Why does MS make things so difficult?

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Seymour Butzz

New member
Apr 23, 2015
We all realize that this is for testing but...
How on earth can they get this wrong so many times on so many levels? Every new version breaks something from the last one. I use WP and Surface Pro 3. I have 20 Years of MS behind me as an IT professional. Even with all the warning from MS regarding the real usage of this crap and, not to count on the device for reliability, it begs the questing as to whether they have a clue what they are doing. Regression is what this looks like. Windows 10...the giant apology...followed by the next enormous apology.
All the talent combined with a heap of cash...and this is it?
Because you're seeing things that you never had before. also their goal is to get the bulk of stuff in, its not even feature complete yet.
Stability and polish comes later.
Revisit it all when its RTM is my opinion.

Who knows how many things broke in development, going back and forth when they were developing Windows 7, 8, XP, 2000, etc? There was that famous demo of 98 that bluescreened. "I guess this is why we aren't shipping [Windows 98] today!"
Because you're seeing things that you never had before. also their goal is to get the bulk of stuff in, its not even feature complete yet.
Stability and polish comes later.
Revisit it all when its RTM is my opinion.

Who knows how many things broke in development, going back and forth when they were developing Windows 7, 8, XP, 2000, etc? There was that famous demo of 98 that bluescreened. "I guess this is why we aren't shipping [Windows 98] today!"

Plenty. I was in the Memphis beta for win98 almost from the start.. Public previews and betas were not part of the program back then... Microsoft is really trying to do a unique thing here...
Coming from OSX, iOS... I see Microsoft is indeed offering the big apology or more like the "Big Surrender". Things are starting to look and behave a lot like Apple's offerings. Can't deny it. And now that Ballmer's gone, it's about time IMO.
Coming from OSX, iOS... I see Microsoft is indeed offering the big apology or more like the "Big Surrender". Things are starting to look and behave a lot like Apple's offerings. Can't deny it. And now that Ballmer's gone, it's about time IMO.

It's about time that they start following others behaviors instead of being the once trendsetter and market leader they used to be? Makes sense. /s
We all realize that this is for testing but...
How on earth can they get this wrong so many times on so many levels? Every new version breaks something from the last one. I use WP and Surface Pro 3. I have 20 Years of MS behind me as an IT professional. Even with all the warning from MS regarding the real usage of this crap and, not to count on the device for reliability, it begs the questing as to whether they have a clue what they are doing. Regression is what this looks like. Windows 10...the giant apology...followed by the next enormous apology.
All the talent combined with a heap of cash...and this is it?

It's difficult to introduce code (in the form of new features) without introducing new issues. Just because something worked fine before, doesn't mean that new code introduced else where will not interfere.

It's about time that they start following others behaviors instead of being the once trendsetter and market leader they used to be? Makes sense. /s

Times change, and so must a company to survive. Both Chrome OS and Mac OSX have features or UI elements that were originally featured in Windows. Microsoft isn't in the position it once was and is now borrowing elements of those OS's while also adding their own touch to it. So yes, it DOES make sense.
It's about time that they start following others behaviors instead of being the once trendsetter and market leader they used to be? Makes sense. /s
I believe MS tried to be a trendsetter in the phone department... that netted them a whopping 2.7% of the market. (And they continue to lose millions every quarter including the most recent). While I wish things were different, I'd like to see them stick around. If that means being a "me too" in certain areas, so be it. I'm tired of using good and promising WP apps that have been abandoned by starving developers.
I believe MS tried to be a trendsetter in the phone department... that netted them a whopping 2.7% of the market. (And they continue to lose millions every quarter including the most recent). While I wish things were different, I'd like to see them stick around. If that means being a "me too" in certain areas, so be it. I'm tired of using good and promising WP apps that have been abandoned by starving developers.
There are many companies that were 'me too' and look where that got them.

Microsoft tried to be different.....but did it haphazardly.
There was nothing wrong with Windows Phone 7 on the surface. easy to use and had loads of features.

Except for missing out on several key features(Copy and paste) in 2010 that competing software had had for years.
Microsoft was different for the sake of being different. Not different for the sake of providing something NEW, FRESH, and BETTER.

Windows Phone 8 is what Windows phone 7 should have been and 8.1 is what Windows Phone 8 should have been, but they were late.

I applaud Microsoft for going with Metro/Modern and not the usual grid of icons. I definitely don't applaud the half-baked attempts they have which is a large reason WHY the marketshare is so low. Not because of the apps. Android came out and it certainly lacked many of the apps of IOS and it up until a few years ago with the Moto Droid lacked anything 'it' worthy compared to iPhone.

It wasn't the fact it had apps...it was the fact that not only do something different from Apple (the openness) but it did it BETTER than apple did and that's why Android is as successful as it is. Not because of its huge app store. Same thing with Apple. Apple's iPhone didn't even have an app store. It simply was fresh and it did what it did better than competitors at the time. WITH NO apps.
We all realize that this is for testing but...
How on earth can they get this wrong so many times on so many levels? Every new version breaks something from the last one. I use WP and Surface Pro 3. I have 20 Years of MS behind me as an IT professional. Even with all the warning from MS regarding the real usage of this crap and, not to count on the device for reliability, it begs the questing as to whether they have a clue what they are doing. Regression is what this looks like. Windows 10...the giant apology...followed by the next enormous apology.
All the talent combined with a heap of cash...and this is it?

The you're NOT the type of person for the previews. Just don't install them and wait until it's released. Why complain about something that you KNOW won't work 100%? Baffles me.

P.s. I've 16 years of IT stuff behind me, MSCE etc, but even I know that Windows 10, as it is, is for TESTING only.
That's just how things go (I guess). Development isn't just linear progression, like building a house is - you start with nothing and build your way towards success with no mistakes and with a clear plan.
There's a lot of going back and forth, fixing one thing while breaking another. It will all look decent later on.
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