SP4 as iPad Replacement


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Nov 30, 2015
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Hi guys,

I have a MacBook Pro as my main productivity device hooked up to an external monitor. I don't have any plan to switch full-time to Windows any time soon.

But I find myself using my iPad less each day. It's just a bigger iPhone that doesn't do much beside media consumption for me. Now I'm interested in replacing my iPad to Surface Pro 4.

My usage for iPad mostly just browsing Internet and watching movies, which I'm sure SP4 can handle better than iPad. By having SP4, I can afford to leave my MacBook at home while traveling.

How is the SP4 as a tablet replacement? Although I'm planning to buy the type cover as well, but I would like to use it without keyboard most of the time. Is it difficult to use non-tablet version of Windows using touch-screen only?


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Jan 2, 2013
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Windows 10 has a "tablet mode" which is designed for use with touch when you have the TypeCover detached. IMO it works pretty well provided you are using mostly touch based apps. When using desktop programs I find it's best to use the pen to navigate.


May 7, 2013
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I basically used my iPad the same as you and I find the sp4 to be the best of both worlds. I use my Alienware 18 as my powerhouse machine and my Sp4 for most everything else. Because of it's versatility and power I rarely use my Laptop anymore. I have the i5 4gb 128gb.


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Nov 30, 2015
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Windows 10 has a "tablet mode" which is designed for use with touch when you have the TypeCover detached. IMO it works pretty well provided you are using mostly touch based apps. When using desktop programs I find it's best to use the pen to navigate.

Thanks for your response. Actually I'm planning on using few desktop apps as well. How is the stylus compared to trackpad? Is there any way I can select multiple files (ctrl/shift command on keyboard) using only stylus?

I basically used my iPad the same as you and I find the sp4 to be the best of both worlds. I use my Alienware 18 as my powerhouse machine and my Sp4 for most everything else. Because of it's versatility and power I rarely use my Laptop anymore. I have the i5 4gb 128gb.

Thanks for your input. That is what I'm aiming as well. But still not sure how well the combination of desktop mode and touchscreen.


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Sep 22, 2013
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Windows 10 has a "tablet mode" which is designed for use with touch when you have the TypeCover detached. IMO it works pretty well provided you are using mostly touch based apps. When using desktop programs I find it's best to use the pen to navigate.

Thanks for your response. Actually I'm planning on using few desktop apps as well. How is the stylus compared to trackpad? Is there any way I can select multiple files (ctrl/shift command on keyboard) using only stylus?

While I agree with Justinian, I would have to say it's best to use the touch cover and trackpad when you're using Desktop Applications. Using a pen for navigation, for me at least, is awkward. I only use it for writing occasionally and editing photos.


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May 29, 2014
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Hi guys,

I have a MacBook Pro as my main productivity device hooked up to an external monitor. I don't have any plan to switch full-time to Windows any time soon.

But I find myself using my iPad less each day. It's just a bigger iPhone that doesn't do much beside media consumption for me. Now I'm interested in replacing my iPad to Surface Pro 4.

My usage for iPad mostly just browsing Internet and watching movies, which I'm sure SP4 can handle better than iPad. By having SP4, I can afford to leave my MacBook at home while traveling.

How is the SP4 as a tablet replacement? Although I'm planning to buy the type cover as well, but I would like to use it without keyboard most of the time. Is it difficult to use non-tablet version of Windows using touch-screen only?

Hi, if your main usage is just browsing and movies, then I dont think surface is the right choice. ipad is lighter, and more convenient to hold, has way better battery life and is more stable at the moment, and there are no fans. Only if you need to wirite a lot or use desktop apps would I consided Surface. Dont fall for the advertising pitch about being a tablet thatvcan replace your laptop. For a PC it is light and thin, but not as a tablet.

John M Beauchemin

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Sep 21, 2015
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I bought the Surface Pro 4 to replace my iPad... sort of. I actually bought it so I could draw in photoshop while on the couch or on the go so a major importance factor for me was the pen and the fact that the SP4 can run desktop apps. Honestly, if you ONLY want to use it to watch media and browse the web, you are better off with an iPad. The iPad destroys the SP4 on battery life and is much more portable a device. I came very close to replacing my iPadHD with an iPad Pro instead of the SP4, and the only reason I did not is because I can't run Photoshop on the iPad.

As for using desktop apps with a touchscreen, it's more than doable, just don't expect the same user experience as an iPad. I didn't even buy a type cover with my SP4 and honestly, I keep it in desktop mode most of the time... but it's definitely not ideal. More like I put up with it because I have to in order to do what I want. It is easier for me to navigate in desktop mode with the pen, as someone else mentioned above.


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Nov 30, 2015
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While I agree with Justinian, I would have to say it's best to use the touch cover and trackpad when you're using Desktop Applications. Using a pen for navigation, for me at least, is awkward. I only use it for writing occasionally and editing photos.

Hi, if your main usage is just browsing and movies, then I dont think surface is the right choice. ipad is lighter, and more convenient to hold, has way better battery life and is more stable at the moment, and there are no fans. Only if you need to wirite a lot or use desktop apps would I consided Surface. Dont fall for the advertising pitch about being a tablet thatvcan replace your laptop. For a PC it is light and thin, but not as a tablet.

I bought the Surface Pro 4 to replace my iPad... sort of. I actually bought it so I could draw in photoshop while on the couch or on the go so a major importance factor for me was the pen and the fact that the SP4 can run desktop apps. Honestly, if you ONLY want to use it to watch media and browse the web, you are better off with an iPad. The iPad destroys the SP4 on battery life and is much more portable a device. I came very close to replacing my iPadHD with an iPad Pro instead of the SP4, and the only reason I did not is because I can't run Photoshop on the iPad.

As for using desktop apps with a touchscreen, it's more than doable, just don't expect the same user experience as an iPad. I didn't even buy a type cover with my SP4 and honestly, I keep it in desktop mode most of the time... but it's definitely not ideal. More like I put up with it because I have to in order to do what I want. It is easier for me to navigate in desktop mode with the pen, as someone else mentioned above.

Even for browsing and watching movies, SP is better than iPad. Safari on iOS is not as good as any PC browser. As for the additional feature, for me running desktop apps on tablet is more appealing than apps on iPad. I use apps on iPhone all the time and loved it, but its not the case for my iPad usage. I've seen iPad Pro, and don't think its much different from my Air 2.

Anyway, thanks for the input guys. I'll probably try to find SP4 and test how the desktop mode and touchscreen works.


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Nov 12, 2012
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I kinda worry that the Pro 4 is ridiculous overkill for that use case. A Surface 3 (non-Pro) may be better suited to the task - being smaller, fanless, cheaper. Its less powerful, but since you already have a Mac for heavier lifting you'll probably be fine.
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ryland Johnson

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Nov 13, 2015
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I have yet to comprehend why so many even try to compare the excellent Apple tablet with the excellent Surface pro 4, they are completely different devices from OS to hardware.
Both devices will be ideal for a given customer but to see so many comparisons baffles me. The Apple is a beautiful tablet running IOS tablet software wrapped in the usual high quality Apple package. The Surface Pro 4 is a hybrid tablet- lap top running a full PC version of a Windows OS. How can such two different devices be compared? Literally apples and oranges.

Regards, Ryland


Feb 20, 2015
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I replaced my iPad with a linx 10 (a cheap windows tablet). No regrets, i can do so much more with it. Tablet mode with split screen is especially useful. Media consumption is equivalent, apps run fine, use Netflix a lot and no issues.


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Nov 3, 2015
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Thanks for your response. Actually I'm planning on using few desktop apps as well. How is the stylus compared to trackpad? Is there any way I can select multiple files (ctrl/shift command on keyboard) using only stylus?

I love the stylus. I got used to using it on my SP2 because the trackpad was so terrible on that model, but the track pad on the SP4's keyboard is top notch. Even thought the SP4 track pad is so much better, I find myself using my stylus and fingers far, far more than my trackpad, and I've never use the tablet mode in Windows 10. I don't think I even have any mobile apps loaded on my SP4. I generally use my fingers for scrolling, and stylus for everything else you would use a mouse for. Sometimes you need extremely accurate inputs, such as in CAD work where you needed to select a particularly difficult center point, and the trackpad is ideal in these situations. So yeah... I use the trackpad about 1% of the time, maybe less.

You can select multiple files by clicking a check box in the corner of the file icon, and you can select multiple files my touching the stylus to the screen, and dragging, just like you would with the mouse.

I agree with xandros9 though, perhaps you should look into a Surface 3. If I was looking for a more useful iPad replacement, that's what I'd go for. I only got the i5 SP4 because I need to be able to do CAD work on the go, and it's essentially turned into my main computer since I'm always on the go. My far more powerful desktop PC hardly gets any use at all.

John M Beauchemin

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Sep 21, 2015
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I have yet to comprehend why so many even try to compare the excellent Apple tablet with the excellent Surface pro 4, they are completely different devices from OS to hardware.
Both devices will be ideal for a given customer but to see so many comparisons baffles me. The Apple is a beautiful tablet running IOS tablet software wrapped in the usual high quality Apple package. The Surface Pro 4 is a hybrid tablet- lap top running a full PC version of a Windows OS. How can such two different devices be compared? Literally apples and oranges.

Regards, Ryland

This isn't a thread about comparing the iPad to the SP4, it's a thread about a specific set of desired functionality the user requires of their device, and which device would be better suited toward fulfilling those desired uses.

But it looks like the OP had his mind made up before he even posted, anyway.

Personally, I replaced my iPad which I use every day with an SP4. So far, it's been ok. I can do a lot more with the SP4 than I could with the iPad, but I do miss the iPad's battery life, silent running, and solid construction. From a strict media consumption standpoint, the iPad is a much more streamlined experience. But as with everything, you have to weigh all the pros and cons against one another in order to decide which device is best suited for your wants and needs.

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