Why aren't my Mail and Calendar apps working or not opening in Windows 10?

Dhileepudu Jambula

New member
Apr 13, 2014
Mail and Calendar apps are not working or not "opening" in Windows 10

Hello everyone

I have upgraded to Windows 10 and the "Mail" and "Calendar" app dont work as every time I click or try to open it, it just doesnt respond, nothing comes up, is there any kind of settings I am missing in here?
Re: Mail and Calendar apps are not working or not "opening" in Windows 10

Try uninstalling and reinstalling them.

1. Open Power Shell as an Admin (Do a search for Power Shell, right-click on it, select Run As Admin)
2. In Power Shell enter the following command Get-AppxPackage *communi* | Remove-AppXPackage
3. Close Power Shell by typing Exit (after command finishes running)
4. Open Store and search for Mail and Calendar (they are one app in the store)
5. Install
6. Reboot (may not be necessary but I needed to do it)
7. They should work now

Credit to https://thomas.vanhoutte.be/miniblog/delete-windows-10-apps/
Re: Mail and Calendar apps are not working or not "opening" in Windows 10

Thank you for the quick reply but now found out that I cant install anything from the store, is there any way to get this working?

Re: Mail and Calendar apps are not working or not "opening" in Windows 10

I had the same issue along with others. The only thing I could do yas a fresh install, since then everthimg has worked flawlessly.

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