Your ******/fangirl -ism level?


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Dec 16, 2012
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My recent comments have raised some eyebrows regarding my extreme Nokia/WP stanship.

I don't know, I guess I am a hard core Nokia stan, but I will drag WP/Nokia to filth, if they have made some questionable judgments, like the Surface RT/Pro prices, and the ATT 6-months exclusivity. oh.gif

So... what is your WP/Nokia stanship level? :grincry:
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Nov 13, 2012
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I have been a Nokia fan ever since my first Nokia phone so on a scale of 1 to 10, I would be a 10, but I really like HTC but not so much Samsung currently because of how they have been acting, they used to be great! As as Windows Phone, I skipped out on WP7 and instead went Android but now I have a WP8 and a Windows 8 computer but I still have a Motorola Xoom as my tablet due to budget, so for Windows Phone I would also say I am a 10. Also for Microsoft as a whole I would be a 8.7, because I still view them as slow to act and as if they don't put 100% of their effort behind each product.


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Oct 29, 2012
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I wouldn't call myself a 'hardcore' fan. I find WP and Nokia the best solution for me and I'm happy to demonstrate to others why. Some people respond really well and end up buying their own, and some still prefer alternatives.

That's fine by me, I'm happy as long as people are using the solution that's best for them. I do think that more people would benefit from Windows Phone, especially those people who have lives and have other things to do than play with their phone. Most of the people I've recommended WP to who have purchased are more than pleased with their purchase and have become loyal to the brand.


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Nov 12, 2012
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Very much like the 920 hardware and the amount of effort Nokia is putting into driving the ecosystem. I really like the direction MS is going in with WP8, though it needs another rev or two before I'd consider it baked enough to recommend to my iPhone friends. I find company loyalty as a concept to be silly, though, so if either company makes my life too difficult, I'm outta here. Not sure which radio button to check on your survey.


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Jan 18, 2013
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I love them both but will call them out on the still maddening lack of updates and features. I can take or leave Instagram, just get me audio profiles, full backup and restore, and a decent desktop management app! And a million other little fixes and tweaks...


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Jan 7, 2013
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I think my 820 is great in most respects for me. Battery life could be a bit better (so I may go for the Mugen 1800mAh just to edge things on a bit) and I wish it was a tad lighter, but I'm being picky here. So no major complaints on Nokia's hardware. I think my 820 is great in terms of hardware and form-factor and I hear good things about all the other Lumias too.

The OS? Well, tgp has echoed my thoughts exactly. WP8 is a young OS and clearly has some maturing to do. I hope it will. Time will tell. I know I've bought into such a system so I accept all that goes with that.

To answer the question, I'm ******-ish, 7-8 out of 10 and I'll stick it out and see what happens. Android certainly doesn't appeal to me and I'm lukewarm on iOS, which is why I waited for WP8. Fangirl? Yeah, one of those would be nice :wink:


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Mar 16, 2013
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I don't have Nokia, I have HTC 8X. I'm a pretty big fan-boy, but most of it is contained. When I got my phone on Friday, my friends with iPhones literally attacked me verbally and got visibly red in the face when trying to tell me how much better their iPhone's were. It was seriously absurd, and actually got me mad. I was just trying to show them cool things about the phone, and they wouldn't even let me get a word in. It's a freaking phone, holy crap.


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Dec 16, 2012
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I don't have Nokia, I have HTC 8X. I'm a pretty big fan-boy, but most of it is contained. When I got my phone on Friday, my friends with iPhones literally attacked me verbally and got visibly red in the face when trying to tell me how much better their iPhone's were. It was seriously absurd, and actually got me mad. I was just trying to show them cool things about the phone, and they wouldn't even let me get a word in. It's a freaking phone, holy crap.

I don't like their pretentiousness.

You probably would have a better defending if you would just get the Lumia 920 though.
Just kidding, I'm glad you enjoy the HTC 8X. I've held one of them, and they're so cute, they're so thin like crackers.


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Jan 26, 2012
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I cant choose anything on here because I'm not a Nokia ******, I'm a WP8 ******. the fact that Nokia didn't Launch with a FLAGSHIP phone on at least HALF the US carriers is pathetic. I'm always like HTC anyway. Plus my 8x has some features I cant part with so might not even go for the Nokia Catwalk. As for Windows Phone I am at the highest ****** state. :D


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Dec 16, 2012
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I cant choose anything on here because I'm not a Nokia ******, I'm a WP8 ******. the fact that Nokia didn't Launch with a FLAGSHIP phone on at least HALF the US carriers is pathetic. I'm always like HTC anyway. Plus my 8x has some features I cant part with so might not even go for the Nokia Catwalk. As for Windows Phone I am at the highest ****** state. :D

Now, when will my 920 get your amazing live clock. It's almost hard to hate you, and I see that we'll get along fine.


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Feb 23, 2012
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I'm not that much of a ******; though, I do find myself defending the platform more often than I'd like to.

I don't place Nokia into particularly high regard. I remember the Symbian days (I owned a 5800) and I still regard their hardware as inferior to competitors. Nokia devices are still characteristically bulky with small displays; but, at least they've come a long way from the 5800 or the N8.


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Jan 24, 2013
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I don't bash other platforms. I literally go around telling people how awesome the lumias I have - 820 and 510 - are. One guy even decided to buy a 820 because of my so called fanboism :)


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Feb 9, 2013
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Not really. I was intrigued with WP so I got a 920. And I didn't like it, so I've moved on. This has happened with Apple products too, its nothing personal. I kept bumping around devices but I've been content with BB10 longer than I thought I would haha


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Nov 12, 2012
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I'm not that much of a ******; though, I do find myself defending the platform more often than I'd like to.

I don't place Nokia into particularly high regard. I remember the Symbian days (I owned a 5800) and I still regard their hardware as inferior to competitors. Nokia devices are still characteristically bulky with small displays; but, at least they've come a long way from the 5800 or the N8.

The bulk helps defend it against drops and hard knocks against the skulls of irritating Apple zealots. Small displays, though? I find my 920 quite large.


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Aug 28, 2012
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No one pays me to use a phone. I use WP because I like it best. Hardcore Office user, my number one app is OneNote. This is why I use WP. If some other company could provide me with a better Office/OS experience I would switch.


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Nov 14, 2012
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I simply don't feel like messing around with android and iOS is just too boring for WP is the best choice out of the 3 plus it's fluid no lag whatsoever for my typical use


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Jan 15, 2013
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I will smack you with my L920 and leave a red mark on your face!!! Hahahaha JK though...not really =D!

I just love Nokia's sense of design in their phone. Not really caring about the hardware to be honest except for the Camera part because all phones are similar in the end.

Sometimes I carry my L900 Cyan with me and ask people if they would like to take the Red pill or the Blue pill!!!

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