WPBench Battery Experiment


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Nov 11, 2012
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I've been having really interesting results. We should all test our battery lives this way. Download the free wpbench app and from a full charge run the battery down until the phone shuts off. Now I know from various sources that a fully charged 920 should get approx under 3 full hours on this battery run-down benchmark until the phone shuts off.

Now for the funny part.

After 5-10 minutes my phone will actually power on to the home screen again (without the red flashing battery of death, it actually starts up and is usable like normal albeit with 0% listed battery). I'm gonna refer to this as zombie mode from now on.

Here are my findings:

-WPbench: 100% - 0% - 3H
-power on

BEGIN Zombie mode
-WPbench: 0% until shutoff - 20mins

power on
-WPbench: 0% until shutoff - 18mins

power on
-WPbench: 0% until shutoff - 6mins

power on
-WPbench: 0% until shutoff - 21mins as of posting and still going. (25 mins)

power on
-WPbench: 0% until shutoff - 7mins

-Ended Trials-

That is nearly an hour of WPbench churning with the battery at zero after my initial burn through. There is definitely something broken with the battery readings on my phone (don't want to say all of them).

This is my phones sixth maybe seventh cycle. It seems to do this every single time. It seems nothing is fixing it, the only way to get the full usage of my phone is to wait 10 mins after shutoff and power it back on again for a TON of additional usage.

Can someone else see if they get the same results? Would be some good data points.

edit: Assuming the 3 hour rundown from 100 to 0% is correct, and seeing how I squeezed an additional hour + more in this zombie mode, that means theres more than 33% usage time of my battery that I have so far not been able to utilize!!!!

This is just shocking.

Conclusion: I hypothesize that the large amount of people experiencing terrible battery life out there such as me are the victim of a horribly calibrated battery/meter. The problem however, is that this happens to me EVERY time my battery is "drained" I am able to recreate this 1 hour of additional MAX CPU load usage every time. That means the battery is never actually getting calibrated properly, it is only seeing and giving us 70-75% of our actual battery capacity every single damn time.

So the problem is clear...anyone know how to actually force the hardware to take a certain reference level for 0%? Because I can definitely say if the phone was actually utilizing the full 100% of the battery, then I would not ever be complaining about battery life again.

edit: Shutoff at 25 mins, will see if it comes back for another go, went on another cycle for 7 mins then I stopped cause I got fed up (updated log and please see conclusion)
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Sep 30, 2012
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i did the same thing with battery discharger last night. After the initial burn through i ran it again after turning the phone back on and it discharged for over 30 minutes at 0%. a few days before on 0% i watched an hour of a netflix movie and then for 5 hours my phone was on standby at 0% . very strange


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Nov 30, 2012
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I never get that 'Zombie Mode', instead it just gets warm/drains fast. Btw what settings did you have turned on while benching? I will try it too tonight.


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Nov 6, 2012
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I've seen that zombie mode too... A full recharge after draining past zombie mode worked well, but don't know how long that 'fix' lasts... Suspect the problem recurs...

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