What got you into Windows Phone?


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Mar 17, 2013
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Several things, actually. It was something fresh. The UI was new. It was the discovery process. It was rooting for the underdog. It was seeing M$ make a comeback in the mobile space. It was rooting for the consumer to NOT be monopolized by one or two phone makers/ecosystems.



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Dec 26, 2011
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Long time Media Center user, also use WHS. Saw the early reviews and it was beautiful and fluid, which my aging OG Droid was not. Ended up with the Trophy, just picked up a 928.

Very content with it.

edit: life long love affair with typography and graphic design didn't hurt either.


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May 30, 2013
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I saw the Lumia 521 as the perfect opportunity to give Windows Phone a try without spending a lot of money or being locked into a contract.

I've had it for a few weeks now, and believe it to be the best all around smartphone under $150.


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Dec 26, 2012
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It started way earlier when I didn't even know Microsoft made phones - one of my friends claimed they had a Samsung Focus, and I was like cool, Microsoft makes phones now? So I take a look and see Windows Phone, then I knew I found what I wanted.

Unfortunately, I was very impatient at that time, and Verizon didn't have any Windows Phone devices when I wanted one. So, I looked around on Verizon's site and saw the LG Fathom and it said "Windows Phone 6.5". I just thought to myself, "It says Windows Phone, and the difference between Windows Phone 6.5 and Windows Phone 7 is only 0.5..." I locked myself into a 2 year contract with that thing, ugh, resistive touchscreens suck. (There was such a lack of apps on Windows Mobile that I decided to make my own - made 3)

After my release from the painful contract, I saw the HTC Trophy was available. I obtained one, loved it SO much. By the time the Lumia 822 was out on Verizon, my contract ended again and I was free! So here I am, with this wonderful piece of technology, made by none other than Nokia and Microsoft. :love:


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Jan 22, 2013
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They never released the first generation Lumia phones in my country due to Windows Phone 7 not supporting Arabic, thus, I never knew about them until the following happened. A Lumia 800 owner, from the UAE, in a graphic design course amazed me with how fluid WP7 was compared to my Galaxy W, that, to my amazement, had the same hardware specifications as the Lumia 800. I was convinced that my next phone should be a Lumia and, by the way, started following up with WPCentral. 8 Months later, I got my hands on my white Lumia 620. Then, I made two of my friends switch to Lumia, after which they, in turn, made their whole families switch too.


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Jun 25, 2013
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Been using iPhone since the 4 came out, was an avid fan but just got bored of it and it's UI. Also I realised that I was clogging my phone with crud I never used. At the time the nokia 900 and wp7 came out was super tempted to get it then but didn't as I was still happy with Apple's kit. Now my iphone 4 was over 2 and a bit years old, coming on to three and I couldn't face another boring iPhone. Android was too insecure for my tastes. So I went WP and got a Lumia 925. Absolutely loving it. Superb bit of kit.


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Jun 27, 2013
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Similar story to the above. Bored of iphone. I also have a tendency for style over substance, and WP8 certainly has style. And luckily for me enough substance fo me. Ios made me app angry. In the end i had about 5 i used. On WP, the 'me' and 'people' hubs are my current faves. The unity of information and organisation, the logic and simplicity. These are great qualities.


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Jul 4, 2011
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I have told my story a couple times. Basically, Wife had BlackBerry, I had a Palm Pre Plus, and she assigned me to figure out the best option. I did a ton of homework, played with as many phones as possible, and simply put WP won me over. The longer I read and researched and played around, the more I became convinced. I am pleased, and my wife was pleased which of course is the most important part.

I am still open minded about a future OS as we get closer to the end of our contract. But now, other OS's have to give me a reason to leave WP.


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Apr 4, 2013
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Been a nokia user since I got my first phone in 2007..
I was using a nokia x6 till last month and it was getting old, the OS...I had my Mind on the 620 and had got a white one booked, but then decided to wait for 720. For the bigger screen and a kind-of flagship feel.....thus, a white glossy 720 enjoys here! :p
I bumped into wpcentral a year ago after following a link on gsmarena.....my next phone will also be a Lumia btw!


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Apr 10, 2013
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I guess I wanted a change of OS, coming from Android 2.3 :) . WP is very fluid, but misses a lot of features from Android and Whatsapp/Facebook/Tapatalk among other apps and games are missing big time. I'm not quite sure if I regret going for WP8 L620 but I enjoy the smooth interface and fluid animations of WP :) . My next phone(probably in 2014) is going to be a Android for sure.

Jimmy Cooper

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Feb 28, 2013
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I tried windows 8 desktop OS and loved it. Looked at the surface and the windows phone and needed a new phone and decided to choose windows phone over android :)


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Aug 10, 2011
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In the winter of 2010 I was at a Rogers corporate store and they had working demo models of the Samsung Focus and Samsung Galaxy Captivate. On Froyo (at the time), the Captivate seemed a bit buggy and slow, whereas the Focus was fast and fluid. I've been a WP user ever since, now on my Lumia 920 (since Nov 2012), and not only that, but got myself further invested in the Microsoft eco-system by buying an Xbox 360, Surface Pro and XBL Gold + Music.

In Limbo

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Apr 20, 2013
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I initially had a Nokia E72, but I knew Symbian OS was going down. Then remember hearing about a complete remake of Windows Mobile. So I waited -- I purchase a Focus on launch day. Then I had this faint hope and idea that Nokia would jump on . . . and the rest is history . . .

I now own a Lumia 920 :)

Euell Gibbons

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Jan 10, 2013
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For me, it was frustration with Android. My first smartphone was a 2.8-inch HTC Vogue, running WinMo 6.1. It sucked as configured, but I was able to hack the later versions of WinMo and early versions of Android onto it. Liked early Android much better than iOS, and the phones were cheaper so I got a Droid 2, and then later upgraded(?) to a Droid X2. The successive generations of Android phones had bigger and better screens, but the OS was still just as unstable/laggy as in the beginning. I got tired of having to hack ROMs to coax at best decent performance of these phones. So I decided to switch to WP8. I am loving it so far.

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