Patch Tuesday - Does this cut it for consumers?


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Jun 13, 2011
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Hey guys, just looking to see what other people's thoughts and opinions are on this.

So, Patch Tuesday: the second Tuesday of every month in which Microsoft releases patches for its operating systems. I am under the impression that one of the biggest reasons for this is to provide system administrators and IT personnel with a reliable indication on when fixes will roll out for client machines they support.

But what about things like the Surface 2/RT which are primarily driven by consumers directly?

I feel like this is one of those legacy processes of Microsoft that still gives them the dinosaur image. In my experience this is what usually happens:

  1. Issues identified with Windows RT by user base, Microsoft notified and issues acknowledged. Fixes promised.
  2. Patch Tuesday comes, fixes a handful of previously reported issues from previous months; one or two recently reported issues.
  3. Patch winds up breaking a couple of things, despite fixing others.
  4. Quickly discover new issues and report to Microsoft; wait another entire month and hope they roll out.
  5. Month passes, next Patch Tuesday arrives, some issues still not resolved. Some things fixed and other things break.
  6. Wait yet another month and hope fixes around this time.
  7. Endless loop.

Whenever I boot up and use my MacBook Pro, I very frequently get updates to the OS and other major software like iTunes, Garage band, as well as other hardware maintenance like driver updates. This very frequently roll out simply whenever they are ready to, even if it means twice a week.

I understand they'll drop critical fixes out of the patch cycle that affect things like security vulnerabilities, but there are a ton of other issues that impact our love for using Windows RT and waiting at least a month or more every time seems like it is killing the user experience. There are more than a few times in which I've uncovered and reported an annoying issue only to be disappointed every patch Tuesday with no hope of a fix coming any other time of the month.

Am I alone here?


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Jan 13, 2012
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I agree, but the good thing with the patch Tuesdays is that they get to test the things more before they release them.


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Mar 5, 2011
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You're not alone. I think the same way too. As much as I love my Surface, I know that Apple does provide better upgrade/fix process, partly because the os is already better in the first place. MS is doing trial/error-fix kina way right now with win 8, which is never good for consumer I think. Just my .2

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