WP8.1 DP - Disabled Bluetooth LE?!

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May 23, 2014
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I tested my HR strap again this morning, and it's definitely still working with my phone.

However, after reading through some of the points regarding Windows Phone 8.1 support and Nokia Black firmware updates, it might be to do with the fact that the developer preview doesn't include any firmware updates for sepcific phones, so the Nokia update could still be handling the Bluetooth 4.0 stuff and the OS is ignoring it. I'm not a developer so I don't quite know how it works, and to be honest this probably won't help with anything anyway!


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Sep 8, 2013
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iOS runs on multiple hardware configs. lots of devices?! I think not.

Yep, no Android dev preview - this preview is for the Wear SDK, previous dev previews included the camera SDK.

My point still remains, why not have these things ready so developers can take advantage of the dev preview and new SDK. It does not make sense. Yet you don't seem to understand that simple fact.

The only one to not be a **** about my post was Himanshu Chowdhary! And my response to him, should have ended this thread. but you all still come at me for no reason. slyronit's response was because he assumed i was just messing with the preview.

All I am trying to do is develop a cross platform app FFS, and what the company i work for has asked me to do and what platforms they want to support! People moan that WP is not supported enough, mmm wonder why.
Yes its frustrating but a mute point. It was announced before the dev release. The reasons for it are valid. It is what it is, deal with it. The attack is probably people frustrated wondering what the point of your rant is. It was announced before, you have been told the reasons, the fix is coming soon. What are you wanting out of this forum. Either buy a device, rely on emulators, or wait for the cyan release. Otherwise you have stated your rant. There is nothing more to say.


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Mar 28, 2012
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Hmmm, if you look back at the build 2014 conferences, one of it did mention that in black (gdr3) Nokia was using their own Bluetooth 4.0 stack because there was no native support in wp8.0. However, in Wp8.1, the OS natively supports bt4.0, so the dev preview will disable Nokia's bt stack probably due to potential incompatibilities. And since there are no updated drivers for 8.1 yet, you don't get bt4.0 until Nokia updates the drivers via the Lumia cyan update. Hope this explains a lot.


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Apr 18, 2014
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Hmmm, if you look back at the build 2014 conferences, one of it did mention that in black (gdr3) Nokia was using their own Bluetooth 4.0 stack because there was no native support in wp8.0. However, in Wp8.1, the OS natively supports bt4.0, so the dev preview will disable Nokia's bt stack probably due to potential incompatibilities. And since there are no updated drivers for 8.1 yet, you don't get bt4.0 until Nokia updates the drivers via the Lumia cyan update. Hope this explains a lot.

Cheers, great response really handy info. Annoying though seeing as the 630 has the "drivers" lol should of waited a month and picked that up instead!


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Apr 18, 2014
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Yes its frustrating but a mute point. It was announced before the dev release. The reasons for it are valid. It is what it is, deal with it. The attack is probably people frustrated wondering what the point of your rant is. It was announced before, you have been told the reasons, the fix is coming soon. What are you wanting out of this forum. Either buy a device, rely on emulators, or wait for the cyan release. Otherwise you have stated your rant. There is nothing more to say.

So i am not allowed to have a rant about something in a forum? All i was after was some clarification, so i could provide further info to my management, i cant just say... "it dont work!", "why?", "cause!". 2 people have provided decent explanation now. Others just went on the attack.

Granted i should of made it clearer in my OP that i am a dev who needed the BLE for an app. Maybe less of an attack would have followed.
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