Not a single update to WP OneNote in years (?) while iOS and Android counterparts continue to evolve


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Nov 15, 2012
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OneNote for iOS was updated today with ability to attach files/insert voice memos.
The Android version was updated the other day to support handwriting.

I don't recall an update to OneNote in years (don't think it was mentioned during WP8.1 rollout or any of the GDR* to WP8.0).

Looks like we will get better MS support on other platforms. Attaching documents via email ? Nope, not possible on WP unless you open OneDrive and do the whole share thing. Can you reply to an existing email chain with a document? Nope. Not possible. There is an uservoice thread that was started in 2012 requesting this feature. It's been 2yrs and they still haven't added this feature.


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Nov 14, 2008
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MS's focus is on platforms other than their own. For some reason.
Seems like a lose-lose to me - folks on other OS's might go "Hey, MS's stuff is really good, I'll buy a Windows Phone. Oh, their services don't work as well on their own kit" and folks on Windows Phone get hacked off.
I fail to see how their focus on other platforms benefits them.


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Oct 25, 2013
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OneNote for iOS was updated today with ability to attach files/insert voice memos.
The Android version was updated the other day to support handwriting.

I don't recall an update to OneNote in years (don't think it was mentioned during WP8.1 rollout or any of the GDR* to WP8.0).

Looks like we will get better MS support on other platforms. Attaching documents via email ? Nope, not possible on WP unless you open OneDrive and do the whole share thing. Can you reply to an existing email chain with a document? Nope. Not possible. There is an uservoice thread that was started in 2012 requesting this feature. It's been 2yrs and they still haven't added this feature.

I feel your pain


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Aug 15, 2012
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MS's focus is on platforms other than their own. For some reason.
Seems like a lose-lose to me - folks on other OS's might go "Hey, MS's stuff is really good, I'll buy a Windows Phone. Oh, their services don't work as well on their own kit" and folks on Windows Phone get hacked off.
I fail to see how their focus on other platforms benefits them.

Because they want you to use their services over their hardware. They make a nice profit off of their services and software. Not so much nice profit off of their hardware. This is where they are headed in the near term.


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Jul 5, 2014
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It's a mayor annoyance for a loyal Microsoft user and OneNote lover...

I think they keep the Office apps the same because they don't want to waste resources on a dead product (Office Mobile). Instead they focus on the next generation of Office, Gemini, which should run on phones and tablets.

With the Gemini roll out, together with WinPho9, a year from now, Microsoft products will finally have a superior Office, which will be full touch optimized.

It took the WAY TOO LONG! Let's hope they can deliver earlier than what I described.
Sent from my Lumia 920 using Tapatalk.


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Jan 27, 2014
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It's a mayor annoyance for a loyal Microsoft user and OneNote lover...

I think they keep the Office apps the same because they don't want to waste resources on a dead product (Office Mobile). Instead they focus on the next generation of Office, Gemini, which should run on phones and tablets.

With the Gemini roll out, together with WinPho9, a year from now, Microsoft products will finally have a superior Office, which will be full touch optimized.

It took the WAY TOO LONG! Let's hope they can deliver earlier than what I described.
Sent from my Lumia 920 using Tapatalk.

Wow! This single comment has given me so much hope.. Don't screw up MS :p


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Jul 5, 2014
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Thank you, but never forget: It's only hearsay, I have 0 non-public information. And "next update will deliver" is kind of Microsoft's motto for mobile since 2010. No guarantee that this time it will be different.

And this give Office for iPad/Android also ~6-12 months to get better...
Sent from my Lumia 920 using Tapatalk.


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Nov 15, 2012
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It's a mayor annoyance for a loyal Microsoft user and OneNote lover...

I think they keep the Office apps the same because they don't want to waste resources on a dead product (Office Mobile). Instead they focus on the next generation of Office, Gemini, which should run on phones and tablets.

With the Gemini roll out, together with WinPho9, a year from now, Microsoft products will finally have a superior Office, which will be full touch optimized.

It took the WAY TOO LONG! Let's hope they can deliver earlier than what I described.
Sent from my Lumia 920 using Tapatalk.

i like your optimism but let's be realistic here. Next version of Office is not going to be available until summer of next year. i.e approx. 1year from today....until then we're stuck with 2year old OneNote / Office. What make you think the next version of office is going to be great ? Looking at Xbox Music i would be surprised if they didn't screw that up.


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Jan 5, 2013
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Maybe one of the editors can make an article out of this and pit it on the front page to draw MS its attention. This isn't the first time MS leaves its own user base behind.
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 930 using Tapatalk

Torcher Death

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Apr 28, 2014
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MS logic is absolutely screwed up, but then again they are primarily a software company & seem to focus on selling their software to those who are more likely to pay for them & also theres the case of OS restrictions.

While this is good for the short run in generating income, what would really drive profits in the longer run would be, developing office for all windows devices & making them better than the ones on other platforms, while still supporting the other OS', so that others would be motivated to try out WP, even if Office suite is not necessarily a great selling point when it comes to normal consumers, who only use it for chatting & snapping pics.


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Dec 1, 2012
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OneNote for iOS was updated today with ability to attach files/insert voice memos.
The Android version was updated the other day to support handwriting.

I don't recall an update to OneNote in years (don't think it was mentioned during WP8.1 rollout or any of the GDR* to WP8.0).

Looks like we will get better MS support on other platforms. Attaching documents via email ? Nope, not possible on WP unless you open OneDrive and do the whole share thing. Can you reply to an existing email chain with a document? Nope. Not possible. There is an uservoice thread that was started in 2012 requesting this feature. It's been 2yrs and they still haven't added this feature.

This is an example of why I always wonder why WP fans use Microsoft services as an argument for using WP instead of iPhone or Android. I don't get the logic.


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Oct 19, 2012
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WP 8 doesn't have capacity to attach files except photos. It has file picker now in 8.1, hopefully it would come. But this shows how WP8 was a half assed OS and it's the only reason why it doesn't have good full featured apps and so market share.


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Nov 14, 2008
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I wouldn't mind apps that don't have the full feature set of their desktop versions. If I'm using a phone, I accept some trade-off. But making features available on other manufacturer's platforms and not their own says a lot about MS.


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Jan 27, 2014
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I think Daniel has been silently telling us this entire time that MS knows these issues and is working on them, but they have a plan (roadmap) that they feel they need to stick to.. BUT the main problem with that is a lot of the older MS faithful are losing faith (lol).. I will patiently wait for windows 9 and all the things it will bring :D

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