Lost Outlook Contacts from phone after update to 14291


Nov 8, 2010
Immediately after the upgrade all my contacts synced from my Microsoft account are gone. Only seeing people from messaging + skype and Facebook. Anyone else seeing this? Suggestions for syncing my contacts without resetting phone?

After some additional investigation, it appears the phone knows who a person is if i call their number. But their details from my outlook account are not displayed in the people app, and i cannot send SMS by name either.

I hate not being able to submit feedback from the device... MDM restriction from my employer:/
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I submitted this exact feedback earlier--I'm with you on this one. Seems like others are experiencing it as well, so hopefully a fix is incoming...
FIXED! Go to? Settings / Accounts / Email & App Accounts --> Delete your Live account under the "Email, calendar, and contacts" header. Open Outlook Mail app and re-add your Live account. Should fix syncing issues for email, calendar, and--and most importantly--CONTACTS!
This happened to me last night! My phone reset in my pocket unbeknownst to me and the next time I looked, all of my contacts where gone! I freaked out until I got home and checked my contacts online and on my other phones (One, 920 and ATIV) and the other 3 still had them. It must be a gigantic bug with the latest People app update for Redstone.
Thanks for testing that and letting us know! Calendar now shows two calendars (one under " Microsoft Account" and another under "Outlook") but I guess I'll deal with it until the next time I reset
Can you explain how exactly did you delete your Live/Hotmail account as it does not allow me to do it!
Thanks as well! This worked for me and it worked really quickly. When I went to add my account back in the information was already stored, like my password, so I just clicked on the name and it repopulated my email and my contacts very quickly.
I've lost my contacts after upgrading to windows 10 mobile on my Lumia 640 XL, and after 2 days of search found this solution on a forum that worked for me:

1. Go to your microsoft account via browser and add an alias account: your info> manage your sign-in email or phone number> Add email> Add alias> Create a new email address and add it as an alias

An alias account is a secondary account with the same password and information as your primary outlook account.

After creating an alias account follow these steps on your phone:

1. Go to settings
2. Accounts
3. Your email and accounts
4. Add an account
5. Advanced setup (DO NOT use outlook.com! it is important to do this via advanced setup)
6. Exchange ActiveSync
7. Email Address: (Enter your alias account email address)
8. Password: (the same as your primary microsoft account password)
9. User name: ( Enter your alias account email address)
10. Domain: (leave it blank)
11. Server: ( m.outlook.com or if you use other like hotmail m.hotmail.com)
12. make sure the Server requires.... is checked.
13. Account name: (whatever you like)
14. Sign in

After this go to people app settings and it should be synced, if not add this account and let it sync.

I hope this solution helps you.
I've lost my contacts after upgrading to windows 10 mobile on my Lumia 640 XL, and after 2 days of search found this solution on a forum that worked for me:

1. Go to your microsoft account via browser and add an alias account: your info> manage your sign-in email or phone number> Add email> Add alias> Create a new email address and add it as an alias

An alias account is a secondary account with the same password and information as your primary outlook account.

After creating an alias account follow these steps on your phone:

1. Go to settings
2. Accounts
3. Your email and accounts
4. Add an account
5. Advanced setup (DO NOT use outlook.com! it is important to do this via advanced setup)
6. Exchange ActiveSync
7. Email Address: (Enter your alias account email address)
8. Password: (the same as your primary microsoft account password)
9. User name: ( Enter your alias account email address)
10. Domain: (leave it blank)
11. Server: ( m.outlook.com or if you use other like hotmail m.hotmail.com)
12. make sure the Server requires.... is checked.
13. Account name: (whatever you like)
14. Sign in

After this go to people app settings and it should be synced, if not add this account and let it sync.

I hope this solution helps you.

Thanks for this. I just experienced this people app bug as well. Mine happened when all the mail in my outlook app just disappeared and would not resync. I deleted the account and re-added it. The mail came back but the contacts were gone. I knew I still had them because they showed up on people.live.com and on my surface pro 4.

Your solution helped. Thank you again. I now have my contacts. However, I did not create an alias. I did it with the same account and I used m.hotmail.com
Thanks very much for this I upgraded to W10M on my 640XL and had the same problem and this solution has worked for me
Thanks for the posts. I haven't had success with the recommendations here. Still looking for a solution. I had double emails in my inbox this morning. I deleted the account and re-entered it. The inbox went back to normal but my "People" disappeared from the app. I've deleted the account and re-entered it a couple of times and no success. Glad I still have a Blackberry working on Verizon.
I had this very same problem with My L930 when I weas forced to do a hard reset. Lost my contacs.
I had linked contacts from corporate account and my personal people account. Deleted the links between the two yesterday, this morning acording to the phone people app was updated and appears the the missing contacts game back to the phone. Running latest insider fast.
I'm with you all. I have 2 phones running insider and it happened to both... Trying the delete / add fix now.
I noticed that one of my contact had 70+ links and certainly in have not made them... removed those on PC people app and looks like that the phone updated accordingly.

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