VZW customers, what will you do?

Scott Brooks

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Nov 10, 2012
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I called my local VZW earlier and they will have both the 8X and the 822 in store tomorrow. I'm really interested in the 822 due to the leaked pictures of the Odyssey not being impressive. I really want to play with the 822 to see how easy the transition from iPhone would be to WP8.


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My Lumia 822 shows up tomorrow and I doubt I'll even think twice about picking that over the 8X. While the HTC is surely a great phone, the Nokia just seemed like a better fit for me.

Lee B

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The 822 is a better phone for me than the 920.

The 920 and 8X were actually quite disappointing when I used them at the AT&T store next to their 820. The 820's AMOLED display at a lower res looked better than the LCD displays (they were less vibrant). And the 820 is snappier than either, probably because of the lower res screen running on the same hardware.

The only thing the 920 has going for it is the BSI sensor and the OIS. The 8X has nothing in its favor. No expandable storage and it will have the worst battery life of the lot.

The 822 will have the best battery life, will run faster, has microSD, and has a replaceable battery. The display is more vibrant and more appealing than the other two.

I was one who was initially wanting the 920, then I liked the 8X, but looking at them all so far, the 822 is going to be the winner.

Even if the 920 were on Verizon for $99, I'd still buy the 822 over it for the same price. It is a better phone in my mind. Also seems it may be the best of the bunch for reception.

Agree on all counts and came to the same conclusion after playing with all three at an AT&T store. If Verizon were going to have a 92X any time soon, I'd have given it a longer look, but it's heavier and bulkier than I want, and the only advantage I see is the better camera. For some, that's all that matters, but not me.

Beast of Haeven

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I just went to Verizon and checked out the 822 and HTC 8X. Good lord both of these devices look good! The 8X feels really thin even though it isn't any thinner than the 822. And he 822! It looks like a high end device in person. I still want to wait to pick up a 2nd Gen device but the 8x and 822 both look like rock solid devices.


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As many times as I said I was going to wait it out, and not buy anything until Verizon came out with a 9xx or better device, I had to go look at the phones last night. The combination of the FREE 822 pricing on wireless.walmart.com, the price matching at Best Buy, and the willingness of my less-geeky-than-me wife to accept this phone as a hand-me-down should Verizon come out with a better phone fairly soon, I "bought" it last night anyway. To me, side-by-side, the 822 has a better screen than the 8x. It just looks better. And next to Trophy - well, let's just not even compare those two phones - it's not worth the effort. What surprises me the most is how thin and light it is. From the pictures I expected it to be thicker, but it is thinner than Trophy, and even more surprising is that it feels far lighter than Trophy. I'll end up having to get a case to bulk it up for the feel in my hands, but that's me.


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As an AT&T customer, I find these threads fascinating due to Verizon being the main provider in my area and that 90% of my circle of friends are on it, have no desire to switch, and most are coming due for upgrades. There are a few feature phone holdouts, but I am trying to get my friends (none are mobile geeks like I am) to give WP8 a shot. I like what I am hearing, particularly about the 822. It gives me hope I can sell them on the platform.

As for me, the thought of moving off AT&T is not viable until the end of the year 2013, so a 820/920 out of pocket may happen long before that. But I want these devices to be successful so at least the option is there, unlike last year when I just couldn't make the move. I wanted WP7, so we stayed on AT&T.

I am finding it somewhere between sad and funny that so far more forum members have picked the imaginary Surface Phone over the upcoming ATIV.


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Apr 27, 2011
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Does it really? Interesting... Still, I wish I had that OIS / BSI PureView camera.... That's what I really want. This one's nothing to shake a stick at, but I really want that camera.

Another neat note - Remember that "aha!" moment, the first time your phone was linked with bluetooth to your car stereo and you got a text after the Mango update, and your phone said, "Message received from XXX. You can say read it or ignore."? Well, I had one of those moments today when I was talking on the phone with my wife while in the car, through bluetooth to the stereo, and all of a sudden I got a toast notification, and looked down, and noticed that I was getting an update from the WPCentral app! Just to make sure, I tapped it, and the app opened, with the news article! Voice and data at the same time! We haven't been able to do THAT with 3G!

Mr. MacPhisto

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Hey HopMedic, Side by side the 822 screen looks better than the 920s as well imo.

I tend to agree with this statement. The text on the 822 is a bit softer, but that's about it. You definitely don't see the blur so much when you swipe the 920's display, but I also don't tend to read things while the text is moving. It does make a slight difference on video, but the 822 does fine there. The main thing on a phone has always been the streaming and processing power - and both phones are equals there.

The noticeable difference is the brightness and color saturation. The 920's display is better than the 8X at this, but the AMOLED on the 822 benefits from being an AMOLED. It doesn't wash out in bright light, especially sunlight. The blacks are true. The 822 also has a better viewing angle than the other phones. Both the 8X and 920 are much dimmer looking when you move to the sides, even when you are above the device. The 822's display is very consistent at different angles.

I don't mean this as a knock on the 8X or the 920 - they are both great phones. I have said it before - Windows Phone 8 is not launching with any bad phones. Frankly, I'd say all of them are great phones.

The 810/820/822 is the mass market device. It has the expandable storage and the price. If people buy in because its cheap, they will be impressed with the quality. The 822 put the Droids it was sitting next to in the VZW store to shame. Those $100 or less Droid phones are garbage compared to it - and even some of the pricier Android phones are not quite up there with the build quality. Certainly not with the app support.


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Aug 1, 2011
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I bought a white 822 yesterday. I am very pleased with this phone, especially since I came from a Trophy. I think the 822 will outsell the 8X on Verizon. It is definitely a great phone for the price.


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Jul 4, 2011
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I bought a white 822 yesterday. I am very pleased with this phone, especially since I came from a Trophy. I think the 822 will outsell the 8X on Verizon. It is definitely a great phone for the price.

Scott, for as long as you have waited for a better phone, there is no one I am happier for with this new wave of devices.

Did you want a white one, or was it what was available?


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Aug 1, 2011
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Scott, for as long as you have waited for a better phone, there is no one I am happier for with this new wave of devices.

Did you want a white one, or was it what was available?
Thanks! I was leaning toward white before going in the store. I was wanting something beside black. Luckily the white looks pretty nice since gray is online only, so that's what I went with.

Steven Piazza

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Nov 16, 2012
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Going to wait. I see no need to jump on WP8 with 7.8 around the corner. WP8 is obviously going through bug issues. There is no "need to have" feature that makes me feel I need to be an early adopter. Both 8x and 822 are nice phones (used both) but they both have their cons which need to work out. Rumors say HTC has a high end coming and the Odyssey is weeks away. I don't want waste on upgrade on a first gen device that I may regret after the 14 day return period.

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