Worth the switch?


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Dec 29, 2012
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Long story short: I've been bouncing around different iOS and android products for the last couple of years, and have grown bored of them both. Since windows phone came out, I've been interested in it, and the changes windows phone 8 brought fixed many of the issues I had with the platform. That being said though, I am very apprehensive about switching over due to some niggling concerns over app selection, etc.

I love the 8x, so I was wondering if anyone that has switched can offer their insight on what it's like.


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Oct 18, 2012
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Moved over from Android and loving it. The Windows UI is fast and smooth. I find most of the apps I need, save for a few games. However the overall features & beauty of the phone (Nokia 920) far outweigh any minor app misses. Also I enjoy the Xbox and Windows 8 integration...very good ecosystem here (plus Skype, SkyDrive, Office, etc). Long story short...ill be sticking around.


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Sep 30, 2012
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For me, I don't regret making the switch from Android to W8. App support is an issue right now, but I'm positive that as the platform gains in popularity it won't be a problem any longer. I love my l920. it is the best phone that I've ever owned so far.

What apps are you looking for and what issues might you have with the OS? I really only miss 4 apps (xFinity, Wells Fargo, ING, and ShareBuilder). For me, I don't do much mobile gaming, its more about News and finical management. To each there own.


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Dec 10, 2012
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Its fresh. Smooth. Stable.

Don't know what kind of user you were with android. But if you were the type to install things like proximity screen off/on, floating apps, then you will miss android. If you used Google Now, you will miss it. Otherwise, its not hard to make the transition.

You will find some small annoyances that add up but its easy to live with and get used to. If the force is with you, you should be ok. If not, you will turn into a troll... creating crybaby troll threads.

Just remember. Carebears love you. Koala bears don't bother you. Grass is green most of the time.


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Dec 29, 2012
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For me, I don't regret making the switch from Android to W8. App support is an issue right now, but I'm positive that as the platform gains in popularity it won't be a problem any longer. I love my l920. it is the best phone that I've ever owned so far.

What apps are you looking for and what issues might you have with the OS? I really only miss 4 apps (xFinity, Wells Fargo, ING, and ShareBuilder). For me, I don't do much mobile gaming, its more about News and finical management. To each there own.

I use Instagram and Facebook a lot, as well as twitter. I've heard horrible things about the Facebook app. One of my biggest concerns, I guess, is that the selection isn't huge right now. Even though I might not want a certain app now, I might in the future.


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Dec 6, 2012
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I love the WP8 Facebook app, I dont miss either the ios or android apps at all. I guess if you use instagram you will miss it but there are apps that you can use with instagram but cannot upload pictures.


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Dec 8, 2012
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Moved to from android and I like too much the WP8 user interface I don't see any reason to go back, facebook is not bad, just different at this moment, for instagram you can use client apps like metrogram, also twitter is not a problem... the current app catalog is not stuck on 120k, 150k or any number is growing everyday and too fast!


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Sep 26, 2012
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I moved from Android and was worried about app support. What I did was try to watch my app usage over a month, 90% of what I did with my phone is still available with WP8 and as soon as Adobe upgrades Adobe Reader so I don't have to use the terrible MS PDF Reader, it will be 99%. I got bored of the boring, tired, dated UI in iOS and Android, so the trade off was worth it for me.

I use Instagram and Facebook a lot, as well as twitter. I've heard horrible things about the Facebook app. One of my biggest concerns, I guess, is that the selection isn't huge right now. Even though I might not want a certain app now, I might in the future.
I must use FB different than those people, I haven't had any issues with FB app. And when I'm browsing status updates I'm doing it in the People hub and not FB app anyways.


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Dec 29, 2012
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I moved from Android and was worried about app support. What I did was try to watch my app usage over a month, 90% of what I did with my phone is still available with WP8 and as soon as Adobe upgrades Adobe Reader so I don't have to use the terrible MS PDF Reader, it will be 99%. I got bored of the boring, tired, dated UI in iOS and Android, so the trade off was worth it for me.

I must use FB different than those people, I haven't had any issues with FB app. And when I'm browsing status updates I'm doing it in the People hub and not FB app anyways.

Interesting. That's a good idea. My upgrade isn't for a while still, so I can see what apps I'm actually using.


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Jan 1, 2013
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I use Instagram and Facebook a lot, as well as twitter. I've heard horrible things about the Facebook app. One of my biggest concerns, I guess, is that the selection isn't huge right now. Even though I might not want a certain app now, I might in the future.

I'm on the same boat, im getting my 8x shipped, so it should be getting here any day. Like you I use a lot of popular social apps: instagram/facebook/twitter/tumblr/pinterest the list goes on...
Im not too afraid though your just going to have to rely a lot on third party app from what i've been hearing,like they mentioned before there's third party apps where you can upload instagram pictures, facebook is good it's just different so you have to get used to it, apparently twitter is okay at best, but im willing to do the sacrifice , tumblrs app in general is okay across all platform so it doesnt matter...still havent found a solution to pinterest and spotify
But i have confidence I'll end up loving the 8x , its the best bang for you buck right now if your on Tmobile!


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Nov 12, 2012
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I've been a long time Android user but when I saw the 8X I wanted to give it a go. I picked one up a blue 16gb from AT&T last Thursday. The phone is awesome, I really like the design and color. Windows is alright but its definitely lacking. One of my main issues with it is the notifications, the little number next to the messages to alert you of a text isn't enough. Notification bars are the way to go. It also really really needs Google Maps and a decent Google Talk app. I've been carrying my Nexus 4 with a Straight Talk sim card so I can use its awesome maps and talk. But on the other hand it does some things really well. I like how it comes with a podcast player and the podcasts are in the app store.

The missing notification bar and the lack of Google is enough to make be go back to Android. Windows is my second choice though, its miles ahead of iOS.

I wish HTC made a 8X style device that ran Android :cool:


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To be honest there're plenty of apps that can replace iOS's ones. I have many games but I haven't finished any so far because I keep getting them ~_~... However I miss (a lot) Temple Run/Subway Surfers. If WP8 had these 2 apps I'd s**t rainbows... I'm so mad at MS for not pushing the developers to release Temple Run. :(
Why cannot they do something about it? 50% of WP owners for sure want Instagram (although I find it USELESS) and Temple Run.


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Jul 11, 2008
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It depends on your needs. If you are a business person that needs Office capabilities and a robust email app then stick with Android. Not being able to reply to emails with document attachments gets old very quickly. Office is integrated into the OS but lacks the robust features and advanced functions of most of the third party Office apps available for Android. Other giggles like lack of notifications, no file management access, no longer standby setting than 10 min, inefficient multitasking and limited calendar features made me stick with Android. I love the 8x and will gladly move back when Microsoft fixes most of these issues, but unfortunately I don't believe that they will. They want a closed system like IOS and that usually means being a little obstinate towards customer feedback. I forgot, the lack of a decent maps and turn by turn navigation feature on the 8x is another major letdown. The music sound and call quality are excellent and the 8xis probably the most comfortable and perfect size for a smartphone.

Dawn Banks

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Jan 2, 2013
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After being with the iPhone since the beginning, I made the switch to WP8 in November, and haven't regretted it in the least. The only app that I really miss is my credit union app. The Facebook app may be crappy, but I get most of my Facebook needs from the me tile.

As for the 8x, nice phone, but too little storage, and the camera sucks. Still like I better than my iPhone 4S otherwise.

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