Notification Centre in Windows Phone 8.. New Image... Enough info on the picture.


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Feb 1, 2013
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Not the implementation I expected, but I assume the live tile opens a more exhaustive and robust Notification Center? More photos, even videos would be appreciated.


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Mar 17, 2013
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If you're fine with this kind of idiotic implementation, no wonder you don't need a notification center. And what's this all about turning into android.....Notification center is a cool thing, if android gives superior experience when it comes to notification center, I don't mind if MS does something similar. This is becoming ridiculous, are you people really wanting WP to succeed or not ??

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4

IF I want WP to succeed??? It already has!! WP ideas are already being pilfered by iOS and Android. That's success right there.

If the WP users just play to the lowest common denominator, we will be stuck with rows of icons and 'bolt on' solutions for decades...

I can understand that some users will not want to pin apps to the Start Screen and just rely on toasts. If you then miss notifications for that app, then that is your fault. Just pin the icon and make it the smallest size. Designate an area on your start screen with said small icons as notifications. Use the OS, don't fight against it trying to justify perceived missing features.
I agree with the need for 'toggle' icons for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth etc.. A fairly minor addition, which can be integrated well.

As for 'file managers'... don't get me started. Newsflash... it's a PHONE not a f***ing computer!!! If you want that sort of functionality, shell out some cash for a laptop.. Jesus!!!!

The constant whining about WP and Microsoft is really starting to annoy me. Everyone seems to have a better idea about everything, or 'it doesn't do it like I want it to', or on Android has this and that X features. I, for one, do not want to constantly be joined to my phone. A mobile phone is a useful adjunct to life, not the centre of it!!!

If you can do better, develop your own OS......


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Oct 30, 2012
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If you're fine with this kind of idiotic implementation, no wonder you don't need a notification center. And what's this all about turning into android.....Notification center is a cool thing, if android gives superior experience when it comes to notification center, I don't mind if MS does something similar. This is becoming ridiculous, are you people really wanting WP to succeed or not ??

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4

Love to see trolls bulldozed ideas that doesnt fit their taste.


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Mar 3, 2012
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WPCentral said:
We can add that notifications for the Center could optionally be "ghosts", meaning they won't cause Toast notifications or alerts on the device, but instead will show up in the Center. This will evidently be a developer option, part of thew new SDK and it will be used for more common notifications, ones that are not deemed urgent.
This sounds like we will end up having the same situation as we have now, with apps having to provide their own settings for what notifications will be shown where. While I know some around here bemoan fine-grained options as being too complex, I'd be more in favour of developers setting a default, users perhaps getting a prompt on installation / launch of what this default is, and there being a unified control for notifications somewhere. A setting where you can flick on and off toast notifications, and filter the notifications from the notification centre.


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Feb 21, 2012
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Jumping to conclusions and whining over a picture that has not been confirmed... yup sounds about right for the WP community.


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Oct 19, 2012
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IF I want WP to succeed??? It already has!! WP ideas are already being pilfered by iOS and Android. That's success right there.

If the WP users just play to the lowest common denominator, we will be stuck with rows of icons and 'bolt on' solutions for decades...

I can understand that some users will not want to pin apps to the Start Screen and just rely on toasts. If you then miss notifications for that app, then that is your fault. Just pin the icon and make it the smallest size. Designate an area on your start screen with said small icons as notifications. Use the OS, don't fight against it trying to justify perceived missing features.
I agree with the need for 'toggle' icons for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth etc.. A fairly minor addition, which can be integrated well.

As for 'file managers'... don't get me started. Newsflash... it's a PHONE not a f***ing computer!!! If you want that sort of functionality, shell out some cash for a laptop.. Jesus!!!!

The constant whining about WP and Microsoft is really starting to annoy me. Everyone seems to have a better idea about everything, or 'it doesn't do it like I want it to', or on Android has this and that X features. I, for one, do not want to constantly be joined to my phone. A mobile phone is a useful adjunct to life, not the centre of it!!!

If you can do better, develop your own OS......

I don't have problem if you really don't need notification center but why are you so much screaming that it's users' fault that they miss the notification because they didn't pin the tile on start screen ?? Oh, c'mon, it's all about having facilities. And if android and iOS can impement WP's some design aspects, doesn't make the platform successful. Notification Center is already a successful and a always demanding feature, why can't we have one ??

And about file manager, I don't wanna derail this thread from this topic, we already have seen such screams about not wanting file manager on a phone and get a laptop, android etc kind of arguments everywhere from fanbois in some particular threads. File management system is a necessary just like bluetooth file transfer. Everyone doesn't have facilities of fast and cheap internet everywhere like US and some european countries. File Manager is necessary, if you continue to not want one, get a iPhone in future. But I and many other people around want one, hell in WP we can't even see in PC where our downloaded file is. Such idiotic limitations won't win MS users.

WP users will continue to be denominators, if such arrogant attitude of not needing something which is useful to others will continue to spew out of fanbois everywhere.


Apr 17, 2012
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This is just some app. A real notification center is accessible by swiping down from the top. In Android 4.3's case, a swipe from the left top brings down the notifications and swipe from the right-top, brings down quick toggles.


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Feb 21, 2012
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Let's consider some real world scenarios for a notification centre

1) You are away from your phone (i.e. it's sitting on a desk, in your pocket, in your bag etc). You get some notifications during this time.

You now pick up your phone, wake it and go to the start screen. There you see your notification tile stating how many notifications you have. You tap once to get in and see what you missed. Not any more difficult than swiping to the left and in fact probably a lot faster.

2) You are using your phone and you get a notification.

A) You see the notification at the top of your screen and tap it to go to that particular app.

B) You are too busy with your app and ignore the notification. In this case since you are busy it is most likely that you would return to the start screen anyway and again you can check the notification tile then.

3) If you would like to access notifications from anywhere you could always leave the notification tile/app open and jump to it from the multi-tasking window.


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Mar 15, 2013
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do you guys thing that search button is useful or fulfilling the purpose? still it doesnt have internal search as well...

Apps have some ways to make info available when the search button is pressed. But they don't do it so it's part missing features for that button part lack of support from apps


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Oct 15, 2012
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Apps have some ways to make info available when the search button is pressed. But they don't do it so it's part missing features for that button part lack of support from apps

Seriously? Do you have a source for this? Because if this is true, Microsoft should really try to spur developers to use that search button and start using the button themselves to search through mail in the mail app et cetera.

Ontopic: I'm still a little hesistant about the app-notification center-approach... I still like the swipe to the left on the start screen the most. It just feels the most natural.


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Jun 15, 2013
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Just make it like iOS [6], accesable from everywhere but you cant accidently activate it [people who used it know what i mean]


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Mar 15, 2013
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Seriously? Do you have a source for this? Because if this is true, Microsoft should really try to spur developers to use that search button and start using the button themselves to search through mail in the mail app et cetera.

Seriously. All the source anyone needs when talking about what is technical possible is in SDK documentation. So it's live on MSDN in this case.
There are 2 possible use case scenario for devs all explained there


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May 24, 2013
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The best notification centre solution may be showing notification numbers on icons of the App List screen (swipe to the left in home screen), and putting on top of the list the apps which have notifications pending, IMO.
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Nov 25, 2003
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Ugly, what's the purpose of a tile as a notification center ?? Live tiles of individual apps do this job already. And what if I want to open it whenever I'm in some application ?? Nokia team needs to overtake WP team, MS knows nothing about other markets outside US, JoeBelfiore's statement about Bluetooth says a lot. Bring a proper notification center and a proper file management system.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4

This .. what he said. We need a real notification center!
Nov 20, 2012
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People truly will complain about anything smh. I am not sure why everyone is up and arms when it hasn't even been officially shown off or announced. Chill.
Nov 20, 2012
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I really don't get the notification center. Its almost like people are trying to negate the whole live tiles aspect of the os. You don't need to pin every app to he start screen, I sure don't but you add your most used apps you need to be notified by.

The entire operating system works as a notification center and if Microsoft works on live tiles updating automatically instead of periodically, I will be happy.

I hope we don't get something similar to android. Its always annoying using android and the entire row at the top is full of notifications.

Just enhance the live tiles and give us a unique notification center that way

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