Search between apps and settings


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Dec 13, 2012
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Right now in W8.1 I can just press win key, start typing and I'm sure to have the result that I need without doing anything else. In W10 (build 162), I can't do it. Cortana shows web results first (and I'm totally not interested in them since I just want to search for apps and settings) and, to search for settings, I need to click a button below on left (don't remember the name). Searching between apps doesn't work at all (from the same frame of the settings search I can click on "Show: App" but it says that there's a problem and I need to retry later).

Since the release date is approaching, I want to think that I'm doing it wrong instead of having this key feature broken right now.

So, can you please tell me how to search between apps/settings without having to deal with web results first (causing unnecessary mouse clicks to get to the result)?

EDIT: I'm posting here because I can't even search for the Feedback app to report this..


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Dec 13, 2012
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Of course I have it installed.
Now I'm installing the last build so I can't post a screenshot, but if I go in "My stuff" and then select the option to show only apps it says that there is a problem with search and that I should try it later.

Can you please show me a screenshot of what happens if you search for "PIN"? (I'd expect the option to replace the complex password with a 4 digits pin like in W8.1 but I can't get it in 10).

EDIT: BTW it also happens that if I search for "OneDrive" it shows the Store result instead of the desktop app.

EDIT: I think that the issue may be related to switching to SSD, which I did just before upgrading to build 162. I just disabled the indexing features on my SSD to make its life longer, so the cause should be the indexing service and not the update to 162


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Dec 13, 2012
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Ok, it was related to indexing service (which is still odd, indexing should work for files and not for settings).
Sorry for the post, I was so frustrated this morning! :)

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