What is the big deal about GDR2!!!


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Aug 7, 2011
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i installed the update yesterday into my Nokia Lumia 920 from rogers(Canada)
i dont see anything to be excited about, i had an unbranded ROM from Latin America in my phone and it is about the same thing that comes on GDR2
the couple of things i see are (clock when the phone is a sleep, The secure SIM2(fixed dialing(FDN) settings, the lumia color profile, "no biggie" ooh and the Radio Trans, who the hell wants to listen to local radio stations on a smart phone, "internet radio kicks ***") the latin america ROM has data sense, access point,network+,Audio, storage check, and all apps can be downloaded except nokia smart cam.
Any ways the reason why i complain is that such a big deal has been made over this update that its soo dissapointing that Microsoft is stalling this thing for soo long i'm sure they got way more to offer than
this pothetics add ons, common Microsoft your gonna kill this beautiful cell phone OS, grab your balls and just rip it up and do a real update and shakes the boots of iOS and android before is tooo late.


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It unlocks Data Sense (and find nearby WiFi) to other countries because the Americas are not the only continents in the world, which is a big deal for us consumers to save data, especially to those who can't afford unlimited data plans. It also brings call and sms blocking APIs, which is good if you want to ignore incoming blocked calls or telemarketers (no offence). GDR2 also limits the use of other storage (according to Microsoft). And while the lumia color profile is "no biggie" it is useful for people with Lumias equipped with AMOLED displays, because sometimes too much saturation isn't good, just preference. Though radio may not be an important feature... for others, it kinda is stupid not having such simple feature on such an advanced device namely a 'smart' phone. And Bluetooth 4, change default camera app, glance, tap to wake, remade nokia tunes.


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This is not meant to be a big update, it is the next step leading up to the 8.1 update. It adds a few features to keep the whiners down. And updates the code base for future hardware etc. When your on a limited data plan FM radio is a GREAT thing. As well as in countries that have not had FM radio for very long at all in its history.


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the battery life is the same, nothing really change. i used the leaked French RM-821 ROM and The Polish RM-821 ROM, the french was better and then the polish version of the OS. Trust me nothing special if you could get your hands on the Latin America unbranded ROM you'll have a very similar OS as the updated GDR2 OS


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Dec 16, 2011
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the battery life is the same, nothing really change. i used the leaked French RM-821 ROM and The Polish RM-821 ROM, the french was better and then the polish version of the OS. Trust me nothing special if you could get your hands on the Latin America unbranded ROM you'll have a very similar OS as the updated GDR2 OS
u just killed whatever little enthusiasm i had for this update. battery life is the one issue i have with my 920. i use it a lot and get to battery saver mode by 5 o clock generally.


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Apr 9, 2013
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Meh, im with the OP...i dont see the big deal with this update, infact its sad that minor changes such as these get us all pumped up LOL. I love my Lumia and look forward to better battery performance (although i doubt it will improve a lot) but all the other add-ons are minor to ME. I havent flashed and find no reason to, just wait for the OTA.

Jason Drum

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May 28, 2013
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"who the hell wants to listen to local radio stations on a smart phone"

Me, I really like my local talk shows from 7-11 and 3-7. I get them on iHeartRadio, but crappy wifi in my office makes it tough.

I'm also looking forward to glance, tap to wake, and the numerous people talking about better camera and sound performance.


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Mar 26, 2013
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I suspect most of the improvements with GDR2 are under-the-hood... thats probably the reason for all the frustration - can't believe what you can't see !
Thats where Amber steps in - with Nokia adding all their goodies..
I'm sure we'll see a similar pattern with GDR3 - Maybe Nokia picking up the slack for Microsoft and getting in some features that Microsoft might otherwise not push until Windows Phone 8.1 ..

Squatting Hen

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People like updates. The idea of an update is exciting, but sometimes, depending on the person, the update that is received may not be as exciting as expected.

I am excited about any update.

The level of excitement varies too from person to person. I am not doing cartwheels or holding my bowels so I don’t miss anything, but I am checking the news posts and the forum, and will update the moment I can.


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There's no clear answer as the GDR2 update does bring along some improvements that were needed like the other storage fix for instance. However, it is not meant to be a major update. The major update is 8.1 which could rollout any day between 10/1/13 and 3/31/14.


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Jul 28, 2011
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who the hell wants to listen to local radio stations on a smart phone

My local gym has a bunch of TVs around the workout room. Each TV broadcasts the audio on a different FM station so that you can tune it in on your phone and listen on headphones. My 920 has been unable to do that which has been really really annoying. Now it will be able to. So yes, I the hell want to listen to local radio stations.


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Mar 26, 2013
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who the hell wants to listen to local radio stations on a smart phone, "internet radio kicks ***")

A lot of people don't see FM radio as a big deal...
FM is HUGE in countries like India.. no worries about mobile internet / data plans / streaming radio / music storage space ... Plug in your earphones and you're good to go !
Contests/ Events/ The latest music/ Traffic updates/ News... 20 stations ready with all the ear candy you could possibly need to get you through the day !

Hardware radio always trumps software radio for me ... :smile:


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The other thing to think about is all the little O/S updates included that help make things more stable, quicker, and add future features. A lot of those are nothing that the general user will ever interact with, but developers will.

So it's a good thing that we are getting the update. Now for the count down to GDR3, then WP8.1 :cool:


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Aug 7, 2011
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Lol, good one, I think Nokia would improve this thing faster than Microsoft is, since they are worry more about windows,office and xbox and all the enterprice business they make, billions compare to hundreds of millions


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Feb 29, 2012
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I'd have serious doubts about that. I honestly think it would slow things down and put Nokia back in the position they were in (and still are to a big degree) of worrying about collapsing. MSFT brings a lot to the table that Nokia would struggle to build on their own; at least in their current position.

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