SLT initial store demo impressions


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Jul 14, 2012
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Went to the MS flagship store in NYC and had fun time playing with it. I own a SB, SP4, and SS. So my perspective is from a Surface user.

Solid feel, build quality.
Colors other than Platinum looks great, as well as Alcantara.
Touch pad and Alcantara material feels nice, similar to Signature touch cover.
Screen is nice, while lower res than SB, you won't notice it with casual use like web or video. Inking and touch on it are on par with SB/SP.
Speaker sound is pretty good for laptop, i turned it up to max and didn't hear any major distortions.
One finger to open. Has a dampered feel, not loose at all. Closes like a nice car door. Opening the lid turns on the device instantly, no appreciable lag. Power on/off is really fast. The power button and volume keys are on the keyboard.

The keyboard flexes. This is not much different from SP4/3, but if you used a SB you will notice it.
Inking on it works, the max open angle is fine. The down side is you have to hold it with the other hand for support. Not really made for taking class notes like that, but good enough for marking up pages, clip art, etc.
The Alcantara edge where it meets the metallic base is well made. But i wonder if this will stand up to day to day use over years. Time will tell.

Overall, i like it. Buying one for my girlfriend. It doesn't replace the SP or SB. It simply fills the lineup for those that want a laptop, and not a tablet, and does occasional inking. Touch screen is the standard on any laptop in my opinion. The build quality and design is really nice, and that's what differentiate it from other oem machines. Win10S is the other thing, but i probably will take up the free win10pro offer before it ends.

Tsang Fai

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Aug 11, 2014
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Opening the lid turns on the device instantly, no appreciable lag. Power on/off is really fast. The power button and volume keys are on the keyboard.

I think these are supposed to be key features of Win10S. That means if the device is upgraded to 10Pro, startup time, wake from sleep time, etc would not be as fast as 10S.

I have pre-ordered one and would seriously try not to switch to 10Pro. I basically use Edge + Office 2016 only. I never use Chrome.

Faster startup time and more reliable sleep are very attractive to me.

It simply fills the lineup for those that want a laptop, and not a tablet, and does occasional inking.

Agree. I really don't see the point of complaining that device is too traditional. We Surface owners should be more open-minded. We should understand that most people just want a nice laptop with touchscreen.


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Jul 14, 2012
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Originally posted by Tsang Fai
Originally Posted by JaimitoFrog
Opening the lid turns on the device instantly, no appreciable lag. Power on/off is really fast. The power button and volume keys are on the keyboard.

I think these are supposed to be key features of Win10S. That means if the device is upgraded to 10Pro, startup time, wake from sleep time, etc would not be as fast as 10S.

I have pre-ordered one and would seriously try not to switch to 10Pro. I basically use Edge + Office 2016 only. I never use Chrome.

Faster startup time and more reliable sleep are very attractive to me.

Originally Posted by JaimitoFrog
It simply fills the lineup for those that want a laptop, and not a tablet, and does occasional inking.

Agree. I really don't see the point of complaining that device is too traditional. We Surface owners should be more open-minded. We should understand that most people just want a nice laptop with touchscreen.

Yeah, good point. My gf doesn't use chrome or iTunes, and so i might just leave it on W10S. Too bad it is not a two way street, where u can swap back and forth between W10S and Pro and compare them. I'm waiting for reviewers to test the difference, before deciding to take up the Pro offer until end of the yr. I think the speed difference might be more pronounced once u install a lot of apps, and some use more resources at bootup etc.


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Nov 3, 2015
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Windows 10 S will be a more viable option in a year or two's time, assuming developers get on board and make their programs/applications available. For Windows 10 S to truly work, all applications need to be available to 10 S users, which just won't happen.

Tsang Fai

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Aug 11, 2014
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It's not difficult for Microsoft to partner with major developers. Unlike mobile apps, popular desktop apps are limited. Most people just use browser + Office + photo editing software. More advanced users may use video editing apps. That's it. The absence of those less common apps are perfectly fine - they just switch to 10Pro.

The major obstacle may be the absence of Chrome. Would a user pay $49 just for the sake of using Chrome? I'm not sure.


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Oct 8, 2015
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Lucky for you to have experienced the thing. Here in the Philippines, we don't even have a Microsoft Store. I was planning to have someone buy a Surface Pro in the US and after reading your impressions, I might as well go with the SP. Still intrigued with where Windows 10 S is going though.


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Jan 14, 2014
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Its not a revolutionary machine like other Surface products.
It was made for a Single purpose and thats is Be and Act like a LAPTOP only

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