Should I Buy a Windows Phone?

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WPCentral Question

I have an iPhone 4 and am looking to upgrade. I'm happy enough with Apple, but I'm a little annoying at feeling locked in to iTunes. I recently bought a Windows desktop and thought using a Windows Phone might integrate nicely with that. I'd love to hear feedback, in particular to the following:

1. I hear a lot about the lack of good apps for Windows Phone. Is this still a major issue or is the gap narrowing?

2. What app do most people use to listen to music (i.e., what is the replacement for iTunes)?

3. Is there synergy between a Windows desktop and Windows Phone that I will enjoy (as opposed to Windows desktop with an iPhone or Android)?

4. I'm on AT&T, so would you go with the Lumia 830 ($99 on contract and $449 off contract) or HTC One M8 ($199 and $669? I'm due (overdue, in fact) for an upgrade. But because Windows is a new OS for me, I was thinking of going off contract, in which case I'd opt for the Lumia 830. That way, if it doesn't work out, I can revert back to an iPhone 6 or Android flagship at the contract price.

All feedback would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Nicholas Maguire

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May 28, 2014
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The app gap IS narrowing, yes. We get a lot of the major apps these days, however local apps are still a problem (I've never used any local apps anyway).

Xbox Music is what we use to listen to music.

OneDrive syncs between Windows and WindowsPhone, which is really nice once you start to use it. Some settings sync too.

I'd get the 830.


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Oct 6, 2014
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I have used all Mobile platforms iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Symbian and Windows Phone. I had my doubts at first about Windows Phone as well but after using it after a week you become a Microsoft "fan boy" out of no where . The App gap is narrowing. I have seen alot of apps being add every week so far. The OS is great. If I were to recommend a phone I would have to recommend the Lumia 830. Pretty good device


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Dec 21, 2008
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There is no real benefit to purchasing a Windows Phone at this time. Most of Microsoft's services can be had on iOS or Android and some with better support and features than can be found on their Windows Phone counterparts. The app gap still exists and even when the same app is available for Windows Phone the iOS and Android versions frequently have better features and more regular updates. Also, there is too much uncertainty concerning Windows 10 and what devices will receive the update and how much interference or delay the carriers will introduce to the process. With Windows 10 Windows Phone is on the verge of greatness, but then we've thought that with the Mango, Tango, 8.0, 8.1, etc. updates. It might just be true this time, seems much more likely this go around, but I would recommend that anyone considering Windows Phone wait until Windows 10 phones have been released for a month or two.
Nov 20, 2012
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There is no real benefit to purchasing a Windows Phone at this time. Most of Microsoft's services can be had on iOS or Android and some with better support and features than can be found on their Windows Phone counterparts. The app gap still exists and even when the same app is available for Windows Phone the iOS and Android versions frequently have better features and more regular updates. Also, there is too much uncertainty concerning Windows 10 and what devices will receive the update and how much interference or delay the carriers will introduce to the process. With Windows 10 Windows Phone is on the verge of greatness, but then we've thought that with the Mango, Tango, 8.0, 8.1, etc. updates. It might just be true this time, seems much more likely this go around, but I would recommend that anyone considering Windows Phone wait until Windows 10 phones have been released for a month or two.
IGnore him.

Yes if you are interested in the os then by all means buy one and check it out. Depending who you ask the app gap is a problem for some and someone else it's irrelevant. Me....i don't care about having this many apps partially because i really have no idea what I am missing to be honest lol

Rakesh Rocky2

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Mar 22, 2014
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There is no real benefit to purchasing a Windows Phone at this time. Most of Microsoft's services can be had on iOS or Android and some with better support and features than can be found on their Windows Phone counterparts. The app gap still exists and even when the same app is available for Windows Phone the iOS and Android versions frequently have better features and more regular updates. Also, there is too much uncertainty concerning Windows 10 and what devices will receive the update and how much interference or delay the carriers will introduce to the process. With Windows 10 Windows Phone is on the verge of greatness, but then we've thought that with the Mango, Tango, 8.0, 8.1, etc. updates. It might just be true this time, seems much more likely this go around, but I would recommend that anyone considering Windows Phone wait until Windows 10 phones have been released for a month or two.

I second this.... MS should give exclusive offers for windows phone users like what they did with MS band ( cortana integration ) But currently all MS apps are better in android and ios.. Take office for example... Until they give something exclusive I wouldnt recommend buying now...


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Dec 21, 2008
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IGnore him.

Yes if you are interested in the os then by all means buy one and check it out. Depending who you ask the app gap is a problem for some and someone else it's irrelevant. Me....i don't care about having this many apps partially because i really have no idea what I am missing to be honest lol

OP, perhaps a better option than ignoring differing opinions would be to consider input from varied viewpoints and then make up your own mind. As you asked for all feedback this seems to be exactly what you are doing.


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Jan 5, 2012
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Before I moved to WP I did alot of research I actually came here to read up on it but didn't directly ask anyone about it because honestly people's opinions aren't what you need all you have to do if your concerned about app gap is go through your iPhone and see what apps you use the most and come here and search for apps to replace each one you can't live without if you can replace enough apps you'll feel more comfortable trying windows phone ... Another thing that will help is to start using the Windows apps on ios and on your PC . I also think your idea of getting a off contract phone is smart too since your getting a upgrade it's a good time to get out of being on a two year contract anyways I'm on next and I won't be going back to a two year contract it was a headache trying to upgrade when WP8 came out because it doesn't have the upgrade cycle like the iPhone has so that's another thing you'd have to get use to but since your still on a 4s your Probably not a upgrade fanatic in the first place ... As far as music I use Xbox music and iTunes I mean you can use whatever you want than sync or stream your music... So yea it can be helpful to get our opinions but only you know what will work for you and if you do make the switch give it a real chance


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Jul 14, 2008
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Always remember, unhappy people are more likely to make themselves heard than happy ones. I have the 1520.3 on AT&T and am very happy with it. I've had the Trophy, 822, 928, ICON and various Android phones. I can't speak about the Apple world, never visited there. I can say that the WP world is more friendly to the user than Android.

As the posters above said; buy a used one to try before jumping in. Depending on your carrier, choose low to mid range phone. It will give you a good taste of WP, user friendliness, app availability and most of all how fluid the OS is.

Good luck.


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Nov 14, 2008
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Get all the facts on things important to you and then give it a try if you feel it'll work for you. Its a good OS but has some serious issues with how its been (mis)-managed by Microsoft.


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Sep 28, 2013
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Now that Microsoft has control of the manufacturing of Phone hardware, and programing. integration with your computer, xbox, what more can you ask for. as for apps all the important one's are there.


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Aug 20, 2011
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I have an iPhone 4 and am looking to upgrade. I'm happy enough with Apple, but I'm a little annoying at feeling locked in to iTunes. I recently bought a Windows desktop and thought using a Windows Phone might integrate nicely with that. I'd love to hear feedback, in particular to the following:

1. I hear a lot about the lack of good apps for Windows Phone. Is this still a major issue or is the gap narrowing?

2. What app do most people use to listen to music (i.e., what is the replacement for iTunes)?

3. Is there synergy between a Windows desktop and Windows Phone that I will enjoy (as opposed to Windows desktop with an iPhone or Android)?

4. I'm on AT&T, so would you go with the Lumia 830 ($99 on contract and $449 off contract) or HTC One M8 ($199 and $669? I'm due (overdue, in fact) for an upgrade. But because Windows is a new OS for me, I was thinking of going off contract, in which case I'd opt for the Lumia 830. That way, if it doesn't work out, I can revert back to an iPhone 6 or Android flagship at the contract price.

All feedback would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

buy a $50 windows phone from craigslist and try it out.

you don't even have to put your sim card in it ... let alone sign a contact for one.

my experience is the app gap is much more alive and well than is being documented here.

if you decide to upgrade to a current phone, booth the iPhone and $50 wp well sell easily.

in 5-6 months when windows 10 is released it might start to change... we'll see.


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Nov 12, 2012
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I agree with ohgood...

Craigslist or outright purchase a Lumia 520 or 521 and try it out for the feel of the OS and sampling the App Store. You need not activate onto a network to get a good sampling of how the OS works. You can always resell the device later without too much hassle or gift it to someone...

I've tried so many mobile Operating Systems and have used several for long periods of time: Android, webOS, iOS, Symbian, Windows Phone and even emerging OS choices like Ubuntu Touch, Firefox OS, Jolla Sailfish and old school stuff such as Palm OS and Windows Mobile... I started on Windows Phone with a 521 just to see how it was and was quickly won over and it continues as my daily driver. There is still an App Gap, but it only matters to a certain degree to certain user types. The UX (user experience) falls right into my likes, but won't suit everyone. Likewise the app situation - some who have a lot of peer pressure to stay up-to-date with certain apps will feel disgruntled quickly. Those who don't follow app trends so closely do fine with the store...

Try before you buy is always a smart move and a smart device becomes such a relied on tool that you do want to make sure the fit is good before making such a major switch if you have been heavily involved in one ecosystem for a long time.

matt john2

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Apr 14, 2014
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Some of the replies is true and are not. Well of you're going to buy one because you know " It's Windows" please don't. As others said, app gap is somewhat problematic plus apps are not fine tune as app from IOS or Android even those official ones like facebook,etc. Internet Explorer is pain in the A$$ as well or any other browsers available on Windows phone. THERE ARE NO RESEMBLANCE FROM WINDOWS OS by any means. And you'll never find the solid feel of IOS in windows phone, In short IT SUCKS, IOS or Android will be a lot better though, I mean A LOT BETTER,some or most Microsoft fan boy may disagree with me but its all true. I'm a windows phone user since the windows phone 8 and all I got was disappointment that it be a lot better than other OS'S. Microsoft only has promises that didn't happen. Staying on IOS is the best idea because Apple take their business seriously unlike Microsoft, you'll gonna feel left behind when using Windows phone and I can assure you that.


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Nov 3, 2011
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If you want to test drive a L520/L521, just remember you'll be comparing last years lowest-end WP device ($140 off contract at lauch) to your iP4 which was considered a high-end offering and was once one of the most expensive devices on the market (>$600 off contract at launch). You can still find out whether you like WP as an OS, but that price difference will obviously be very noticeable when it comes to things like display and camera quality, performance, etc. Just make sure you're comparing apples to apples. 😉

Keith Wallace

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Nov 8, 2012
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If you want a low-end, cheap device, a Lumia 735 would be a good choice. If you want a large device, a Lumia 1520 would be a good choice. If you want a standard-sized flagship device, skip Windows Phone, because there's nothing to get on AT&T.

The Lumia 830 is a Lumia 920 with a better camera and worse GPU. It's just not an impressive device to use an upgrade on.
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