Build 10166 and The Crashing/Disappearing Start Screen/Menu


New member
Nov 13, 2011
Is anyone else having this issue where your start screen/menu just crashes or vanishes after a second or two. This only started happening for me now in build 10166, and the menu was behaving beautifully in the earlier build (10162). I am unable to access all apps or customize my tiles. Most of the time it makes is very difficult to actually clck or tap on any of the tiles either to run something.

I've tried to change the configuration between "menu" and "screen" to see if its restricted to one of them, but both of them vanish after a few seconds.

Does anyone know how to​ work around this, or will we simply need to wait for a new build or a hotfix?

I am too having this issue but I'm on 10162. Also having a windows update issue tryting to get 10166. Older builds worked great on my PC.
I am having the same issue with the start menu or screen, regardless of how it is configured -- crashing. Edge is locking up so much I am back to Internet Explorer. Facebook app is spastic too.

10662 was much more solid.
Just posted about this on another thread. Having the same issue and it makes the start menu completely useless now. Have to use Cortana to open an app. Very frustrating
I'm having this issue too. In general I find 10166 to be a HUGE step back from 10162 in terms of stability.
It's doing this to me on my HP Stream 7 but not on my Surface Pro 1. It did it during 10162 and 10166 for my stream.
I am getting the same issue. 10166 doesn't seem as stable as 10162. Im thinking of rolling back.
Same here. To launch an app I use the search box. That works. This issue appears similar to a previous build (10130?), where using the search box to launch an app was also a workaround, as mentioned above.
Only real improvement is the Edge browser which is really coming together now.
Build 10162 did seem more stable than 10166.
Here, the start menu isn't even there, my Lumia 1020 just keeps saying"loading", with a black background...
Hi all,

Start menu bug seems related to Phone companion tile.
If you have it on your start menu, remove it.

It have done the trick for me, start menu is functionnal now.
Hi all,

Start menu bug seems related to Phone companion tile.
If you have it on your start menu, remove it.

It have done the trick for me, start menu is functionnal now.

I literally just found another thread that mentioned the phone companion app being the cause. For those who can't remove the companion app from the start menu the usual way, they recommended this:

Open powershell as administrator.
Paste this

$app = Get-AppxPackage -Name Microsoft.WindowsPhone

$app | Remove-AppxPackage

$man = $app.installlocation + "\appxmanifest.xml"

Add-appxpackage -register -disabledevelopmentmode $man

Press enter

Try the start menu now.

Here's hoping these glitches are being ironed out if not already done so in later builds. I know a lot of people aren't going to want to do a reset or clean install when they upgrade.
Exact same as me! I tried uninstalling then reinstalling on my Lumia 521 but that didn't solve the problem. It's a bit hard for us to log the problem in the Feedback app when we can't load the app itself and Microsoft doesn't seen to have a website-based method of doing so for phones :|
Build 10240, the fix did not work for me.... phone app is gone but menu continues to disappear after a couple seconds :-(

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