What would people want from a Mobile Browser for the Visually Impaired?

Justin Cann

New member
Jun 19, 2016
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Hello Everyone,

I am a visually impaired Mobile Software Developer.

I suffer from severe ocular migraines that temporarily leave me completely blind.

My partner is also VI and she uses voice commands and screen readers to use her laptop and phone. Our experience is that screen readers still read out more information that needed and it takes too long to get the right information. I know that there are countless difficulties that others have and want help to identify them.

What I am trying to do is design a free mobile application that adapts websites for the visually impaired. I want to make it for phone and tablets because of the hardware (microphone, speakers, camera).

We have looked at what already exists and want to improve on existing technologies. I don't want to make assumptions of what is needed.

I would appreciate it if any members on this forum could share some insight on what they feel we need from a dedication VI Mobile Browser.

We put together a short forum. Please complete it if you are visually-impaired, a friend of the visually-impaired, or in the sight loss sector. Here is the link. https://goo.gl/vJ4JhY

Thanks in advance.


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