You CAN Change the Email Address of Your Microsoft Account Without Resetting Your Device.


New member
Nov 12, 2012
It's a time honored platitude around the forum that in order to swap your Microsoft Account to a new email address you HAVE to reset your phone!!! I'm here to say that due to my being stubborn, I discovered this is not true at all.

If you want to retain all backup data and App ownership do not reset your phone and sign in on a new account. You loose everything.

Here is what I did when I wanted to cut Google out of my life and my Microsoft Account for my phones was tied to a Gmail address. I wanted to move it to Outlook, naturally, and the following method worked for me like a BOSS.

Get on a PC browser and sign into the Microsoft Account now on the phone. Add the email address you want to shift to. Make it Primary.

WAIT approximately 48 hours for all the Microsoft servers to get the new info. The new email Primary will show in your phone under the Microsoft Account in Settings > email + accounts. It will start to show everywhere as various Microsoft servers reflect the change. Make sure to import anything else you need from the old email account to the new email account (contacts, calendar, tasks, etc). There are many how-to's on the internet. Do an internet search for "transfer information from <email flavor> to <email flavor>"

After the 48 hours, use a PC browser to log into the new Primary Account name. Delete the old email address you no longer want associated. You retain App ownership, phone backups, stored SMS text messages, etc. all under the new email address on the same old Microsoft Account.

Some small glitch may occur. One user reported an Xbox gamer tag did not transfer over. I had an issue with Skype password verification to swap profile info. A call to Microsoft Customer Care should smooth over any small glitch.

microsoft customer care - Bing
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Can this be done somehow on a PC too? I figured it's time to grow up and retire my old creds.
Wait so does this mean I can change my email from, let's say justforlulz (at) live (com) to myname (at) live (com)?

Thanks for any response
If I do this (and I just did change the primary, will now wait 48 hours), will it also change the MS Account associated with my Windows 8.1 Laptop and keep app ownership there as well? I hope so. Just need to know what to expect. I can't imagine it not changing it everywhere on all your devices using this method.
As of about 4 hours ago, my Laptop and phone both are now showing the new email for my Microsoft Account, and I am now logging into my laptop with the new email.

Changing this in this manner (as instructed) will change everything you log in with for your Microsoft Account, period. Not just your phone.

I have also confirmed that I have retained ownership of all my apps for both my laptop and my phone.

Laptop OS: Windows 8.1 Update
Phone OS: Windows Phone 8.1 Update 2

Basically this has changed my login credentials for OneDrive, Office 365, Office Online,,,, Skype, My Windows Phone, and my Laptop computer.

Finally, I have an email to log in with that is an Exchange Server, and now, at long last, my contacts are finally syncing properly between my PC and phone in the People app and in Outlook, whereas they were not syncing before.

Thanks so much for the instructions in this thread.
Wait so does this mean I can change my email from, let's say justforlulz (at) live (com) to myname (at) live (com)?

Thanks for any response

Yes. It's just a matter of associating a new Primary and letting it filter through the servers before deleting the old email address. Although you would not have to delete it if you wanted a disposable email address. I just deleted mine to get out from under Google's never blinking eye.

...Basically this has changed my login credentials for OneDrive, Office 365, Office Online,,,, Skype, My Windows Phone, and my Laptop computer...

Thanks so much for the instructions in this thread.

Yep. It changes the Microsoft Account. Whatever was linked...

You're welcome. I was just being stubborn. I looked all over the web and everyone said you can not do this. Everyone but Microsoft. It's counter intuitive that any cloud based infrastructure in this day and age would not have the flexibility.
For some reason it's not letting me update my 6tag in the Windows Store. I just changed my password for my Microsoft account (my comcast email) today since I was overdue for changing it but it's not accepting it >.< I've tried restarting my phone and retrying the install but it's not working.
So would this work if were wanting to change from an to an address that I already have? I tried the directions listed above and could not get my outlook account to show up to make it primary. When I type it in the add alias text box it says, "That email is already associated with your account." Kinda stumped, please help. Thanks!
So would this work if were wanting to change from an to an address that I already have?

Is it, by any chance, the same username on both services (live and outlook)?

Sounds like you are Adding an Existing, not creating a new account.

I presume you already have them linked in Outlook? Both email accounts accessible from one inbox? In which case you would need to separate them in Outlook...
It's a time honored platitude around the forum that in order to swap your Microsoft Account to a new email address you HAVE to reset your phone!!! I'm here to say that due to my being stubborn, I discovered this is not true at all.

If you want to retain all backup data and App ownership do not reset your phone and sign in on a new account. You loose everything.

Here is what I did when I wanted to cut Google out of my life and my Microsoft Account for my phones was tied to a Gmail address. I wanted to move it to Outlook, naturally, and the following method worked for me like a BOSS.

Get on a PC browser and sign into the Microsoft Account now on the phone. Add the email address you want to shift to. Make it Primary.

WAIT approximately 48 hours for all the Microsoft servers to get the new info. The new email Primary will show in your phone under the Microsoft Account in Settings > email + accounts. It will start to show everywhere as various Microsoft servers reflect the change. Make sure to import anything else you need from the old email account to the new email account (contacts, calendar, tasks, etc). There are many how-to's on the internet. Do an internet search for "transfer information from <email flavor> to <email flavor>"

After the 48 hours, use a PC browser to log into the new Primary Account name. Delete the old email address you no longer want associated. You retain App ownership, phone backups, stored SMS text messages, etc. all under the new email address on the same old Microsoft Account.

Some small glitch may occur. One user reported an Xbox gamer tag did not transfer over. I had an issue with Skype password verification to swap profile info. A call to Microsoft Customer Care should smooth over any small glitch.

microsoft customer care - Bing

Thanks very much for posting this helpful information.Please could you post a link to any easy tutorial which will help me import my photos and other files stored in Onedrive and also my contacts,messages etc from my Microsoft account signed in with my Google account to my alias with which I want to make my primary alias ?I am not savvy in these things and I am worried that I might lose my photos etc and so many types of tutorials are making me feel confused.I would very much like to make my sign in account for Microsoft.

Thanks in advance..
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Honestly, I don't believe in bundling accounts together from different platforms and ecosystems.

My advice would be to run the switch and get your Microsoft Services affiliated with Outlook by the method shown above. Then when you are satisfied that everything you own under your Microsoft Account is under Outlook, remove the Gmail completely from the Microsoft Account rather than aliasing it.

Reason: one bad apple spoils the whole bunch and if something goes wonky somewhere you don't have to pull at so many strands to straighten it out.

I keep my Microsoft activity segregated in Outlook, my Google activity segregated in Gmail and my catch-all web signup presence and SPAM attractor activity segregated in Yahoo. I run them all separate and will have no remorse cutting one loose and starting over without missing a step on another service.

For this reason I'm not even practiced or knowledgeable on the Alias system.

If you separate the Gmail out it can standalone and you won't loose anything there either.
Honestly, I don't believe in bundling accounts together from different platforms and ecosystems.

My advice would be to run the switch and get your Microsoft Services affiliated with Outlook by the method shown above. Then when you are satisfied that everything you own under your Microsoft Account is under Outlook, remove the Gmail completely from the Microsoft Account rather than aliasing it.

Reason: one bad apple spoils the whole bunch and if something goes wonky somewhere you don't have to pull at so many strands to straighten it out.

I keep my Microsoft activity segregated in Outlook, my Google activity segregated in Gmail and my catch-all web signup presence and SPAM attractor activity segregated in Yahoo. I run them all separate and will have no remorse cutting one loose and starting over without missing a step on another service.

For this reason I'm not even practiced or knowledgeable on the Alias system.

If you separate the Gmail out it can standalone and you won't loose anything there either.

Thanks for the quick reply.I too want to separate my Gmail and Microsoft account and the first step which I have taken today is to add an account and make it my primary alias.Now I will be waiting for it to be updated on MS servers.After it is on MS servers do I have to import contacts,calendar,Onedrive files or do they get automatically available in my account and I can separate the Gmail completely ? If I have to import then please can you post a link to an easy tutorial as you mentioned in your first post ?
I really regret creating my MS account with my Gmail and I want to separate the two completely.
I am sorry for my ignorance .Thanks in advance
Whatever Contacts/Calendar/Tasks you have in your Microsoft Account will remain. OneDrive is all Microsoft and it will follow this change.

After the 48 hour wait, I'd log into the Outlook account on the web in a PC browser.

Check what is in there by clicking the services flyout and examining Calendar and People.


When you click on People you see contacts in the left panel and information to connect accounts or import contacts. To maintain that integrity of segregation just import, rather than connect. It's the separation we want.


For Calendar (and associated tasks) you need to export as ICS file from Google Calendar to your desktop, then import them into Outlook Calendar.




That should do it. Like I said, OneDrive content and App ownership follows to the new Outlook Address.

Your Google Drive, Docs etc. all stay with Gmail.
So would this work if were wanting to change from an to an address that I already have? I tried the directions listed above and could not get my outlook account to show up to make it primary. When I type it in the add alias text box it says, "That email is already associated with your account." Kinda stumped, please help. Thanks!

This is from MS 's alias information page
'Existing,, and addresses can't be added as aliases.'

Use aliases to add email addresses to your account - Help
That should do it. Like I said, OneDrive content and App ownership follows to the new Outlook Address.

Your Google Drive, Docs etc. all stay with Gmail.

Thank you very much ,your post makes it clear to me.
Since I have just initiated the process today I will have to wait for 48 hours to follow your tutorial.
I will post an update after I am done with it.Hope it goes smoothly.

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