Windows 10 Mobile or Roll Back to 8.1?


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Apr 8, 2014
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930 here, rolled back to 8.1.

No useful new features.
Worse and inconsistent performance all over the OS and Apps.
I didn't like the user experience and interface as a whole. (hamburger menus, wireframe buttons, scaling problems, font smoothing problems, having to navigate 3 different apps just to save a picture from edge, etc)

I could live with it but it wouldn't be my first choice.


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Apr 21, 2016
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I think what he meant is that it's obvious that Windows Phone 8.1 would run better on older hardware like your 920 than WM10 does in its current state. Like XP runs better on older computers than Windows 10 would.

Was an insider since the first build of Windows 10.

PC has get much attention than the Mobile, the OS is still buggy after the pseudo official rollout.

It's not a question of hardware but much of money.

I had a Snapdragon 400 on my Lumia 830 & it worked better than my 410 on my Blu Phone ???

Microsoft just wanna want to update only his Lumia first but then after seeing Market Share dropping everywhere, they just supplied OEM they forget to help them because of the failure of the OS.

Personally I don't want more useless features if I need to pay the price in performance.

So yes definitely, Windows 10 mobile still a beta OS at this time.

We can just hope it will improve with the anniversary update this summer like Windows 10 took a year to work correctly cause if he don't, it would be the end of Microsoft on mobile

Grant Taylor3

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Mar 15, 2014
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For me Windows 10 Mobile runs fine and I would not go back to 8.1. I have gotten used to using the UWP apps across all my devices.

Being able to seamlessly go from phone to tablet then desktop is great.

Grant Taylor3

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Mar 15, 2014
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The UWP apps are starting to come good and it is not just the Microsoft ones.

I like the fact I have a choice of good apps like Grover Pro, Groove Music, MyTube!, Unstream and more.

These apps make it wort staying on Windows 10 Mobile and with the apps constantly being updated my user experience is getting better.

Grant Taylor3

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Mar 15, 2014
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With my 950 I have the features and the performance.

I am not concerned about the performance on my 1020 as I use it only as a media player and alarm clock now.

I would not roll my 1020 back to 8.1.

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