Microsoft, rather than demand that if you want MS services, you buy MS devices, has taken a different approach. Their "bread and butter" is not advertising (which for Google, $55 BILLION USD out of $59 BILLION USD in revenue last year was generated by selling advertising). Microsoft's bread and butter is selling software licenses and subscriptions. By making their apps available on many platforms, they increase the potential for licensing revenues.

Google doesn't have any services to "sell." They give away services to draw an audience for their advertisers. It is myopic of them to exclude the eyeballs of WP users, but it is what it is. And that is why we won't be seeing an official YouTube app.

As for the Microsoft/Linux story... I can't argue that Linux deserves a version of Office. But reality check time. Office is a huge beast to build and maintain from the dev POV. Linux is an OS that is largely used on servers, not user workstations. The CFO doesn't need to run Excel on Linux because he's using Windows even if his IT department has Linux running on the servers. Undoubtedly, the omission of Office for Linux is a decision based on ROI, or lack thereof.
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