W10M Insider Preview 10586.242 Issues (Threshold branch)


New member
Nov 22, 2015
Downloading now, will be interesting to see any difference, all I want is STEREO RECORDING on my 1020 and I will be happy, it seems such a simple request
I left the insider because I couldn't stand the draining battery and screen freeze. I hope these issues are gone. Downloading updates 26%.
Switched to release ring, checked for updates
Updates started downloading at 8:37am local time. Download complete at 8:43am. Size of update unknown but it looks small

Installation started at 8:43am. Restarted at 8:59am. Spinning gears started at 9:00. Almost done page -migrating data- started at 9:18am. Start screen at 9:26am

Total time for installation is about 50 minutes
Updated my L930, L925, L830, L820, L735 phones. Seems to be fine. But in my L930 the Flashlight button dissapered in the top dropdown meny. Just a blank square hole there now. Anyone else that got the same? How to get it back?
Updated on my 950 XL, runs super smooth and even day one I want ot say the battery life is better. I turned Cortana and location back on and its draining about 1-1.5% per hour if I am not using it. Nice improvement for sure from the 3-4% I was experiencing before.
Running very well on my HTC One (M8 for Windows). I just wish for some more serious apps that can be used for business.
Updated my Lumia 640 to .242 last night without problems. Rich Capture seems to work correctly now, with shorter saving times. Battery usage remains at about 4.6%/hour (double 8.1).
In an attempt to improve battery life, I tried to shut off Cortana, but can find no settings to do so! Anyone know how to do this with 242?
When .218 hit I got it on my 640 running Insider Release Ring and my 1520 running Official at the same time.

When .242 hit I got it promptly on my 640, my 1520 continues not to find it.

Theory:​ Release Ring is being prepped for Redstone.
Theory:​ Release Ring is being prepped for Redstone.

Seems a bit early, though, doesn't it? With the rumors of a late July release for the PC build, I'm assuming that the mobile would be on the same schedule. It's possible, but it seems to early for that.
Could be cumulative. Fast and Slow must be teaching them something and they are patching retroactively I imagine. If the .242 is just patching Threshold, then WaaS should deliver it to Production like it did .218.

There is still an experimental element (limited risk) to Release. Witness how Release tested .168 for awhile before that went Production. Then .218 came pretty close behind.

Again, just a theory. I have no Inside knowledge (pun intended with malice), but won't they get way more telemetry pushing down the pyramid to the bottom? Heck, it's almost May now.

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